
The Second Coming of the Ancient Star

Austin, a man reincarnated from a world where science is prominent, finds himself In a world where Magians, humans who possess the capabilities to perform arcane (a.k.a magic), must battle against the re-emerging demonic creatures and their followers to protect the human race and other humanoid races, from annihilation. Following a life-saving encounter with a famous hero, Austin's awakening grants him the memories of his past life and access to 'The Akasha', a mysterious system. With newfound purpose, he endeavors to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, facing challenges and adversaries to uncover the secrets of his reincarnation and the enigmatic origins of The Akasha.

SuensQuill · Fantasía
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14 Chs

The Lord Who Hosts

"Are you really not going to come with us, Neve?" Xander queried.

"Come with us Mama, it'll be fun."

"It's okay, you have fun for me instead. I still have work tonight so I need to sleep first. Don't worry about me and eat to your heart's content." Neve smiles in response. "Oh and Austin, don't forget the thing I told you last night, okay?"

"Yes, Mama," Austin replied unwillingly. "But what if the noble will start it?"

"Austin, they are of high status. Being invited into one of these events is amazing enough." Neve went closer to Austin who was expressing a rebellious look, and added softly, "I know that it's unfair, Austin. I am proud that you have such a heart. But without thinking things thoroughly, you might even hurt the people around you as well." Austin recalled how the ebony girl three days ago got punished the most due to his childish actions.

"I understand, Mama. I won't make a scene, I promise." Austin replied with sad eyes, realizing that he didn't have any power or influence to make a change in this cruel society.

On the way to the Baron's château, beautiful carriages designed with unique patterns and colors filled the streets. The young Lord's birthday banquet buzzed with excitement and merriment.

When they arrived, the trio approached the grand entrance of the mansion, eager to join in the celebration. However, their anticipation was dampened by the sight of the butler stationed at the door, his stern expression signaling trouble.

"I'm sorry but we don't let commoners like you into the party," the butler declared haughtily, his tone dripping with disdain. "It's strictly a banquet for nobilities only."

Austin and Xander exchanged disappointed glances, their hopes of joining the festivities dashed by the butler's words. The butler can't help but get irritated at Fai who is silently staring at him.

Just as they were about to turn away, a familiar voice called out to them from the crowd inside the door.

"Wait!" They turned to see Udeit pushing through the throng of guests, a determined expression on her face. She approached the butler with confidence, her gaze unwavering.

"Wow!" Xander acclaimed with eyes wide and mouth agape. She was adorned in a stunning amber-red knee-length gown. With each step, the soft fabric with patterns of large obfuscated black roses flutters. The black belt accentuated her thin waist, and the black leather boots that covered her calves were paired with black gloves completing her outfit.

Garnet stones-embedded hairpin held her braided silky black hair together. Around her neck was a deep shade of purple, the gemstone complimenting the radiant hue of her eyes. Everyone thought it was her eyes that drew everyone to her charm of innocence.

"They are my friends," Udeit stated firmly, her voice carrying across the courtyard. "They are guests of the young Lord who were invited by him directly. How dare you, a butler overstep your boundaries. Let them in." The butler's expression faltered for a moment, his resolve wavering under Udeit's steely gaze.

"Wait, how did she know that we were invited by the young Lord?" Austin whispered to Fai.

"I guess they talked about it while we're gone." Fai calmly replied.

Austin, thought about it for a second before replying, "Does that mean, they're okay now?"

"That, I don't know."

As Udeit intervened to ensure the trio's entry into the banquet, Austin's attention was momentarily diverted from the young Lord's approach who came from the garden, probably making a turn around the mansion, avoiding the busy crowd. Udeit was still talking to the butler when she was surprised to find the young Lord standing beside her, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"Surprised to see me here?" the young Lord quipped, a playful grin on his lips. "I couldn't resist joining in the fun."

Udeit's eyes widened in astonishment, her surprise evident as she realized that the young Lord was already present at the party, despite his role as the host.

