
THe Royal Affairs

"My king, You know the rules of our kingdom, if the elders found out about this, the princes will be killed. We have to do something to save them before anything happens to them" Reynold told the king, his heart pounding, as he listened to what the king had to say bout this matter. " how's the queen? " " The queen is still unconscious my king" " since she gave birth to them? " "Yes my king" The king sigh. He stood from his seat and went to the queen's chambers. Reynold followed behind him. When he entered inside, he closed the doors and looked at his sleeping queen. His heart breaking in million pieces as he saw his two princes laying beside the queen . One asleep, the other awake. King Ileus took the one awake in his arms and looked at his beautiful blue eyes. He kissed the child's forehead with tears streaming out of his eyes before he hugged the child tightly. Reynold was right there when all this happened. He then looked at his sleeping queen and said to her.. "Am sorry... My queen" He kissed her forehead before he stood up. He turned to Reynold and went to him. "Reynold, take him... Somewhere safe. Where he can never be found and know nothing about this kingdom. Protect him and let him live" He put forward his arms to Reynold and Reynold took the child in the king's arm with his head bowed down to him. He raised and promised the king " I'll protect him with my life my King.." he said with a bow to him. And the king nodded at him. He sigh and kisses his prince one last time before he nod at him. And Reynold left the queen's chambers.. ready to take the child away from the castle. Another man entered inside, he slightly bowed to the king as the king stared at his sleeping wife, before he commanded.. "Kill everyone who knows about the twins" The Man bowed to the king and left the room.. ready to eliminate everyone who knew about them. The crown's clown @ alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The ladies

The king seeing his wife in so much pain as she was, the fear he felt a few minutes ago, rushed in in matter of seconds.

The midwife and her assistant quickly approached the queen to see what was wrong with her...

"What's going on? what's happening to my queen?"

the midwife checked her, and she turned to the king, fear striking her, as her eyes were filled with nothing but fear.

"Y.. your... magesty, the queen, is on labour....again "

the king sigh in utter shock, he felt he was running out of breath and in his shock, he almost dropped the Little Prince, before Reynold catched the little prince in his arms.

he looked at the king who was in utter shock and pain....

this... can't, be happening.. no no, this can't be happening.. not to my queen.. this..

these words kept on rushing in his mind but he found no strength in saying them out loud as he looked at his wife screaming in pain all over again.

the midwife turned to the king.." Your magesty, please...you need to leave the chamber, please your magesty"

king Elias shook his head in disbelief not wanting to believe on what was happening right now. this couldn't be happening to him and his queen... this couldn't be happening...

"My king, we need to leave this chamber..the queen needs it...please, do this for the queen's sake."

Reynold added the last line when he saw the king not listening to him, hoping he would snap out of his utter shock. and thankfully, it deed.

Reynold gave the child to one of the maids and slowly led the king out of the queen's chamber... leaving his wife, in pain.

Reynold escort the king to another chamber, next to the one where they just left... and right after they entered, he shut the door closed.

the king's mind was in complete chaos.. one sentence kept on repeating in his head ... "No, this can't be happening... this can't be happening"

the screams of the queen were heard coming from the other room, and this only brought more fear to the king and his right hand guard.. Reynold.

Reynold looked at the king and asked..

"My king, what are we supposed to do? we can't lose the princes after we've waited for them for such a long time... we can't let the elders know about them, or else they'll take them away!" his voice was filled with agony when he told the king, leaving the king more anxious about the whole situation.

But Reynold was right, they've been waiting for this prince for such a long time, they can't lose him, whether the queen gives birth to two princes or twins of different gender, he couldn't allow his children to be taken away from him, to be slayed right Infront of his eyes.. no way, that couldn't happen..

over a million years... no way!


The kingdom of khaebet, had everything as said, power, wealth, food and enough access to water, and they all believe that this was happening because of the shaman's predictions who lived in the castle.

She predicted that their kingdom of khaebet will forwver be blessed with everything it desired as long as everyone follow one rule, if that rule shall be in ajy way broken, then not just that one person but the entire nation will suffer...

And that rule which must be followed by all the subjects as well as the royal family.. that a woman must never give birth to twins.. or triplets....or more than just one child. only one child is allowed to be given birth to, If a woman gives birth to more than one child, the children will be killed and thrown away, infront of their mothers and fathers, and the parents would do nothing but cry for their children.

many have tried to fight and hide this fact from the people, from the royal guard, from the ministers as well as the dukes and the leaders of a certain province...but each time, they were caught, and the kids ended up being brutally killed...as they were considered to be a bad omen to the kingdom, and if allowed to live, they would bring nothing, but bad luck to their kingdom. And this rule was brought by their royal shamans who have lived in the castle for over a hundred of years, passing the rules from one generation to the next. and because of this one rule, they've consider themselves blessed, and as the reason why they were given so much by the Great one above by getting rid of the children as a sacrifice to their great one. and the king, many times was he begged by his civilians to remove this rule, but his stuborness took the best of him, and some of the children, were killed with his own hands....

Now.....today, it was the royal family's turn to face this tragedy.


In Lady Claudia's chambers..

Lady Claudia's chambers were crowded by the king's other wives, as she was the first wife, they all decided to meet up in her chambers to discuss more about the tense situation that was happening in the castle... as the whole castle, on this particular night, was on fire. and thus, no one slept. not even the princess, as they also met in princess Ivy's chambers.

but min while, in Claudia's chambers....

"Heard the news lady Claudia?"

Lady Ember was the first one to ask as soon as they entered the room with their night gowns. Lady Claudia smirked as she drunk her cup of tea, before she answered.." How could I not? The favorite one among us has finally brought a prince in this kingdom, God knows how much his magesty will pamper her..... and her child. "

Lady Belle smiled at them as she also joined the conversation..

" You know, since the prince is finally born now..... " she turned to lady Ember with her one side of her lips curved and told her..

"princess Ivy is no longer the crown princess"

The other quietly drunk their cup of tea, waiting for Lady Ember's comeback.

Lady Ember as expected, she smirked as well and turned to belle.

"Well.. I guess your right. Princess Ivy can no longer be known as the crown princess.."

Lady Belle smirked as she drunk her cup of of tea... before Lady Ember continued.." But, am sure the laws says that, the prince won't be crowned as the crown prince until he reach the age of eighteen, isn't it?"

they all turned and looked at lady Ember... unsure where she was going with this conversation. lady Ember on the other side smirked at the other and told them

"And thus... til then she's still the crown princess.. isn't it? my ladies?"

the others had no choice but to agree with her, as what she said to them in her defense, was completely valid, leaving her with the last say concerning that conversation.... not realizing what was truly happening in the queen's chambers.


The other three princesses were talking all excitedly about the news of having their own younger brother, whom they believed, a day will come when he'll be a knight, and finally be the king to rule as the next king of the kingdom of khaebet.

But Ivy, Ivy had different thoughts concerning this whole situation. all her life, she has known herself as the crown princess, the future queen of Khaebet, and her mother, never left a chance to pamper her about this whole thing concerning her being the next queen and her future husband, the king of khaebet.

But now she knew, all those plans and dreams she had dreamed every night when she was asleep and the ones she dreamed on broad daylight when she was awake, all those will perish and remain nothing but a dream. as the new Crown prince is coming. The future king of khaebet is already here, and only waits to be crowned as the king.. and not her anymore.

Her heart was aching, as she felt her rights being taken away from her just like that, and her eyes, sting of something wet and salty as she stared at the large full moon in the night sky, at the window of her bedroom.