
The Rejected Soul

Reincarnation is a tricky thing, especially with foreign souls. Have you ever wondered what would happen, when the very world rejects someone's reincarnation it's self?

Shimo_Kiba · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 00: The prototype

This is a one-shot at the moment, just a bunch of ideas for RWBY that I couldn't get out of my head. If y'all like it, I may or may not continue working on it. Also, let me know if you catch the references. 

Strap in, this is going to be long. Around: 7000


"Mael" The hum of a woman's seductive voice, filled his ears, as he hugged her body. His face buried in her chest, as she runs her hands through his moppy hair. He gruffed out a questioning hum, as he looked up at her. 

Her bright blue eyes, blinded him for a second, as she spoke again. "Wakey Wakey" Her voice lost its warmth and caring tone, for a more raspy and timbre hum. His face twisted into confusion, as he tilted his head. His chest rested on her plump chest, as he grumbled about not wanting to move. "Come on you stubborn lug" 

Her voice changed again, losing all semblance of care and warmth. Her eyes shined brighter than before, almost like flashlights, as she raised her hand. In an instant, she slapped him. "You're about to be a chew toy" 

"wha-" Mael's words were interrupted, as a shiver crawled like a spider up his spine. Like a chain reaction.


Mael's pale red eyes snapped open, and instinctually, he coiled his fist back. Throwing his hand, his knuckles colliding with a skull with a sickening crunch. The victim was sent hurtling backward, its body crashing into the ground with a thunderous impact.

A crater forms under its body, as Mael stares at it uninterested. The victim, or rather creature was a black-furred beast: A Grimm. 

A Beowolf to be more specific. A Black furred beast, with a bone-white mask that had red details carved into it. Mael's hand shifted, holding the back of his neck with a furrowed brow. A bright blue lens shined in his face like how they would shine lights into someone's face while interrogating them in old detective movies. "Finally, you're awake sleeping beauty!" 

His eyes rolled, as he grabbed the light, swatting it away. The navy blue orb that blared the light, was spun wildly as it tried to steady itself. "Shut that light off, will ya, Cayde?"

"Fine" Cayde rolled his single eye before he pointed out more Grimm: "There's two more Beowolves headed this way, and they look hungry."

Mael glances over and true to Cayde's warning, two more massive Beowolves emerge from the shadows, their eyes locking onto their 'prey'. Eager to eat, the first Grimm lets out an ear-splitting roar and charges forward, its massive jaws gaping wide.

But Mael simply stands there, uninterested in them, as the Beowolf barrels towards him. At the last possible moment, he darts forward, slipping under the creature's lunge. In one fluid motion, he grabs the Beowolf's leg and, with a powerful heave, swings the Grimm around, slamming it into the second Beowolf that had been charging in from the side.

The two Beowolves crash to the ground in a tangled heap, dazed but not dead. They snarl and thrash, trying to disentangle themselves and get back on their feet. "Cayde"

Clearing the distance in the blink of an eye, Cayde appears next to Mael, his eyes glowing. Slowly, a Bokken – a wooden practice katana – materializes in the center of his eye. "Yup, one bokken coming right up"

Gripping the hilt, he yanked it out. His movements were amateurish, as he swung upwards with the weapon, cutting a deep gash in the ground along with both of the beasts. Their bodies fell into two halves, rugged cuts from brute strength rather than skill. 

The wooden sword makes a loud cracking sound as it connects with the Grimm's bodies, and Mael watches impassively as the Bokken shatters into splinters. "Hmph, fragile," Mael mutters, tossing the broken hilt aside. "You know, Katanas are too delicate for my liking" 

"You know, it's kinda your fault." Cayde pointed out, as he scanned the remains of the Bokken. "Your style of brutish fighting isn't suited for a Katana" 

"Hmm," He hummed in agreement, scratching his cheek sheepishly, like a child caught in a cook jar. Cayde was right, Mael mainly used brute strength, save for the combat training simulation Cayde forces him to fight. Weapon uses were recently added to his regiment. 

"Well, what other weapon could do well for my style then?" Of course, Mael's first choice of mastery was a Katana, a weebs wet dream. I mean who wouldn't want to copy all those cool moves you see in anime?! Sadly, Mael wasn't suited for a katana, as much as he thought. That doesn't mean he won't learn, he'd rather master the easy ones first. 