"But... shouldn't you be getting ready?" Udeit asked, her brow furrowing with concern. "As the host, you have responsibilities..."

The young Lord chuckled, waving off her concerns with a casual shrug. "Are you worried about me, little sister?" he replied playfully. "And who wants to enter a party through a boring staircase when you can make a grand entrance with everyone through the main door?"

"Looks like the young Lord doesn't need our help after all," Austine whispered to Xander.

"Ah-Ah, yes? Oh, yeah - I mean they're both pretty."


The young Lord is in a white three-piece suit. Dazzling with each movements are the black jewels in them. A black rhinestone bowtie contrasted the white suit while he stood with an air of regal confidence.

The citrine rose brooch with exquisite details shone as its golden petals gleam. The delicate but persevering flower symbolizes the barony he hailed from. The warm hue of the citrine stone perfectly complemented his charming eyes filled with charisma.

"Oh? -- Not bad at all." Fai acclaimed as he scanned the young Lord.

Udeit couldn't help but smile at the young Lord's playful spirit, her worries fading in the face of his infectious enthusiasm.

"Now, let's get inside, shall we?" The young Lord announced as he watched the buttler frozen on the spot.

With a nod of understanding, Udeit stepped aside to allow the young Lord and the trio to enter the party together, their laughter echoing in the air as they embarked on an afternoon filled with celebration as they walked in a long hallway toward the throne room.

The doors to the throne room opened and the grandeur of the occasion was seen. Everyone twisted their figures to see the upcoming guests after them but was surprised to see the young Lord making his entrance instead.

The roses contrasted with the tapestries and trimmings decorated the throne room lavishly. Their vibrant hues and scents filled the air, with colors ranging from deep crimson to soft pastel. Even the furnishings are intricately carved with roses.

The imposing thrones at the center were adorned with aches of roses. Their blossoms spread forth with a riot of colors, creating a focal point for the whole room.

The Announcer instantly cleared his throat as five children suddenly entered the banquet unannounced. "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests and honored dignitaries, as they grace us with their presence, a beacon of grace and nobility in our midst," the announcer's voice rang out with genuine admiration through the throne room. "Please help me welcome the arrival of our host and esteemed young Lord, Malvasius Demut, accompanied by the enchanting Lady, Udeit Demut, and..." the announcer scanned the remaining three people with extreme confusion, thinking of a way to welcome them. Judging by their plain appearance, he just added, "and company." It was fast and soft, as if he was unsure, making Fai softly laugh.

The announcer's voice rang out, heralding the young Lord's arrival with his sister, and the guests turned their attention towards the newcomers. Some are surprised, some are confused, and some are disgusted. The mood quickly soured as one of the guests, the same fat nobleman from three days ago, voiced his disapproval at the presence of the three.

"What is the meaning of this, Malvasius? Why are your slaves with you? If I had known, I would have brought mine inside as well." the nobleman addressed Malvasius, his tone dripping with disdain.

The words struck Xander like a blow to the chest, his heart sinking with hurt and indignation. Fai remained outwardly composed, but a flicker of annoyance danced in his eyes. And Austin, unable to contain his anger, shot the nobleman a fierce glare, his fists clenched at his sides. Udeit wanted to refute but seeing the calm expression of the young Lord, she held back.

Before anyone could respond, the young Lord stepped forward, his expression firm. "They are not my slaves," he declared. "They are my friends."

A ripple of murmurs swept through the room, but the nobleman scoffed incredulously. "Friends? Commoners have no place among the nobility. What disgrace are you talking about?" he sneered, his words dripping with contempt.

Udeit, standing nearby, bristled at the insult, her instinct to defend her friends rising within her. But before she could speak, the young Lord raised a hand, silencing her.

"An insult towards the Baron's people is an insult to the Baron himself," the young Lord stated coolly, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Are you ready to face the consequences of making a scene in front of the host?"

