
The Royal Protector

Everything seemed wrong in Lyra Castir's life. Her parents dying, an over protective foster 'dad', a foster brother who doesn't act like a brother, and her mysterious head injury in which she lost all her memories... just a couple examples for ya. Her only freedom is school, which to her means getting away from her life at home. On her way home from school, on a seemingly normal day for Lyra, she gets stopped by a total stranger. That's when her life gets turned upside down, and now Lyra is not only saving herself but a family she never knew she had from another realm. *** I hang up the phone, and continue walking home. I can't believe Sean would do and say something like that during school! I'm trying to shove my phone back into the phone pocket in my back pack when I trip over the big crack in the sidewalk again. Making that the third time this week! "Whoa, I gotcha!" I heard a boy say, and I feel arms wrap around me. "Gosh where have you been? What are you doing here?" He asked me. Once I was back on my feet I pushed away from the boy. "Hey Lyra it's me, Chase." the boy said. I looked him up and down, I don't recognize him. I take a step back. His face changes from pure excitement to confusion. He has blonde hair, and brown eyes, very thin figure but something about him is familiar. "I ... ah..." I don't know what to say to him. What if he is some psycho? "I've been trying to find you since the accident! Why didn't you come back home?" He asked. I take another step back, How does he know about my accident? "Lyra what's wrong?" He steps towards me, and holds out a hand. "Come on Lyra your parents are going to want to see you, so stop playing and lets go!" "My parent's? What?" I say. He looks defeated, and lets out a sigh. Now this isn't funny. My parents are dead. "Lyra co-" he begins. "How do you know my name?!" I say, I need to run. He is crazy! "Lyra it's me Chase. The last time I seen you was right before your accident." He paused. "You... you aren't playing are you?" he hesitated. "I'm sorry... I think you have the wrong Lyra." I say and walk around him, then I begin speed walking. "No I don't! I've been trying to find you for the past two years. Well, you and the others. You don't remember anything... at all?" he asked behind me. "Leave me alone!" I say. He grabs my wrist, and I whirl around. "My dad gave me pepper spray!" I say and I start digging in my back pack for it, thankful for once about him being over protective. "Your father? Are you kidding me? Lyra your father and mother are trying to find you. You don't remember who you are?" He is talking and I find the spray. "Lyra your not mortal." "If I'm not mortal what am I?" I laugh, he making up fairy tales now. "You're an elemental, a protector of the royal family in Spridge."

Author_Flower · Fantasy
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12 Chs

My name is Chase!

I head back into the lunch room, forgetting about the girls. I have bigger and better things to be worried about, like school ending and my 16th birthday. Harris will throw me a lame little only his parents, and his family will be at their party I'll get a marble cake and chocolate ice cream with the same pink wrapping paper he's been using the past 4 years for my presents. Which are all books and movies, well last year he got my iPod. Once the bell rings, I head out to my next class. Tatum tries to talk me into sneaking out, something I've never done surprisingly, so I can go to his party.

I've thought about it before, but I just don't want to get caught and get in trouble with Harris, so I decided against it. Moving on to a different topic he tells me about what his plans are for the party to be awesome . . . another way for him to tell me that I need to go. I sign out to get a drink, walking down the hall to the closest drinking fountain, and I spot the girls again. They seem to be in a heated conversation, and I can't help but watch them. I can't hear what they are saying. Then the boy who says his name was Chase rounds the corner and joins the conversation. What is he doing here? Who are the girls? Too many questions start going through my mind. I don't want him to see me, embarrassed he'll tell those girls about his prank. Yet my feet go towards them, I want to know what he is doing here. The closer I get the

more I see my pepper spray didn't do anything to him.. it must wear off after an hour or so. Darn, I was hoping that stuff burned for hours and hours. "What are you doing here?" I ask interrupting their conversation, they were so distracted by what they were talking about that they didn't even notice me coming. Chase looks at me, ad gestures toward me with both his hands smiling like a baboon. "I told you! It's Lyra!" He says to the girls, and the brunette is standing in shock. The small blonde is giving me the stink eye. I mentally hit myself, I should've just left it alone! "Again... you have to wrong person... You need to leave!" I say, shooing them towards the fire exit that just happens to be right to my left. "Holy shit! It is you! Chase wasn't lying!" The brunette says wrapping me in an anaconda-like hug. Okay, now I'm mentally shooting myself with a gun. Maybe I should yell for Sean, as he said. But then I would attract a lot of attention, I don't want that. "You can put me down now.... ah... girl," I say, and she releases me immediately. "Well... it wasn't nice meeting your friends who think it's funny to play tricks.. have a nice life," I say turning ready to run. I get grabbed and pulled out of the fire exit. "Let go of me! I have school! I still have that pepper spray!" I yell profanities. "Flora." the Chase boy says, and the brunette nods. She bends down places her hands on the grass and starts humming some tune that I don't recognize. Then vines burst from the ground, splattering dirt and reaching for me. Chase's grip on me moves just as the vines grip my feet, twisting up my legs. What is this? I'm dreaming! Too much reading about witches! I close my eyes, I'll pinch myself awake. I pinch my hand, and then open one eye. The three of them are standing in front of me still watching me with curiosity. I try and move, but the vines are too tight. "She has forgotten.." The blonde sighs, looking at her nails. The boy nods. "Oh think about how happy Molly and Garret will be!" the girl, I assume is Flora, squeals. "Sorry about the vines." She adds. Molly and Garret? Those are the names Chase told me about being my parents or something. I'm still woozy from the vines. "How... di- how..... what? Vines?" I stutter unsure of what I should ask exactly. Flora smiles, and nods. "I'm an elemental, like you!" She begins, with the same fairy tale. "I'm earth. I control plants and dirt." She smiles, touching the dead bush next to her, and humming that same tune. Then it blossoms with green again. I look in horror. I feel a scream coming. "I could just knock her out ya know. it'll be the easiest way to get her back to Spridge." the blonde says. Oh, god! I'm going to scream! Controlling plants, and bushes! Little middle school girls want to knock me out! I reach down and start pulling at the vines, as I begin hyperventilating. They must all be taking some crap, or... they're like top-secret government experiments! I'm still dreaming, I mean what else could be going on? "No, Sierra you might kill her," Flora says, sighing. The vines won't budge, I'm stuck.

"Only a little shock." Sierra, begs. SHOCK!? Like electricity? "No." Chase says she needs to come willingly. The next 20 minutes of my life are like a weird history lesson, on my apparently home realm called Spridge. About how it's just like earth, and his people. One royal family how rules the realm, and they have protectors called Elemental. Which I am one of. "Lyra. I know you don't believe any of this, but... maybe you can just come with us... and we can show you." "I just want to think about everything." I lie, "I promise... I'll think about it, but I need to get back to school." I say, then Flora does her 'elemental thingy' and the vines go back into the earth. They all hug me accept Sierra and then disappear in thin air. I think I'm losing it. Running back into the school, I take my seat in the study hall. Tatum questions me about why I was late, I tell him I also stopped in the bathroom. He seems to have believed me. Leaving study hall I head to my next class, going through that in a second it feels. Then the same for my last two other classes. School is out. Sean is giving me a ride home.