
Chapter l : Chance

At first, I don't believe in destiny or fate

and even soulmates because some

people entered on your life without

a reason, some might have but pointless

and some have similar reason from


In my life..I always stayed on white

rooms, it was spacious and has large

windows with white curtains. I wanted

to be like other children and have fun

memories of their childhood days.

But all I could do is watch from a far

from the windows of my room, I couldn't

do anything so I just imagine that I

played with them even I didn't.

All my life wasn't fun at all because I

was watched and prohibited any action

that can ruin their reputation, in a young

age they taught me how to act like an

mature adult or worse than that.

Whenever I go many guards or

bodyguards watched me, some kids like

me are scared of me and not because I

have two guards at my back but just like

other people they know who I am and

that's why there scared of me and I hate


My parents didn't care of me instead

they sees me as their client whose

gonna be the new CEO when the time

comes, and all of the years all I can see

is white papers, documents and the

white room where I take my special


And I'm alone in this big mansion...

But even where like this we still believe

that someday it will change and there

will be chance for a people like us...