The nobleman's face paled slightly at the mention of the Baron as he realized the gravity of his words, but he did not back down. "If stating facts about these commoners' place is an insult, how much more of an insult are you showing us by bringing them in with you and associate us nobilities who have spent and travelled far for this occasion? Isn't it unfair for us?" The nobleman smirked as if he's winning the argument by showing empathy to the nobles around them.

"Let me ask you, sir Hässlich, who do you serve?"

"What obvious questions are you asking?"

"Unless you are an enemy spy, then you will be able to answer my question with ease."

"This bra... Of course, His Majesty the King, King Sargon of Brücke!" He claimed proudly.

"Isn't that right?" the young Lord's tone contains mockery. "Do you think that you can provide loyal soldiers if you can't treat your people well? Isn't that a way to endanger the well-being of the King?"

"I don't need to treat them well since it is, I, who provided them shelter and it is their duty to follow my orders."

"What is the use of the shelters you provided if there will be no one to occupy? Furthermore, since His Majesty provided you your fief, are you obliged to follow his orders?" The room fell silent. Most of the people here instantly understood where Malvasius was taking the argument and before the embarrassed nobleman could rebuke, he added, "If it is your duty to comply with the King's orders, why haven't you provided support when His Majesty commanded it in the past?" The silence broke out as the young Lord stated horrible facts about the nobleman.

"This is defamation, how dare.."

"If stating facts about your deeds is defamation, what do you think are you doing by insulting my friends in front of my, own, guests?"


"My friends here showed dignity more than you ever could, I witnessed them myself, and they have gained my favor as expected of their actions. I don't ever want to hear these insults from a Baron whose household is infamous for their cowardly tendencies." A hint of laughter can be heard from afar. "Go and stay silent in a corner like you always do. Don't worry about us, we're quite used to it already." Malvasius resumed walking and led his friends towards a table near the thrones.

Along the way, nobilities of the same status greeted him with smiles. The tension in the room eased, and the young Lord turned to his friends with a wink and a reassuring smile. They stood together, united against the prejudiced eyes of the nobility.

"You learned your history well, Malvasius." A man in a striking vest said, "You are so gorgeous today, Udeit," he added.

"Thank you, Viscount Nützlich." Udeit accepted the compliment with a bow.

"Ah, Viscount Nützlich! Thank you for showering us with your blessings by attending our humble celebration." Malvasius understated their preparations with a bow as well.

"You call this humble?" Viscount Nützlich referred to the stunning throne room as being decorated with roses. "Damn, your throne room is better than mine, I envy it."

"Language, honey." A beautiful woman standing beside the Viscount, who is in a black gown interfered.

"Lady, Nützlich." Malvasius bowed elegantly together with Udeit as he reached for the Lady's hand, "You look stunning, as always." Malvasius added a compliment as he softly kissed it.

"Oh, you're so young, yet you already know how to flutter a lady's heart. Just like any other noblemen." The woman replied as he covered his mouth with her designer fan.

"I'll take that as a compliment," he replied with a bright smile and everyone around them laughed at the inside joke.

As the crowd started to bombard the celebrant with greetings, Udeit excused herself and took the initiative to guide the trio to a nearby table. She led Austin, Xander, and Fai to a table near the thrones, anticipation humming in the air.

Xander looked at Malvasius with a pitying expression. "Is this how nobilities greet each other? It looks tiring."

"Welcome to our world," Udeit replied with a sigh.

After a while, the estate's Baron finally arrived. All eyes turned towards him who was magnificently standing on top of the staircase. A hush fell over the room.

Malvasius saw this opportunity to escape from the crowd and welcomed his father at the bottom of the staircase.

"Please help me welcome, Baron Gideon Demut!" Everyone stood and clapped as the announcer announced the Baron's arrival. Fai was already standing along with the crowd when Austin and Xander followed suit, albeit late. Everyone awaited the Baron's descent, making a grand entrance to join the festivities.

