
The Second Coming of the Ancient Star

Austin, a man reincarnated from a world where science is prominent, finds himself In a world where Magians, humans who possess the capabilities to perform arcane (a.k.a magic), must battle against the re-emerging demonic creatures and their followers to protect the human race and other humanoid races, from annihilation. Following a life-saving encounter with a famous hero, Austin's awakening grants him the memories of his past life and access to 'The Akasha', a mysterious system. With newfound purpose, he endeavors to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, facing challenges and adversaries to uncover the secrets of his reincarnation and the enigmatic origins of The Akasha.

SuensQuill · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Woman Who Disrupts

As Xander made his way toward Oriana's room, he couldn't help but hope that he could offer her the comfort and reassurance she needed to feel at ease, even amidst a grand celebration.


As the afternoon progressed and the festivities continued, Udeit eventually excused herself from the other young ladies, her graceful demeanor drawing admiring gazes from those around her. With a warm smile, she made her way towards the Baron's side, her steps confident as she took her place beside him.

The Baron greeted Udeit with a nod of acknowledgment, his expression welcoming as she settled into the seat to his left. The young Lord, seated on his father's right, offered Udeit a smile while Udeit politely smiled back.

The Baron felt a sense of completeness wash over him with the presence of his children. He reached out to pat Udeit's hand affectionately, a silent gesture of gratitude for her unwavering support.

I wish your mother was here to witness the both of you grow as a Lord and Lady, he thought in his mind.


The time has come for the noblemen to present their gifts while a sense of anticipation filled the air.

By the time it was Baron Hässlich's turn, he made his way in front of Gideon. With a flourish and a mischievous smile, he presented his gift to Malvasius, a lavish display of opulence meant to impress. When the nobleman began to speak, his voice was filled with arrogance.

He abruptly turned to the Baron with a pointed question, his tone dripping with veiled insult. "Will the King be gracing us with his presence this evening?" the nobleman inquired, his gaze fixed expectantly on the Baron.

The room fell silent, all eyes turning to the Baron as they awaited his response. It was a delicate situation, as a negative answer would undoubtedly cause the Baron to lose face in front of his guests, implying that their gathering was not significant enough to warrant royal attendance.

But instead of succumbing to the pressure, the Baron met the nobleman's gaze with a knowing smile, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Ah, yes, the King," the Baron replied lightly, his tone tinged with humor. "Well, I do recall inviting him, but you know how busy his schedule can be. After all, even monarchs have their duties to attend to." Just as the Baron's statement was coming to an end, a messenger went to his side and whispered something. "But while the King himself may be unable to attend tonight, we are honored to have his esteemed representative with us," the Baron declared, his tone filled with warmth and respect.

At his words, a door at the far end of the hall swung open, and a dignified figure stepped forward. The crowd stirred with excitement as they recognized the representative, their murmurs of admiration filling the room.

As the tension mounted in the grand hall, the announcer's voice cut through the silence like a beacon of authority.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests," the announcer proclaimed, his voice resonating with dignity and reverence. "It is with great honor and privilege that we welcome the esteemed representative of His Majesty, the King."

With a dramatic flourish, the announcer gestured towards the open doorway, where a figure adorned in regal attire stood poised and dignified, the emblem of the King gleaming proudly upon his chest.

"Please join me as we welcome the King's Representative," he repeated, "Sir Allen," the announcer continued his words echoing throughout the silent hall.

As the crowd erupted into applause and murmurs of admiration, the representative stepped forward with a graceful bow, acknowledging the accolades of the assembled guests with humility and grace.

He made his way towards the Baron's side, his presence infused the room with an air of solemnity and reverence as he seated on an empty chair. It was a tangible reminder of the honor bestowed upon them by the King's favor.

Turning back to the nobleman who had posed the question, the Baron's smile widened ever so slightly, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.

