
The roar of the seven heavens

One of the characteristics of humans is that they have both blackness and whiteness, they can be the best and at the same time the worst creature in the world. But in any case, they are the most adaptable creatures on earth, Atan is a boy who has no guardian, his life is turned upside down and he faces strange challenges in turn. Can it progress? Not specified. But one thing is certain, he is going to live, and life with many lows and highs that takes this meaning....

creature1 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


The story started from the place where the gates of hell were broken and the natural order of the earth was taken away with them.

Various types of creatures that had not been seen anywhere in the world until then, suddenly appeared and occupied each part of the earth as their own territory.

Intelligent races, some of them are proud and some of them are thirsty for the blood of other creatures, some of them could not be communicated with and they like solitude, and some of them are inherently evil creatures who seek to loot the property of this and that.

Except for these mutated animals, the ones you still see and humans use to progress. Some were caused by genetic mutation and some were found unaware.

Humans are adaptable creatures, but the flood of strange animals that did not spare their blood and families and destroyed their homes and tore their societies apart. It made them unable to fight against this unannounced invasion and a large part of our human population was destroyed during this time.

Demons released from hell, lead the massacre of humans and kill many over time. The blood of humans spilled on the ground, but it was not trampled, it boiled and its struggle for revenge and peace renewed the spirit of the battle.

A group of humans united together and became stronger over time with the method of blood inheritance. Even though the demons are still killing people, the adaptable creatures don't give up their lives so easily.

They fought, killed and built a dam from their corpses to defend the remaining people.

These are all legends, but a part of them is the truth of the world that surrounds us and we live in a small part of it.

I don't know how long these wars lasted, but finally one day it came to an end.

Five people, who are the reason for the existence of the current five countries, stood up. Fighting and becoming stronger, so much so that they could not only deal with animal races. Rather, with the same small number, standing proudly in front of a large group of different races and fighting for their people.

Fighting for the future of mankind, some say that the war ended when five people killed all the devils and they also became victims in the meantime.

Some people say that they sacrificed themselves in a forbidden way and closed the gates of hell again. And in this way, they were able to return most of the intelligent beings to the land of hell.

I don't know how true these claims are, but as you can see, the world regained its order and humans are once again trying to reach the top of the world.

They form their own territories and spend most of the time in peace, unless they face an attack from mutant animals.

 The five people that I told you are the same base of five countries with names



Azar Bad



And our country, which is located in the center of the five countries, is called Surna, and we must try to maintain this peace and become stronger by following the blood inheritance. So that if the world faces a new chaos once again, we can deal with it.

I don't know if you have heard its name or not, but five countries are covered with thick fog around it. No one knows what will happen after that fog or where it will end, people call it the end of the world.

Your father and I went there in the past and the only thing we know about it is that it was created after the disappearance of other creatures.

You know, Ethan, there are many rumors about the past of humans, one of which is that humans in the past were messing around with various sciences and came up with many strange devices called technology.

But with the advent of blood inheritance, no one is looking for science like that anymore, now you can see science in pharmaceutical factories or blacksmiths who make wonderful things with incredible properties.

Things that I at least believe humanity did not achieve before blood inheritance. But in any case, people now live in the old traditional way, even though there are still people who look for gold, houses, properties, and properties and avoid the world of mutants. But as you know, the power goes to the mutants.

I don't want to show you good and bad or dictate what you should follow. You can live a peaceful life with your father in the corner of the same small town, you can go in search of medicine and alchemy, and you can even become a great soldier with progress, which is your dream and your father's and my pride."

The beautiful lady, looking at her sleeping child, finished the story, then gently stroked his head and said:

 "I'm sorry I can't stay with you my dear, life is hard. You have to endure this hardship so that you can grow up, my son."