"By the way, you look pretty today Udeit. Well, you're always pretty - wait, no - No I didn't mean it that way - I mean, you do look pretty but not in a way that way - No, I'm not saying it in a weird way. No, it's not you who is weird. I, I am being weird. What am I saying? All I wanted to say is you're breathtaking. Wait, what?" Xander seems like he can't find the right words to convey his thoughts and Austin laughs it off because he genuinely thinks it's funny but Fai on the other hand knows what's going on so he slightly chuckled as he looked between Udeit and Xander.

"Thank you, Xander. You're handsome too." Udeit remarked and added, "Let me join brother and father in the thrones. See you later, okay? Have fun." Udeit smiled warmly towards Xander and left to join his brother at the bottom of the staircase.

"I-I'm, what? Does she think I'm handsome?" Xander asked with a blushing face.

When the Baron reached his children, he asked with a smile, "Why are you already here?" his tone tinged with confusion. "I was looking everywhere for you, why did you leave me alone upstairs?"

Malvasius and Udeit smiled warmly, gesturing towards their friends on one of the tables. "I wanted to spend some time with my friends before the festivities began, Father," Malvasius explained, his voice filled with sincerity.

The Baron's expression softened as he looked upon his son and his companions, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Ah, I see," he said with a chuckle. "Well, I'm glad to see you enjoying yourself."

With a nod of approval, the three of them started walking towards the thrones, his presence commanding the attention of the room once more.

"I was supposed to give my speech for this occasion. But I wanted to give this chance to the celebrant instead." The Baron pushed Malvasius to the front. Malvasius is red with embarrassment and confusion but he instantly relaxed himself.

"I was not oriented about this father." he let out a dry laugh and everyone responded to the joke with a laugh as well. "My dear friends and esteemed guests,

As I stand before you on this special day, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude. Today, as I celebrate my birthday, I am reminded not only of the blessings bestowed upon me but also of the responsibility that comes with the privilege of leadership.

To the people we protect, our people, I extend my deepest gratitude. Your unwavering support and loyalty are the foundation upon which our noble house stands. It is your courage, your resilience, and your unwavering dedication that inspire me each day.

As we look to the future, let us renew our commitment to one another – to stand united in the face of adversity, to uphold the values of justice and compassion, and to work tirelessly for the betterment of our kingdom and all its inhabitants.

On this joyous occasion, let us not only celebrate my birthday but also the bonds of friendship that unite us as one. Together, we shall overcome any challenge that may come our way, and together, we shall build a brighter tomorrow for generations to come.

So let us raise our glasses, my dear friends, in a toast to the future – to prosperity, to peace, and the enduring strength of our unity."

"Long live Malvasius!" The Baron behind him yelled.

"LONG LIVE MALVASIUS!" everyone chanted in unison.

Thus the banquet officially started. As everyone started chatting to each and everyone with the comfort of food and some wine, Xander's concern for his sister weighed heavily on his mind. With a furrowed brow, he turned to Udeit who was talking to other ladies of her age, his voice filled with worry. "Udeit, where is Oriana?" Xander inquired, his tone tinged with concern.

As Xander expressed his concern for Oriana's whereabouts, Udeit's expression softened with understanding. She glanced a thoughtful look crossing her features towards the direction of Oriana's room.

"Oriana is in her room," Udeit replied, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "Actually, I asked her to join us before I met you by the entrance, but she declined."

Xander's brows furrowed with concern as he processed Udeit's words. "Why did she refuse?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.

Udeit sighed softly, her gaze distant as she recalled their earlier conversation. "She said she doesn't feel comfortable on these kinds of occasions," she explained, her tone tinged with regret. "She feels like she doesn't fit in."

Xander's heart sank at the thought of his sister feeling out of place. He knew how much Oriana struggled with social gatherings, often preferring the solitude of her own company.

"I understand," Xander said softly, his voice with concern. "I'll go check on her."

With a nod, Udeit offered Xander a sympathetic smile, her eyes reflecting his worry for Oriana's well-being. "Do you want to get some food to eat together in her room? I'll make my maids prepare them for you."

"No need for that, Udeit."

"Are you sure? No, I insist. You can just go ahead and I'll let the maid follow you with some food."