Cayde pauses for a moment, contemplating. "Well, what about a great sword? Or maybe an axe or a mace - something that's sturdy?" Mael considers this, his gaze drifting back to the shattered remnants of the Bokken.

"Hmm, maybe," he concedes vaguely.

Cayde's body nods, as he changes topics. "Speaking of weapons, we should probably get moving. The canon is starting today, and I really don't think you'll be able to waltz into town looking like... well, that." He gestures towards Mael's tattered, unkempt appearance, he has lived in the forest for the past six months. Just waiting for canon to start.

Mael glances down at his dirty kimono and bandaged limbs, then back up at Cayde. "Yeah, yeah~, I'll steal some clothes when we get into town"

"Yeah, you don't exactly blend in with the crowd. You're, uh, kind of... hard to miss." Cayde adds on, as Mael's gaze sweeps over himself. Annoyingly, Cayde was right. 

He was a towering, muscular figure, standing at an imposing 6'6" with an extremely well-toned body, particularly his biceps and thighs. His rugged, handsome features were accentuated by a mop of black hair that fell across his pale red eyes, giving him an almost childish appearance. The tattered, sleeveless kimono he wore and the scuffed bandages covering his forearms, lower legs, and feet only added to his unkempt, wilderness-dwelling look. [Image]

He didn't even have shoes for Christ's sake. He would be pretty easy to spot in a crowd. 

"I suppose you do have a point," Mael concedes with a slight shrug. "Lead the way, then. Because, I have absolutely no clue on how to get to the city, nor that store little red is gonna be in."

Cayde shakes his 'head', his voice showing his smiling self "Alright, just try to keep a low profile, will ya?" With that, his orb begins to drift away, and Mael follows, his steps still unhurried and his expression as indifferent as ever. His arms laid behind his head, as the two talked. 


Mael was a hospital-ridden man, cursed with an incurable disease. He had spent most of his life, in and out of doctor's offices, costing his parents millions to keep him alive. 

In the beginning, he grew up like any other kid, playing, running, making friends, and such. Until the age of 12, when he first started to cough an odd green liquid. No doctor knew what was wrong, and so for the next 8 years of his life, he was in and out of hospitals. Different doctors every other month, specialist, after specialist. None knew what was wrong, none could cure him. 

So he stayed, confined to a hospital bed. His friends eventually stopped showing up, and so with nothing to do, he watched TV. He found solace in anime, games, books, and different movies. If it was popular or not, if you named a show, he more than likely watched it. He might not finished some of them, he but still gave them a chance. 

So when a deal was dropped at his feet, for a life, a new life. One free of this sick and broken body, he took it. He didn't choose the specifics, he just agreed after hearing the terms. He just wanted to be free, free of this hospital bed, free of this sickness, free of everything. 

~ End

"U'know, if you had just walked a bit faster, we could have snagged you something more... presentable" Cayde chides, his tone tinged with exasperation. Mael rolls his eyes with a shrug, simply responding. "I don't see much wrong with my outfit, sides, no one has seen us anyways" 

"It's not just about blending in, but about the presentation, you gotta look good to make a grand entrance" He sighs as they reach a modest-looking shop, the sign above the door reading 'From Dust Till Dawn.' Mael pauses for a moment, examining the storefront with a critical eye. A store that sells dust, named 'From Dust till Dawn' what a bad joke. "Very punny joke" 

"Oh god, please do not do the puns" Cayde pleads as his robotic body shifts, flaps opening, and huffing out air. His form begins to shimmer and shift. Slowly, the orb's circular features melt away, replaced by sleek black feathers and a sharp, hooked beak. Within moments, a crow stands in Cayde's place.

The transformed Cayde lets out a soft caw, flapping his wings expectantly. His eyes still held that blue glint in them. "What? We can't exactly let everyone know, I'm some super futuristic orb that is assigned to reincarnators, now can we?" 

Mael nodded, it would make unnecessary trouble for him. Ozpin, Ironwood, and many others would probably want to take a look at Cayde. Hiding as a qrow? Might not be the best way but more than likely no one would question it. Hopefully. 

