
The roar of the seven heavens

One of the characteristics of humans is that they have both blackness and whiteness, they can be the best and at the same time the worst creature in the world. But in any case, they are the most adaptable creatures on earth, Atan is a boy who has no guardian, his life is turned upside down and he faces strange challenges in turn. Can it progress? Not specified. But one thing is certain, he is going to live, and life with many lows and highs that takes this meaning....

creature1 · Fantasía
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7 Chs


He was sitting on a chair and looking at his father's face, harder every day, with an unknown future that would be frighteningly harder than now because of the coldness he felt.

He had given the medicine to his father a little while ago and now he was spending long seconds of the long night in solitude and darkness. Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. An eleven-year-old child was crushed under the pressure of life's hardships, but he still lived his days with hope.

As tears fell, she whispered:

 "Dad, so when do you want to wake up?" Dad, I'm tired. Dad, why don't you wake up.....

Dad, it's hard to be alone, you weren't there, and even your name and the name of the army were blackened. You were not there and all our possessions were taken. Throwing us out of our own home. cursing us slander you

So when are you going to wake up and defend yourself and me, Dad? "You defended a country for a lifetime that eventually threw you away."

Memories flashed before his eyes, he repeated his father's voice in his mind, feeling the warmth of the teardrops

 "Son, this is code number 10 of being a soldier. A soldier does not cry, not even a man, so you as a soldier should not cry and show weakness to others. How can a person who is weak himself defend his people and country as a soldier?

The happy days he spent with his family were passing before his eyes and his memories were being recalled. Until he fell asleep on the same chair next to his father's bed.


A beautiful lady with gray eyes and silver hair, a blue necklace and purple earrings, a boy was sitting on her long skirt.

The boy looked at his mother and laughed and was happy to be by her side, even though he knew that he had lost his mother for a long time, even though he knew in his dream that his mother would soon pass away, but still He laughed when he saw her again.

Ethan said to his mother with the same smile:

 "You know mom, ever since you left and dad was asleep, I'm getting lonelier and lonelier every day. When you left, you became a star in the sky. Do you think our life will be okay? Do you think dad will wake up again?

The ghost woman smiled and caressed the boy's cheek, then replied in a kind tone:

 "Darling, don't worry. Life is hard, but it doesn't always stay like this. Bitterness and sweetness make life together. Dad will wake up and you can sit together again, the strongest soldiers of the five countries.

Two soldiers who are the liquid of my honor, but don't be sad about my absence, much sooner than you think, you will see someone like me and you will love him just like me.

That day is not that far, so whenever you see him, appreciate him and be kind to him. Just like how you treat me, then he will love you too.

Ethan knew that his mother was saying these words to make him happy, he held her hands tighter so that he wouldn't let her go again too soon, he looked into his mother's soft gray eyes and said:

 "Mom, you will come to me again, right? you're welcome. Can't you come every night? I'm tired Sometimes my heart hurts and I cry. Can't you sleep with me at least once a week?"

His mother put a hand on his head with a kind smile and said: "I am always with you my dear, I am always in my heart." I am in my memories. You are not alone my dear.

Every time you were sad, close your eyes and you can feel that my soul is always taking care of you, open your eyes and look at the sky. The brightest star that twinkles at you shows you that I care and look at you even from the sky.

Ethan hugged his mother, the warmth of her hug was a love that he had lost for a long time and would soon lose again.

 "Say, Mom?"

 "Yes Dear?"

 "Will you tell me a story like before?"

 "But you've grown up, my dear."

 "Mom please!"

 "Okay, you're still my cute and spoiled boy."

Then he pulled his cheek and started telling the story...