
Trial: Knighthood (1)

"HAHAHAHA! SO FUN! SO FUN! SO FUNNN!" Ella's voice reverberated throughout the hall's walls, forcing the King's left eye to slowly peel open. 

'Amusing... Such a wretchedly disgusting creature. Humph! It will be fun crushing it apart.' Just as serenely the eye was forced open, with even more elegance it shut down. 

"KNEEL! KNEEL! KNEEL!!" Ella's shadow burst out like a fire bursting from the addition of fuel, a thick black shadow crawled atop her body and drowned her in the shadow. 

The other four could only stare with their Jaws hanging loose as Ella got sucked into the ground before her shadow just vanished all together. It didn't even take a whole two seconds for everything to occur. 

The shadow near the Princes started wriggling around like something was moving inside it and suddenly, Ella rushed out of the shadow, her lips parted into a frightening smile.