Pushing open the door to the shop, the transformed Cayde settles onto Mael's shoulder, his sharp talons gripping the fabric of the tattered kimono. Curiously, he wanders around the store, gaining a questioning and suspicious glance from the owner. He couldn't fault him, he did look like he had no money, which is sad but true. 

After wondering for a bit, Mael began to question the crow. He didn't even find the main character here, and he damn near searched the whole store. "You sure were here on time?" 

Cayde flapped his fluffy wings, lifting himself off the shoulder and onto a shelf nearby. "patience, young padawan." 

As if a code word was spoken, the bell to the shop dinged. Peaking over a shelf, Mael spotted a group of black suits, and sunglasses pouring into the store. They parted like the Red Sea, making way for their leader: Roman Torchwick. A notorious criminal of Vale

He was oddly tall and lanky, around 6,2 or 6,3 ish. He wore his orange hair with long bangs covering his right eye. Letting only his left dark green eye visible, dressing it in black eyeliner. "Do you have any idea, on how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late at night?"


The balding shopkeeper, raises his hands pleading for his safety as one of the grunts points a gun at him. "Please just take the lien and leave!"

"Shhh, calm down. We're not here for your money." Roman tries to calm the shopkeeper as he turns his head, glancing at his lackeys. "Grab the dust."

Mael watches as Roman orders his lackeys around, tilting his head. "What did they want with dust again? I can't remember."

Cayde's wings fluttered as if shrugging. "I'm not entirely sure what they plan to do with it. I'm limited to what the quest tab lets me know."

Almost like Mael had a huge sign saying: 'I'm here, rob me'. Roman's eyes swept the store catching him. For a solid second, Roman and Mael's eyes locked...


"Get him" The criminal mastermind mutters to his lackeys, having four of them break off from the rest. 

Four of the lackeys, looking down the idle didn't seem to spot the unknown man. Confused, one of them scratched his head, as another one spoke up. "Where is he?" 

"Dunno" One of them answered before all four paused. That voice didn't come from one of them. All four at the same time, turned their heads looking behind them. Eyes widened, seeing a behemoth of a human towering over them. Nonchalantly, he scratched his cheek, seemingly confused like them.

"Hah~ I see, it's me you're looking for." A wide grin spread across his face. In an instant, the behemoth's fist collided with one of their heads. A sicken crack sounded, as the thrug was sent flying into a wall, embedding his body into it. 

The more experienced thug jumped into attacking, literally as he jumped at Mael, with his curved sword raised above his head. The giant simply swats the man away, sending him through a pane of glass, much to the shopkeeper's dismay. 

At the very same time, almost like it was planned, a young girl sends another thug flying through the other side's panel of glass. As the shopkeeper throws his hands and sighs, Roman shares the expression. 

A small almost mischievous smile made its way to the crow's beak. "A bit unnecessary, don't you think?" The crow cawed out, as he hid his voice. To the others, he looked like nothing more than a loud crow. To Mael? He spoke actual words.

Mael chuckles, the corner of his mouth quirking upwards. "Come now, Cayde. Where's the fun in that? Besides, I think we pique the interest of our dear friend Torchwick."

He glances over at the criminal mastermind, who is currently muttering under his breath and surveying the damage with a disgruntled expression. The criminal's exasperated groan left his throat. "I don't get paid enough"

"Ah, yes. And I'm sure he's just thrilled to have our attention," Cayde retorts, his tone laced with sarcasm. "You know how much he loves unexpected guests."

The two remaining henchmen stare at Mael in stunned silence as he converses casually with the crow perched on a random light. The sheer absurdity of the situation seems to have rendered them speechless for a moment.

Suddenly, one of the henchmen gathers his courage and steps forward. His body begins to glow with a faint purple aura, and he starts visibly shaking and bouncing on the spot. Mael's attention is drawn back to the henchmen as the man's semblance takes effect.

With a burst of speed and power, the henchman hurls himself at Mael, slamming into the towering figure with the force of a freight train.

Mael is sent flying backward, crashing through the broken glass panels and landing outside on the street with a heavy thud. Skid marks are left on the pavement as Mael slides back, his arms crossed protectively in front of him.

