
The Return of the End: Apocalypse Reborn

When the apocalypse strikes, The world as we know it started to come to an. The once-blue skies turn dark and Black rain started to fall, the streets run red with the blood of the fallen. The apocalypse has arrived, and humanity is on the brink of extinction. But for one survivor, the end is only the beginning. Thrown back in time to a moment before the catastrophe, he must navigate the treacherous landscape of a world about to be destroyed. Create a team of powerful personnels with his knowledge of future.With the clock ticking and the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, he must race against time to survive the impending doom once more.

Devil_Yagami · Acción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
25 Chs

chapter 13: Time skip and techniques

Disclaimer: This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real events, people, or places is coincidental. The author does not endorse or promote any harmful or illegal activities, including violence, discrimination, or harmful survival practices. The novel's content is intended for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as a guide for real-life survival or preparedness. Always prioritize safety, respect, and well-being in your actions and decisions.


Day 4:

The group woke up well-rested and tackled the fourth floor, their routine now a well-oiled machine. They encountered their first angry face variable, along with two smiley face and a sad face variable. Min-su ordered Min-ho and Hana to take down the angry face, while he dispatched the others with ease. After gathering essentials from the apartments, they headed to the rooftop, where the warm sun beat down on them, casting a golden glow over the city, The air was filled with the scent of blood of the zombies and humans and the distant hum of zombies shambling below.

Min-su requested the strength Nexarion and the endurance Nexarion. He tossed the endurance Nexarion to Hana and consumed the Strength one himself. A grueling training session followed, the sound of clashing metals and heavy breathing filled the air as they trained. Sweats dripped down their faces as they pushed their limits until sunset. Exhausted, they returned home, washed up, and devoured dinner before collapsing into bed.

Day 5:

The same routine unfolded, with the group clearing the third floor and encountering two angry face variables. Min-ho and Hana took point, with Min-su providing guidance and support. After gathering resources, they headed to the rooftop, where Min-ho and Hana ingested the angry face Nexarions. Another intense training session followed, honing their skills and building their strength.

Day 6:

The second floor proved to be a challenge, with three variables awaiting them, including two smiley face and one angry face. Min-ho and Hana worked together seamlessly, taking down the angry face with Min-su's guidance. With the floor cleared, they headed to the rooftop for another training session, their skills and teamwork improving with each passing day.

Day 7:

The first floor was a breeze, with only a single sad face variable standing in their way. But Min-su had other plans. "We're not done yet," he announced, leading them to the ground floor - a parking lot teeming with zombies and five variables. The battle was intense, with twenty zombies dispersed across the floor. Min-ho, Hana, and Min-su fought in perfect sync, taking down the variables and clearing the floor in a grueling half-hour battle.

As they returned to their apartment, exhausted and elated, Min-su declared a well-deserved day off from training. The trio washed up, devoured lunch, and collapsed onto the sofa, their fatigue catching up with them. Conversation dwindled as they drifted off to sleep, their bodies and minds rejuvenating for the challenges ahead.

Hana woke up to darkness, surrounded by the silence of night. She fumbled for the makeshift lamp, a glass bottle filled with oil and a piece of cloth, and lit it up. As the flame flickered, The shadows cast eerie silhouettes on the wall.

A hand fell on her shoulder, making her jump. "What are you doing?" Min-su's voice asked.

"Oh, it's you, Oppa," Hana replied, relieved. "Just lighting the lamp."

Min-su nodded. "I can understand you. It was the same for me in my previous life. It takes some getting used to, but we adapt quickly."

Min-ho stirred, yawning widely. "Good evening," he said, rubbing his eyes.

Hana and Min-su chimed in unison, "Sleepyhead!"

Min-ho chuckled. "What can I do? The fight exhausted me. Anyway, what's our plan from next day, Hyung?"

Min-su smiled. "What else but training? But slightly different this time. You remember my One Mind and Singularity Strike techniques?"

Hana's eyes widened. "I've seen the Singularity Strike, but not the One Mind technique."

Min-ho explained, "You can think of the One Mind technique as using Singularity Strike multiple times in a second."

