
The Royal Protector

Everything seemed wrong in Lyra Castir's life. Her parents dying, an over protective foster 'dad', a foster brother who doesn't act like a brother, and her mysterious head injury in which she lost all her memories... just a couple examples for ya. Her only freedom is school, which to her means getting away from her life at home. On her way home from school, on a seemingly normal day for Lyra, she gets stopped by a total stranger. That's when her life gets turned upside down, and now Lyra is not only saving herself but a family she never knew she had from another realm. *** I hang up the phone, and continue walking home. I can't believe Sean would do and say something like that during school! I'm trying to shove my phone back into the phone pocket in my back pack when I trip over the big crack in the sidewalk again. Making that the third time this week! "Whoa, I gotcha!" I heard a boy say, and I feel arms wrap around me. "Gosh where have you been? What are you doing here?" He asked me. Once I was back on my feet I pushed away from the boy. "Hey Lyra it's me, Chase." the boy said. I looked him up and down, I don't recognize him. I take a step back. His face changes from pure excitement to confusion. He has blonde hair, and brown eyes, very thin figure but something about him is familiar. "I ... ah..." I don't know what to say to him. What if he is some psycho? "I've been trying to find you since the accident! Why didn't you come back home?" He asked. I take another step back, How does he know about my accident? "Lyra what's wrong?" He steps towards me, and holds out a hand. "Come on Lyra your parents are going to want to see you, so stop playing and lets go!" "My parent's? What?" I say. He looks defeated, and lets out a sigh. Now this isn't funny. My parents are dead. "Lyra co-" he begins. "How do you know my name?!" I say, I need to run. He is crazy! "Lyra it's me Chase. The last time I seen you was right before your accident." He paused. "You... you aren't playing are you?" he hesitated. "I'm sorry... I think you have the wrong Lyra." I say and walk around him, then I begin speed walking. "No I don't! I've been trying to find you for the past two years. Well, you and the others. You don't remember anything... at all?" he asked behind me. "Leave me alone!" I say. He grabs my wrist, and I whirl around. "My dad gave me pepper spray!" I say and I start digging in my back pack for it, thankful for once about him being over protective. "Your father? Are you kidding me? Lyra your father and mother are trying to find you. You don't remember who you are?" He is talking and I find the spray. "Lyra your not mortal." "If I'm not mortal what am I?" I laugh, he making up fairy tales now. "You're an elemental, a protector of the royal family in Spridge."

Author_Flower · Fantasía
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12 Chs

What are you doing Here?

Nothing is said in the car, although I'm contemplating telling him about it earlier. No, he'll probably say I'm crazy. Maybe I am. . . I more than likely imagined everything that just happened. Or I'm in one long dream, once I'm home though I realize I must be awake. I should've woken up by now. What if everything that happens is real and true? That Flora girl might be able to control dirt and plants. Sierra could maybe actually shock me or whatever. Sean heads right to his room, like usual disappearing and never being heard from after clicking his door locked. It's like he disappears from his room, maybe he is going to the magical realm of Spridge. That's a weird thought because there is a 10% chance that could be true. I decide to spend the day with Harris, playing cards to get my mind away from powers and realms. We play rummy and slap-jack. For an hour and then we stop so he can make super, I watch because I'm that bored. Heading up to my room a while later wore on of even watching him cook, I change into more comfortable clothes. Coming out of my closet, carrying my dirty clothes I glimpse Chase and Flora in my room. Dropping my clothes and my jaw going with them, I hold in my scream. They're here. In my room! "Lyra!" Flora cheers, coming towards me for a hug. Then she stops. "Sorry... the force of habit." She sighs, backing away. "What are you doing here!?" I ask pushing them toward the door, then I change direction and start pushing them toward my window. "We came to bring you home! Your parents can't wait to see you." Chase says. My parents! I wish they would quit saying that. "Also we didn't come in through the window." I stop pushing. Looking at the stone he is holding up. "Every Elemental is given a traveling stone when they are finished with training." The black stone that's the size of a ping pong ball, in his hand is too familiar. I turn away, running to my nightstand and opening the drawer. There it is. The same stone. I pull it out, and they both smile. " I was told it was in my pocket in the car accident." I say. "Although... maybe I wasn't in a car accident." I whisper. Flora sniffles, reaching out for me and Hugging me, but I'm not complaining. Wow, what if they are telling me the truth? They showed me each a couple of times all I had to do to travel to Spridge. I couldn't believe my eyes, no wonder they could disappear and appear so fast! In the blink of an eye, they were gone, and then again they were back! They told me to try it a couple of times, just going to my closet. All I had to was hold the stone, and think of that area. I wondered before why it never worked if I ever tried it. Flora explained that I have to believe the power is there for it to work. I did now. Gripping the stone in my left hand, I thought about the inside of my closet. Clothes hanging, and shoes all over the floor. I feel a weird tingle go through my body, and I feel like I'm being stretched by a taffy puller. It doesn't hurt at all, and the next thing I know I'm standing in my closet! I cover my mouth the keep from yelling out of both pure excitement and pure fear. The stone does work! I open my closet door slowly, and they are both smiling at me. Coming out and wearily walking up to them. "You said my parents were alive?" I whisper, and Flora squeals. Grabbing my hand, explaining to me that since I can't picture Spridge she'll take me. As long as I'm holding on to her and my stone, I'll go with her. "I'm ready." I whisper. Seeing my parents, learning I have powers, my past! I'm ready. I close my eyes, praying that if this is a dream I never wake up. I feel the weird tingles running through me again, and the pulling. Then my feet are back on the ground, I can grass, tickling my ankle where my converse doesn't cover my feet. We went somewhere. My eyes flutter open, and I see a completely different setting than my room. People walk from building to building, house, and what looks like apartments. A flowing river behind us has a huge bridge, to go across to get to the other side. Horses, pulling wagons, and dogs running around chasing cats with kids chasing after them. It looks like a place from a fairytale. It's all modern-day looking other than the horses, some people have phones, tablets, and iPods. They're dressed like in normal stuff too, no old times, and suits of armor. Every once in a while I spot people using the traveling stone, but not very many. "Flora! Chase!" An old woman cheers walking towards us, her arms open. I move back, avoiding the lady's hug. "Hey, Grandma!" Flora says hugging her, and I just made out Chase's mumbling words. Pulling away from each other Flora grabs me, shoving me at her Grandma. "Grandma, we found her!" She says hugging me again. "I found her." Chase corrects her, I look at the woman who is looking at me like she is seeing a ghost. I inch back, but her arms shoot out gripping me tighter than the blood pressure wrap things. She is now smiling and holding me close. Talk about awkwardness. "Lyra Caster! My, where have you been all this time?" She holds away at arm's length looking me up and down. "Don't tell me you don't remember me, you always said I was your favorite teacher." She smiles, and I don't know what to say. I don't remember her, but she just said the teacher. . . so maybe she taught me English... or whatever they teach her. Flora behind me clears her throat laying a hand on my shoulder.