"My apologies, I was so distracted by the noble dignity of the King's Representative that I forgot that I was talking with you. And what of you, my dear friend?" the Baron inquired, his voice light but pointed. "Has a King's representative ever graced your feasts in the past?"

The nobleman faltered, his expression betraying his unease as he struggled to come up with a response. The silence that followed was deafening, punctuated only by the whispers and murmurs of the crowd. From afar, insults began to rise, casting a shadow over the nobleman's reputation. It was a reminder of the consequences of arrogance and presumption in the presence of true nobility, his influence diminished in the face of the Baron's shrewd wit and gracious hospitality.

Hässlich left with a bitter smile towards his table alone as his attempt to undermine the Baron's authority backfired spectacularly. And as the festivities continued, the Baron's reputation remained untarnished.

At a nearby table, Austin's keen ears caught snippets of conversation that spoke of the glory of the Baron's forebears and their valiant deeds in the face of darkness. Stories of their steadfast loyalty to the Kingdom and their unwavering commitment to protecting its people.

But amidst the tales of valor and heroism, there lingered a shadow of sorrow, they had stood firm, refusing promotions and titles in favor of military support from the Royalties against the encroaching darkness of the Todesfall Forest, a reminder of the sacrifices made by the Baron's ancestors to safeguard the realm. They believe that true glory lay not in wealth or power, but in the defense of their homeland and the safety of its people.

It was at this moment when Austin's vision blurred and his head grew heavy, a sense of disorientation washed over him and finally lost all of his senses in the process.

When he regained his senses, he found himself surrounded by a surreal scene: the grand hall bathed in crimson light, with everyone seemingly drenched in a pool of red liquid.

Confusion clouded Austin's mind as he struggled to make sense of the chaos around him. But amidst the confusion, he noticed something remarkable – a protective barrier enveloping the throne where the Baron, the young lord, Udeit, the King's representative, and four guards behind them, holding their heads from the excruciating pain.

As Austin's gaze swept across the room, he realized that he and Fai were also encased within similar protective barriers. It was then that he understood the truth – with Fai's hand extended upward, while the other hand pointed towards the Baron's location, he realized that he created these defensive barriers, harnessing a power that Austin had never known he possessed.

With a mixture of awe and disbelief, Austin turned to Fai, his eyes wide with astonishment. "Fai, did you… did you create these barriers?" he asked, his voice tinged with wonder.

"Yes." As Austin grappled with the revelation, a whirlwind of emotions swept through him. He couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal and uncertainty that gnawed at his heart. But before Austin could ask further questions, A woman sitting in the middle of the pool of blood stood up and started clapping.

As the woman rose from her seat amidst the pool of blood, a twisted smile played across her lips as she began to clap, the sound echoing eerily through the hall. Beside her stood a little girl, her expression devoid of emotion as she gazed blankly ahead.

"Well, well, well," the woman said, her voice dripping with mockery. "It seems the Legendary Wizard is as formidable as they say. Defending against the mind controls of the Illithid race is quite the feat, wouldn't you agree?"

She gestured towards the little girl at her side, her tone filled with sinister satisfaction. "Allow me to introduce my dear daughter, a half-Ilithid," she said, her words laced with venom.

As the tension in the room thickened, shadows began to stir, revealing the presence of assassins lurking in the darkness. The Baron remained composed, his expression betraying no fear as he addressed the woman.

"What is the meaning of this?" he demanded, his voice steady despite the danger that surrounded them.

The woman's smile widened, her eyes gleaming with malice as she met the Baron's gaze. "Oh, nothing personal, my dear Baron," she replied, her tone dripping with disdain. "Just a little demonstration of power, if you will."

"Fai, why keep this from me?" Austin's voice trembled with a mixture of hurt and confusion. "Why hide who you are?"

Fai met Austin's gaze with a steady, unwavering look, he explained earnestly. "I wasn't ready to reveal my true identity to anyone, not even to you. I was afraid of how you would perceive me once you know the truth."

