
Come on, sleep with me!

"Hey, that should be my responsibility!" Daniel exclaimed.

What kind of bastard would dare take over his responsibility?! 

"Oh yes, Michael," Agnes sat in the chair next to Michael. "Can you watch over Gabby here? This auntie and old man can't sleep too late,"

"Yes, auntie." Michael replied, nodding his head.

"Sorry, Michael," Agnes stood up from her chair then pulled Daniel's hand. "Now we're going to the hotel to rest. We'll be back here tomorrow morning,"

"Ugh, what? I disagree—"

"Yes! Michael, we go home first," Agnes interrupted, she glared at Daniel for a while then looked back at Michael. "Don't sleep too late, you will get sick later,"

"Yes, auntie." Michael replied.

After making sure Gabby and Michael would be okay once they were left alone, Agnes came out of Gabby's room grabbing Daniel's hand. The man's protest continued to be heard even though he was no longer in the room.