
The rise of the Ultimate species

Kirean silver dies in a nuclear blast, ends up getting an opportunity of a lifetime with his own overpowered species and his system see how he conquers his new universe! !!don’t worry about the Ultimas being over powered early on because they will really need it when they start expanding out words this is not a chump universe a runt here can be a god in others and they’re a lot to happen before they start steamrolling everyone like a lot I don’t think it’s going to be until a a hundred or a few maybe less oh and my grammar and spelling is trash I’m new!!! Plz don’t read for a serious novel because I’m really bad and it’s going to take time to improve so take it like something fun to read and make fun off but don’t take it serious btw this novel is very unrefined most of this is coming of the top of my head all I have is a general idea so if you have any advice or ideas of yourselfs plz tell

TheprimordialGod · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
75 Chs


If you don't evolve in 10,000s of years especially in a environment where there is thousands of types of different predators that's because your probably long extinct so kirean wasn't at all surprised but was glad they kept the evolution it was worthwhile to keep genetic samples of all of them the size of all the animals was also more worthy as ultimas never had any need for oxygen they didn't know or care that the trees that are upgrading due to increase in energy on the planet produce way more oxygen to the point that even vermin's are 3m tall on average and insects are as big as an ultimas hand but the average is as big as a finger creatures like leviathan could only get that big after thousands of years of evolution with an oxygen rich environment thinking of leviathan kirean couldn't help but think of how big he has grown these 60 years he is now 3,000 meters long this is still too small on a planetary scale it's still massive kirean believes that no creature in this galaxy can get as big without any help coming out of his thoughts kirean looked at amber and said "how's the planet survey?" Asked kirean clearly asking about the planet that they surveyed these 20 years "forefather the planet surveyed this time is one close to the suns it's a molten planet completely covered in lava and volcanos we have not discovered anything ground breaking just a moon level crystal it's highly transparent and hard it seems that the pressure and heat of the planet created them we have just uncovered this gem so we still need time to uncover its properties" said amber as kirean could already see the properties just from the description it should amplify lasers and be good lenses but to what extent he doesn't know they might be amplified by a lot or little

"Adam are the patrols doing well did they find odd things?" Asked kirean in hopes adams tells him something he doesn't know infact he is drawing in meeting out not because he has any cool plans but because he just wants to talk to people now it's very weird but it's normal for beings that live for 10,000's years to be a little "forefather patrols have been going well the fleets are still high on morale as more odd things there is nothing that I know of" said Adam with an embarrassed face he is primarily embarrassed cuz he didn't have much to talk about after who can't tell what kirean is looking for it was pretty obvious "Stephen I heard you fought in the tournament with your kids" said kirean with a smile as Stephen got an extremely embarrassed face his kids have already been showing off they're ranks to him "yes forefather they have even done better than me and Mia" said Stephen with a crooked smile as kirean just laughed and said "it's probably the governor work that's taking most of your time from cultivating" said kirean as he laughed so did everyone in the hall

Kirean now looking at Gaia is in hopes that Gaia can drag this out a little longer afterall what is he going to do after this absolutely nothing maybe he can room his star system after thought kirean as he said "Gaia have you learned anything about the energy dimension" said kirean with a smile as Gaia said "the energy dimension is a dimension where the energy that escapes other dimensions go due to the constant war in this dimension between the energies the energy in the dimension is way higher than anything in this universe I calculated and the energy dimension should have the most energy of any dimension but I don't have access to other dimensions so this could be wrong" this time kirean was surprised his question actually led to useful knowledge about the energy dimension like how it got the energy and how the energies behave "is there a way for you to go in and observe it in depth without ascending?"asked kirean as Gaia got in to thought for a second before replying "it is possible to go into the dimension but coming out is a question I don't know"said Gaia as kirean nodded its was in his expectations ascending is a core rule of this universe maybe all of them to be able to bypass it requires atleast a stronger strength than the universe

As the meeting ended you could see kirean with a grim face as he sat alone he could only sigh and bring out a hologram and browse social media for a bit although he had servants they were the best to have a good conversation with he can have a better conversation with leviathan as the time passed you see kirean but he is not at his throne room he is walking in a cave that was covered in glowing fungus kirean was currently in the cave system that runs through out the entire planet of Oberon as he explores more and more of it he sees more unique animals to this environment they were all perfectly adapted to live here very soon he saw a the cave expand into a bigger cave well if this cave was just bigger that would be weird this cave was absolute gigantic and it was filled with an ocean so deep it almost reaches the planets core as Kirean observes this gigantic cave he couldn't help but smile this place was sure beautiful even too Ultima standards the entire place was lit up my glowing fungus's there were islands all over the ocean they were extremely beautiful with trees on them the ocean was filled with early fish's that just evolved kirean thinking this was a good place released leviathan who didn't even look at him but stared at the ocean for a second before becoming 3k meters big and diving inside