
The school goddess and her 2 devils

Judith is a strange girl. As beautiful as a goddess, the body of a succubus, the wit of a philosopher, but with the strength of a hundred men, and as cruel as a demon. However, despite these anomalies, she wanted to live a normal life. She hide her beauty and abilities just to live an ordinary live. But, that came all crashing down when some retarded dumba** decided to raze her highschool down to the ground. Then, after being tricked by her old hag, 16-year old Judith finds herself stuck as a transfer student inside the worlds biggest school for girls, Minerva Girls Academy. Housing over hundred of thousand Amazonian girls, secluded inside a glamorous island, what could go wrong? Maybe, a lot. Like when she discovered a HUGE GRAVEYARD or discovering an army of MECHA-TECH AMAZONIAN army. Or when she walked in onto 2 Greek goddess making out, who happen to be the supposed dorm-leaders that hate each other's ? Secrets, hidden plots, battle, blood...and things about her dead-mother!? Join us on the adventure of a life as Judith accidentally uncovers a plot that could destroy the world itself...And spend the night with one of those muscular goddess....Or both

Yuna_fantasia · LGBT+
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10 Chs

Football player vs Political Martial Artist

They usually ignore each other at times like this. Because when they do acknowledge each other existence, it ends with blood on the floor and bodies in the infirmary. They simply just have absolutely nothing in common and loathe each to their damn bones. Which is why Alex's utter in shock when the group doesn't walk away. They simply keep staring.The familiar blue leaders pitch-black hair unlike her own colorful red hair, swaying just over her shoulders. Black, that just (don't)draw her in. Tall, surprisingly muscular from her days as martial artist. But she rarely fights. The blue leader is more of manipulative. She likes to twist your words and plan your downfall or order her minions to fight for her. Like Celestina, but more crafter and dangerous. And someone she will never understand, even in Middle school."Alexandrea"They have nothing in common, except their names. You get it right? Alex and Alexandrea? Unfortunately, that's her name. Long and regal, aggravating in every way possible. Her parent must have expected their little baby to be a princess. Like they could get along which they (can)won'tIt makes Alex's blood boil deep inside. There can never be something similar between us, never. Yet when they remember their name, the first four letters are the same. Even such a small thing drives Alex away from the black eyed girl."I'd never thought I'd see the day where Alexandrea willingly looks into my eyes. Did you came to confess?"Alex smirks and laughs after a silence that seemed far too long and tense. Her group laughs at her generally husky, flirty and teasing voice.After spending so many years with Alexandrea, flirting and teasing are the best ways to get on her nerves. The girl with black hair retains her stoic expression, but the Football player can tell what she's feeling. From the subtle eyebrow twitches, teeth clench behind her blood-red lips, She knows Blue department leader is angry." Enough of your shenanigans. I'm here because of something you've done."All students are there, including those from the purple department, have stopped talking. Some scurry away to their trains, others stand and watch. At this point, a fight will definitely break out. Some come out to watch the show while others prefer returning to the safety of their dorms,This puzzles Alex? What on earth is talking about?"Oh, how cruel. You always blame me when something bad happens~"Despite the seriousness of the situation, she speaks in a feigned hurt and playful tone, making no effort to conceal the smirk etched on her face. Her demeanor serves as a mockery of Alexandrea, who remains staunchly serious. She senses the weight of stares and catches the faint whispers circulating around them, imprinting her words indelibly into the minds of onlookers.Alexandrea's fists clench but she acts like she's not angry at all. There's is a disciplined, strict mask on her face that will remain there unless Alex manages to tear it off as always."2 students, a blue student and green got beaten up outside one of the stores, I believe that it was one of your people considering your intensity and rivalry. Care to differ then, A.L.E.X?"She makes sure to put extra pronunciation with every syllable with a mocking tone. But Alex rolls her eyes and furrows her eyebrows. Beside the blue department, they indeed do have a rivalry. Almost on par with the blues.The Greens, also known as Archology and Nature, ensure their community remains physically active and in prime condition. Which also means, they are everywhere. E.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.eNow this is a real sh*tty thing, for those in the Athletics department, who predominantly operate outdoors. You see, Athlete's treasure their privacy....In case if the want to have a quick pah-pah-pah session against a tree"You have no evidence that it was, "one of my people". I haven't snooped down to that level nor any of my people. I thought you were smarter Alexandrea. Stop throwing around false accusations.""Ha. That's rich coming from you." She laughed, with all of her minions in tow.Alex glaze immediately turned stern, she growled, "Don't you dare blame your problems on my team!"As the two continue arguing, their voices slowly rising in volume and fists itching to be used, a certain small girl wearing huge glasses girl stares from the train platform. A stack of paper, filled with math question laying in her bag. "Beside, why not take this matter to the student council?"I did, but they said they can't do anything""Hm. Typically" She muttered under her breatheThe mindlessly ague while the small girl just stared at them.Somehow this is her 3rd day of school, she managed to go through those 3 days in peace....Not. The workload is too f*cking overwhelming, to the point where it's practically impossible to keep track of everything. Moreover, her follow painting class students look at her like she's an alien(which she is.) and persistently invading her personal space. It demanded an extraordinary amount of restrain to on her part not to send those buffoons' to the infirmary or wherever the patients usually go..But there is one thing about this school that bothers her the most. The fact that others stare at her once she comes into their vicinity, especially the golds. The colorful blazers of the gold student's with the way they look at her with shock and distaste just because she's short, seemingly beautiful and from the purple department member. She's know why and doesn't care too much, she's seen way worse.And now, two people who seem to be very important are arguing in the train station.The air around them is tense, they are both angry at each other. The group behind these girls look just as tense and angry. A familiar bloodlust lingers in the air. That's when it clicks, these people are the leader of the Red and Blue dorms.And oh god, they're hot. Tall, muscular, handsome. Just her type, both of them. She unconsciously walked closer to the upcoming battle. The leaders stepped closer, threatening to hit each."Seriously, I don't know! If you want to talk, take it to the Prefects!""I told you I did! This wouldn't even see me! Beside, don't you have a Prefect in your department!?""Then take this up with her, not me!" As they pointlessly argued, the glasses girl continues to watch them. Doing something she's never thought of doing before. She off her glasses, revealing her golden eyes to the world.