
The school goddess and her 2 devils

Judith is a strange girl. As beautiful as a goddess, the body of a succubus, the wit of a philosopher, but with the strength of a hundred men, and as cruel as a demon. However, despite these anomalies, she wanted to live a normal life. She hide her beauty and abilities just to live an ordinary live. But, that came all crashing down when some retarded dumba** decided to raze her highschool down to the ground. Then, after being tricked by her old hag, 16-year old Judith finds herself stuck as a transfer student inside the worlds biggest school for girls, Minerva Girls Academy. Housing over hundred of thousand Amazonian girls, secluded inside a glamorous island, what could go wrong? Maybe, a lot. Like when she discovered a HUGE GRAVEYARD or discovering an army of MECHA-TECH AMAZONIAN army. Or when she walked in onto 2 Greek goddess making out, who happen to be the supposed dorm-leaders that hate each other's ? Secrets, hidden plots, battle, blood...and things about her dead-mother!? Join us on the adventure of a life as Judith accidentally uncovers a plot that could destroy the world itself...And spend the night with one of those muscular goddess....Or both

Yuna_fantasia · LGBT+
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10 Chs

Legendary Football Captain: Red Leader Alex

Alex pov


The leader of the Reds and the greatest Football player there is, Alex. Arms, big and muscular, her hands resting on the arms of her cafeteria chair. Fierce hazel eyes that glow red in the right light, staring over what has long been her turf. Her fiery-red hair kept short, just at the base of her tanned nape. She can't help but her lick dark peach lips on the same time, spread her muscular legs further, just allowing the red sweatpants to stretch. Even though she sitting down, it obvious that she big.

She tall, standing at an impressive 6'5, taller than the current average female height. Her red jersey clinging to her well-trained body. Her sharp jawline clenched as she thought of something. 

Alex is undeniably attractive, handsome face, a Greek body and that delicious tan of hers. In Judith saw her right now, she would definitely pounce of her. She's her type.

I haven't been on the top of the chain for long, No. Only since her freshman year. Only 3 years. As soon as I've graduated from Minerva Middle School, I've became the red leader.

This 3rd year of her reign, her the 3rd year of wearing a dark red strand on her clothes, just under her shoulder. During these 3 years, people come and go, but I has been persistent to stay. She worked hard for my position. If I'd needed to physically fight, or train until my legs bled, than so be it.

When former leader Becca left, she was only a freshman. But, it didn't take a genius to figure out that she was the strongest candidate for leader. It all just, made sense. 

Whether it's her tall frame, extremely good coordination, her special body or special muscles, nobody stood against her.

Now I'm the leader, leader of the Red department. The Athletics department.

But, being leader isn't all fun or games. It's real f*cking work. The medals need to be won, games that must be dominated, students must be kept in their places. More importantly, the departments especially the blues need to be kept in their places, as far away as they can go. The second her fierce gaze crosses over someone who not wearing a red jersey, nausea builds up in her throat-minus a few exceptions

But I don't think too much. When you are as strong as I, there is not much need for planning or thinking. Problems? There are two options, fists or threats. You can take one, or take both.

Now she's sitting here, the Red building cafeteria. Brown-red eyes scanning the area for anything 'wrong'. Is she mean and stuck-up? No. Is she egoistic and a muscle headed? Yes. Alex fits well into that gray area. She is too easy going, but likes to keep herself in control. Friends are unnecessary threats, and the moment they appear to want to take her position, she crushes them. 

She isn't perfect. But, she's still the best woman for the job. Whether it's keeping people in check, easily winning matches, and leading all of the Red. 

This is her 3 year of rule, with the next year her last. She'll need to pick a candidates sooner or later, but that's not the worry of her problems.

Being the leader of the Red's she has hardly any enemies, well enemies that don't have the balls to face her. 

But there is one pest she hasn't managed to get rid of.. Well two be exact. But she finds that former too annoy. The pesky purple, Celestina, is a sly vixen. Captain of the general baseball team. She's one of those people who twists your words and makes everything seem like your fault. Normally, she's not that much of an issue. Thankfully, she takes care of her business.

But the blue pest, former Captain of the karate club, the leader of the blues, is the person she hates about the most. Alexandrea

Just thinking about her name gets me angry.

She refuses to dwell on her, not at this moment of tranquility. All is well and in harmony—the flirty track girls, the confident baseball players, the earnest basketball team, the silent yet formidable hockey warriors led lead by a perfect, or the masculine football players, my team; everything's in order.

For your information, the ruling sport of the reds is none other than her own sport, football. Good old-fashioned football stands as one of the most beloved and globally popular sports, Consistently holding its place as the main sport through every generation.

In fact, Football and basketball hold the records of having the most red leaders. It's where the money goes. And there's a bunch of sponsorships are laying heavily over their team.

After another usual grueling day of practice, she heads back with her group, mainly composed of her fellow Football players.

They walk down the open area of the main train station in peace. Train number 7 leads from this place to their school, train number 2 leads to the red area, where they live. With sports bags hanging over their shoulders, some heavier than others, she and her group, Strolling like they own the place. (Which they do)

Everything was going fine. Until they spotted a group of haughty and strict blue bugs and their leader of the blue department. Their dark blue blazer standing out among the color crowd. There long skirts and hair swaying side-by-side as they made their way, stopping right in front of them. 

"Alex." Her voice was deep, with seriousness filled within. 

Alex just clicks her tongue. Great. Just f*cking great. Now she can't ignore her outright. Alex feels her eyes twitch in anger, but stays still. But, she couldn't deny she was curious. Why would would she go out of her way to call them. When it will be another bloodbath the janitor will have to clean up?

Feet almost glued to the floor, eyes staring down at the foolish leader leading this circus in irritation and a little curiosity. Not there's much to look down at. As her enemy is quite tall, just a couple of inches below her, staring right back with her soulless deep, azure blue eyes that frustratingly draws me in.