"I understand, Fai," Austin replied softly, his voice filled with empathy. "And I want you to know that our friendship means everything to me. It's not fake, even if you've been keeping secrets."

Relief crossed Fai's features as he heard Austin's words, a sense of gratitude washing over him. "Thank you, Austin," he said, his voice tinged with emotion. "I promise to tell you everything when the time is right. But for now, let's focus on keeping everyone safe."

With a flick of her wrist, she signaled to the assassins, who moved forward with deadly intent but failed. It was because of the barrier that Fai conjured.

"Focus on controlling the mind of that grandpa, Qor." the woman asked the half-Illithid as the pain that the guards behind the Baron felt started to fade away.

"Okay, mother." Just like a switch, the barrier that protected them started to crumble.

With this signal, the assassins started to move as well. But the Baron remained unfazed, his resolve unyielding as he prepared to face whatever threats lay ahead with the four guards and the King's representative. Clangs of metal resounded in a room filled with blood.

The four guards sprang into action, their training and instincts kicking in as they engaged the assassins in a fierce battle. With weapons drawn and resolve burning bright, they fought valiantly to protect their charges and repel the enemy onslaught.

At the same time, the woman faced off against the Baron and the King's representative, her movements swift and deadly as she unleashed her formidable powers upon them. But the Baron and his ally were no strangers to conflict, their skills honed through years of experience and training.

With strength and determination, they met the woman's attacks head-on, their blades flashing in the light of the hall as they fought to defend themselves and those under their protection, They refused to back down with their resolve unyielding in the face of adversity.

As the clash of steel and the echoes of battle reverberated through the throne room, the fate of all who stood within its walls hung in the balance.

"Udeit!" Amidst the chaos and turmoil that engulfed them, the young lord's voice rang out with urgency as he called out for Udeit. Concern etched upon his face and rushed to her side, offering her support as she caught her breath amidst the turmoil.

With a wicked grin, the woman brandished a gleaming dagger, its blade shimmering with mana as she prepared to unleash her dark powers upon her adversaries. As she wielded the dagger with deadly precision, she called upon a forbidden sorcery magic.

"Is that?"

"Yes old man, it's Khaos," channeling its dark and chaotic energy to augment her attacks. With each strike, the air crackled with dark energy, tendrils of shadow twisting and writhing around the woman as she moved with unnatural speed and agility. The Baron and the King's representative fought valiantly against her onslaught, their blades flashing in a desperate bid to ward off her relentless assault.

"Sir, I was not trained for this, we thought that Khaos was already forgotten in the past along with the demonic creatures." But the woman's mastery of Khaos proved to be proof that it still existed. Her attacks fueled by it defied conventional defenses as she lashed out with her dagger, tendrils of shadow snaked forth, seeking to ensnare and consume her opponents in a maelstrom of chaos and despair.

Despite their best efforts, the Baron and his ally found themselves hard-pressed to withstand the woman's onslaught. The tide of battle seemed to turn further in her favor with Khaos, proving to be a potent weapon against their combined strength and skill.

The battle raged on with the King's representative and the Baron struggling to fend off the relentless assault of the woman and her Khaos, but it was her words that pierced through his heart, not her daggers.

The woman's words cut through the chaos with chilling clarity, her tone full of malice as she revealed the dark truth behind Udeit's past. With a cruel smile, she taunted the Baron with the painful memories of his past, exposing the tragic events that had unfolded so many years ago.

"Why did you adopt that child, old man?" she sneered, voice dripping with venom as she looked at Udeit. "After killing your wife, not knowing what caused her, own, death, how do you still have the guts to take her in?"

Hello everyone,

When I was writing this chapter, I thought that I was really having a hard time describing the fight scene. Can you give some suggestions?



Khaos: An energy used by one of the four types of Sorcery. This energy originated from the Abyss.



"...but it was her words that pierced through his heart, not her daggers."

SuensQuillcreators' thoughts