
THe Royal Affairs

"My king, You know the rules of our kingdom, if the elders found out about this, the princes will be killed. We have to do something to save them before anything happens to them" Reynold told the king, his heart pounding, as he listened to what the king had to say bout this matter. " how's the queen? " " The queen is still unconscious my king" " since she gave birth to them? " "Yes my king" The king sigh. He stood from his seat and went to the queen's chambers. Reynold followed behind him. When he entered inside, he closed the doors and looked at his sleeping queen. His heart breaking in million pieces as he saw his two princes laying beside the queen . One asleep, the other awake. King Ileus took the one awake in his arms and looked at his beautiful blue eyes. He kissed the child's forehead with tears streaming out of his eyes before he hugged the child tightly. Reynold was right there when all this happened. He then looked at his sleeping queen and said to her.. "Am sorry... My queen" He kissed her forehead before he stood up. He turned to Reynold and went to him. "Reynold, take him... Somewhere safe. Where he can never be found and know nothing about this kingdom. Protect him and let him live" He put forward his arms to Reynold and Reynold took the child in the king's arm with his head bowed down to him. He raised and promised the king " I'll protect him with my life my King.." he said with a bow to him. And the king nodded at him. He sigh and kisses his prince one last time before he nod at him. And Reynold left the queen's chambers.. ready to take the child away from the castle. Another man entered inside, he slightly bowed to the king as the king stared at his sleeping wife, before he commanded.. "Kill everyone who knows about the twins" The Man bowed to the king and left the room.. ready to eliminate everyone who knew about them. The crown's clown @ alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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8 Chs


Thirty minutes have passed since the queen got in labour again, but each second that passed, felt like an eternity.

in the last thirty minutes, Reynold already ordered for the queen's quarters to be protected. no one was allowed to go in and no one was allowed to go out. The information about the queen having twins must remain with in the queen's quarters, and til the child is born, the information must not leak.

the queen's quarters were suddenly surrounded by guards within a minute, all moved around, protecting the house as if it held the kingdom's treasure... in which it deed. with all the guards around, not only the servants and the court ladies were taken aback and raised questions.. but rather to everyone who were in the castle. so many questions raised in as to why the queen's quarters were guarded the way they were. and that too, on the night of her labour? was there something going on in there? could it be the queen was...?

This question rised to one of the lads in the castle who passed and saw what was happening in the queen's quarter.... his mind was in chaos after having a thought of what was going on and as he which as he can, he turned and left the area.

The other wives also heard what was going on from their servants. and as expected. some of them were surprised and knew right away that something was wrong in the queen's quarters.

Queen Claudia smirked the moment he heard the news and was quick to speak her mind into this judgement..

" The queen seems to be in a lot of trouble for her quarters being guarded the way I heard...could it be?they are afraid that the prince would be murdered before the sunrises in the morning?"

She said it in a mocking torn as she turned to look at the other ladies in her room.

Morgana was smirking back at her as she also expressed her thoughts..

"Well that's must be it! I mean, finally, the prince that had been waited for so many years has finally come to this kingdom... well of course they'll protect him with all they have.. "

Ember put down her cup and asked " or could there be other reason.. much bigger than that? "

What she asked made everyone turn and look at her, And Belle spoke what everyone were thinking..

" What do you mean?"

Ember smirked at them as she sat properly and answered

" Am not quite sure even what am trying to say but, don't you think it's a little bit too much to have Amelia's quarters all surrounded like that?"

everyone thought hard about what Ember tried to say, even Claudia seemed to be lost as she thought about it. Ember seeing everyone thinking hard, she smirked once more, as she rolled her eyes and told the others...

"What am trying to say, is that...could...there be a possibility that the Amelia had more than one child? could that be the reason why she's guarded like that? "

everyone looked at her with wide eyed, Could she be right? was the queen really gave birth to twins..

out of nowhere, Claudia chuckled at ember's thought while nodding her head, bringing everyone back from their shocked state. she looked at them and asked them..

"Could there be any bigger reason than that? Ember is right.."

now, Nisha was the one who spoke out her thoughts..." No we can't be so sure Claudia, the king and the queen knows very well of how things works around here in the kingdom...they couldn't possibly.."

"And that could be the main reason why they are locking themselves up in those quarters. they know very well what will happen once the elders and the shamans will do once they hear even a whisper of the queen having a twin, they won't think twice to do what must be done" Claudia was the one who answered her.. " And the queen finally giving a prince to this kingdom after so many years, king Elias won't just sit around and watch his only prince die .." Ember added to Claudia's claims...and just like that, all made sense. leaving the others worried of the whole situation. if the king went against his own rules, then he must have done injustice to all his subjects who lost their children because of this rule.. and that's what left them unsure of what he might do if what they said was nothing but the truth.

But it wasn't just them only who wondered and had the thought to why the queen's quarters were locked the way they did, even the princesses wondered to why this was happening, and they too had a little discussion of their own.

" What is going on on this joyous night?" Mira asked herself as she kept on pacing here and there worried of her little brother. Ivy after a long while, sat down with the other two. she looked at Mira and told her

"Can't you stop doing that and sit just like what we all are doing? you're being quite a nuisance"

Mira finally stopped ss she stood there and looked at her elder sister. she sat down as she was told but let out her frustration on her sister.

"Ivy, you can't possibly be calm on this whole situation! The queen's quarters.."

"I know what's going on at the queen's quarters Mira but that doesn't mean that we all should be in so much distress as the way you're now!!!"

" But what if something is wrong? everyone's saying that this is nothing serious! that father had only put all those guards outside to only protect our little brother... "

Ivy turned and looked at Mary. "if only looks could stab and kill...." Diana thought seeing how Ivy stared at Mary, as if annoyed by the fact that they now have a Little brother. but all too soon, that look was replaced by a calming one and said to them...

"There's nothing to worry about, his only doing this to keep him safe.. all we'll go back to normal once the sunrises tomorrow morning"

"But how can you be so sure?" Diana asked her sister..

" I just know" was all ivy said and waited for what was coming ahead.


The news spread through out the castle and outside the castle that the queen's chambers were being highly guarded and no one was allowed to come in or go out, and this reached the dukes ears and a certained Duke of Henderburg was excited and couldn't wait to figure out what was going on at the castle.

"My good men, I think it's time to go give the king and the queen our gratitudes..."


The queen's quarters

Minutes passed by and the king anxious didn't subside even a second, and reynold badged in to make things worse

" My king... the dukes are here, they want to get in"