Hana's eyes sparkled. "Wow, such a thing really exists!"

Min-ho asked, "But why are you asking this, Hyung?"

Min-su replied, "Because from tomorrow, I'll be teaching you these techniques."

Min-ho's face lit up. "Really? Will I be able to use techniques like that too?"

Min-su nodded. "Yes, you will, but not now. Your body can't handle the strain it will cause."

Hana asked, "Then why not ingest those Nexarions? And why are we storing them instead of using them?"

Min-su explained, "You've already reached the level of Level 1 mutated zombies. As for the remaining Nexarions, bring them to me."

Hana fetched the three pouches from Min-su's room and handed them over. Min-su counted them. "We have nine Nexarions in total - five speed, three strength, and one endurance. I'll divide them among us."

He handed Hana two speed Nexarions and one strength Nexarion, Min-ho got two strength Nexarions and one endurance Nexarion, and Min-su took three speed Nexarions.

"We'll use these Nexarions on the day the zombies awaken. Until then, keep them safe," Min-su instructed.

The group nodded, their eyes gleaming with anticipation and a hint of fear. They knew the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but they were ready to face it together.

The night passed peacefully, with Min-su regaling them with tales of his past adventures. They even had a impromptu party on the verandah, enjoying a barbecue under the stars.

The next morning, after breakfast, they headed to the rooftop around 9 AM. Min-su began by explaining the concept of mana, the energy they would awaken to after their awakening. He delved into the fundamentals of mana, laying the groundwork for the techniques he would teach them.

First, he demonstrated a technique called the Dual Dash Strike, using two machetes borrowed from Min-ho. With a swift dash, he sliced twice in quick succession, showcasing the technique's focus on speed and precision.

"This technique is designed to take down a single opponent with surprise and rapid speed," Min-su explained. "You need to focus your strength into your legs and dash towards your opponent, striking them quickly to catch them off guard. With enough power, speed, and precision, you can even slice a person in two. Now, try to imitate what I did."

Min-ho watched in awe, then nodded eagerly as he prepared to try the technique himself. Min-su smiled.

Min-su approached Hana, a hint of a smile on his face. "Since you use knives and focus on speed, the technique I'll teach you is called Flicker Strike." He paused, then said, "Stand straight."

Hana complied, her eyes fixed on Min-su as he rubbed the charcoal he had brought with him. Min-ho, intrigued, stopped his training and watched his brother with interest.

Min-su concentrated, his eyes gleaming with intensity. Then, in a blur of motion, he flickered around Hana five times, as Min-su flickered around Hana, the air seemed to vibrate with his movements, reappearing in front of her as suddenly as he had vanished. Both Hana and Min-ho were left stunned, Hana's confusion evident on her face.

Min-su called out to Min-ho, "Come here and see if you notice anything wrong with Hana."

Min-ho approached, his eyes scanning Hana's body. He noticed five black spots - one on her right abdomen, two on her throat, one under her eye, and one on her temple.

Min-su nodded, "Now it's your turn, Hana. Use your knives and attack the spots where I left the charcoal marks."

Min-ho's eyes widened as he connected the dots. "The charcoal marks are on vital points," he realized.

Min-su nodded, "That's right! The Flicker Strike technique is about striking your opponent's vital points so fast that they'll only see your afterimage before you flicker and strike again."

He turned to Hana, "To learn this technique, you need to move very fast. First, learn how to flicker, and then try to flicker consecutively. The hardest part is mastering the flicker, but once you do, it'll save your life many times in the future."

Hana asked, "But how do I do a flicker?"

Min-su explained, "Flicker is all about high-speed movement. Start by moving a foot in distance at high speed, and then gradually increase the distance until you can flicker five meters. With practice, you'll get the hang of it."

Hana began her training, and Min-ho returned to his own. Min-su watched them for a moment before going into meditation to restore his life force, which he had depleted using the techniques. He thought to himself, "The drawback of not having access to mana... *sigh*."

This training went for seven days.

14th day, on the day of mutation everyone was standing on the rooftop. The air was heavy with anticipation, the only sound being the distant shuffling of zombies and the soft rustling of the morning breeze through the nearby trees.