
The Rise Of A Knight

This is not an Isekai novel, nor is it a Reincarnation novel. Our story follows an ordinary boy, who dreams of becoming a Knight. Will he succeed? Or will he be destroyed, along with many others? Nobody has plot armor, the MC being the exception. Im an amateur writer, so don’t get mad at the bad writing at first. The POV will be third-person. Discord: https://discord.gg/GfjfUmjcbJ Enjoy the novel!

ElectricDragon · Fantasía
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2 Chs

The loss of a mother


The people who broke down the door were two men, both masked and with black scarves, and carrying short swords. The men didn't bother letting the mother react, slicing towards her.

The mother didn't protect herself, she instead cast a spell on her child, causing him to disappear from sight. The sword sliced open her stomach, intestines spilling out as she slumped over, dying in seconds. The men left as quickly as they came.

The child walked up the his mothers corpse, not understanding why she wouldn't move.

"Momma? What's coming out of you?"

The child began trying to put his mothers intestines back inside of her, begging her to wake up as he did.

"Momma! Wake up!"

The child ran out of the door to get help, only met by the bodies of the two guards. One had a slit throat, the other a hole in their temple. The child begged them to wake up, to help his mother, but was met with no response.

He ran off, yelling for help. Nobody in town seemed to see him nor hear him. He sat down against a wall and cried. Only after hours of crying did someone take notice of him.

"You okay, kid?