
The roar of the seven heavens

One of the characteristics of humans is that they have both blackness and whiteness, they can be the best and at the same time the worst creature in the world. But in any case, they are the most adaptable creatures on earth, Atan is a boy who has no guardian, his life is turned upside down and he faces strange challenges in turn. Can it progress? Not specified. But one thing is certain, he is going to live, and life with many lows and highs that takes this meaning....

creature1 · Fantasía
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7 Chs


Ethan opened his eyes sadly, the seconds passed like the wind and took away his pleasant dream. He looked around expectantly, maybe, maybe all these sleep problems were unfortunate and he could look around to see his mother smiling at him and saying,

 "Good morning dear, I see my little boy has woken up from his sweet sleep!" But looking around, all these thoughts disappeared with the empty and cold facade of the ruined house. He felt the heat of the teardrops on his face and said under his breath: "You left me alone again, mom..."

He looked at his father, smiled and wiped his tears, at least a part of his father's existence remained in his life and he left a reason for his survival in this world.

He got up and reached into his money bag. The sound of the coins made him think that with the five orange coins he was getting today and the potion, there was already a jar for his father to use. So he could buy two blankets and some firewood to heat the house with today's salary money.

He walked towards the shop, in the meantime he was thinking about his mother's story, no doubt he also wanted to become stronger, both as a soldier and as a man who wanted to be able to protect his family.

Other than that, he still had to find a way to cure his father, and that would be possible by getting stronger.

In the first chill of the morning, steam followed by the words came out of his mouth: "Blood heir..."

He had heard this name a lot from his parents and had planned to do it for a long time, because his father became the greatest soldier and the greatest commander in the same way. So he had to continue the same way to take his father's place.

But he did not know that with the events that happened to him and his family, will the permission and education of blood inheritance be transferred to him again?

He sighed and put the stone under his feet again and, like before, after several attempts, he rang the bell.

The middle-aged man opened the door, but his expression clearly looked different and rushed. Etan laughed when he saw Alexander's face and said:

 "Good morning Alexander, what's up?" Why are you so stupid? Father always told others in such situations not to let the girl of your dreams come to your dreams..."

Alexander's face turned red when he heard Ethan's voice and quickly said, "Shut up boy, why are you dozing off?" Come and get to work quickly. We have a guest..."

Ethan walked into the shop as he laughed at Alexander's reaction, as a middle aged man he too had his own life. Ethan thought that maybe there really is a special guest inside the shop and that's why Alexander reacted like that.

He entered the shop and went to the small room behind the counter without paying attention to the guest and changed his clothes.

 "A new day has come again and I have to go through a hard day. I hope that at least another conflict will not happen because I am really tired of playing clowns."

It wasn't the first time a guest had been there in the early hours of the morning, but it was rare. In any case, Ethan's condition was no different, he had to keep wiping the tables and preparing the surroundings to receive the next customers.

He went to the customer to prepare his table in addition to welcoming him, but he encountered a strange scene, he held his breath. His heart beat faster and a smile appeared on his face.

Unconsciously, seeing the customer, he called her: "Mom! your own mom »

The young woman was wearing a long blue robe, a mask on her face that covered the upper half of her face from the top of her forehead to the end of her nose and part of her cheeks. Nevertheless, her beauty seemed undeniable.

Her long silver hair fell to her waist and her gray eyes sparkled. Hearing Ethan's voice, he turned his head towards him.

Her delicate movement increased the smile on the boy's face, the same beauty as his mother, the same movements with poise. His mother had returned very soon. But why here? What mattered, the important thing was that he could live with her once again and taste happiness again.

The young woman looked from head to toe at the boy who just now called her mother, a fat and tasty boy with the same gray eyes, she had a good impression of him at first glance. She smiled at him, but was still surprised by the name the boy called her. Before she could react, Ethan approached the young woman with shaky steps...