The henchman bounces around for a few more seconds, a smug grin plastered on his face. However, as the smoke settles, it becomes clear that Mael is still standing, his forearms bruised but otherwise unharmed.

The henchman's expression falters as he realizes his attack, while powerful, has done little to deter the massive man. Cayde lets out a disapproving huff. "U'know, you really shouldn't get distracted in a fight." His body flew out of the shop, lading on a lamp post. Mael chuckles, shaking his head slightly. "You're taking unnecessary damage."

"Yeah, yeah~ I hear ya" he replies, his tone almost playful. He shifts his gaze back to the henchman, his expression turning more serious. "Now, that actually hurt. A bit" 

Mael's hand moved to his chin, pushing against it, popping with a satisfying sound. The glow around the henchman's body intensifies as he hurls himself at Mael once again, his semblance amplifying his speed and strength.

This time, Mael is ready. He raises both arms and catches the charging henchman, his hands gripping the man's shoulders. The henchman pushes against Mael with all his might, causing the behemoth's feet to sink slightly into the pavement as he struggles to hold his ground.

Mael's brow furrows as he feels himself losing ground. Letting go with one hand, instantly, the human train, pushed against Mael more, sinking his feet into the pavement. With his free hand, he swiftly delivers a punch to the sertum. The punch sounded through the air, like a gunshot.

The punch was enough to force the man's semblance-enhanced charge to be abruptly halted. As he crumples to the ground, unconscious. "I think I cracked his chest" Turning his head, side-eyeing the crow. 

"Eh, From what I can see, he'll live." Spoke the bird, as his wings fluttered with a shrug. Being an advanced robot, had its perks. After all, a simple scan of the fallen man, Cayde could see the injury wasn't fatal. 

Finally, Roman himself walked out of the store. His gaze swept over the street, as four of the thugs fought the series protagonist: Ruby Rose. 

She wore a black dress, that had a long-sleeved blouse with a high collar and red trim on the sleeves. It paired nicely with her black hair, like the dress, the tips of her hair were red. Oddly enough her eyes were silver. [Image] 

Roman didn't focus long on Ruby, as his attention was ripped from her by the man he locked eyes with. "Ay, Torchwick. What kinda of woman is your type?" 

The criminal froze at the question, with a deadpan stare. Mael silently paid tribute to his favorite character Todo and the man's penchant for asking this question. His philosophy on this question was something Mael agreed with. Boring taste = A boring man. 

"Uh.....my type?" Torchwick muses, adjusting his hat with a flourish. "Well, let's just say I've got a soft spot for the petite, and feisty type." 

"I see," Mael murmurs, a hint of respect in his tone. "Not a bad choice, I must admit," With that, Mael swiftly steps forward and lands a solid punch to Torchwick's stomach, Out of respect for the answer, Mael held back his strength. Still, the criminal hunched over holding his stomach with a pained grunt. 

A wry smile tugged at the corners of Mael's mouth. "I like'em a bit taller, curvier. You know, the kind with a bit more... substance to them." He chuckles softly, a playful gleam in his eyes.

Before Mael can say more, a henchman suddenly leaps onto his back, clinging to him. Mael reflexively reaches back to grab the man, only to have another henchman latch onto his arm. Then another, and another, until a veritable swarm of henchmen have swarmed Mael, hanging onto him from all sides. It was at least six or seven. 

Cayde lets out a disgruntled caw, fluttering his wings in annoyance. "Well, this certainly complicates matters," the crow remarks dryly.

Roman Torchwick struggles to his feet, grimacing slightly from Mael's powerful punch. "Ah, big, curvy, huh?" Roman chuckles, adjusting his hat. "To each their own, I suppose."

Suddenly, Roman reaches into his coat and pulls out a glowing red Dust crystal. With a mischievous grin, he hurls it directly at Mael. "But I think I'll stick to my own tastes, thanks!" he calls out, before turning and making a hasty retreat.

But before Mael can respond further, the explosive projectile detonates, engulfing Mael and several of the nearby henchmen in a fiery blast.

"Oops, my bad!" Torchwick calls out, his voice dripping with feigned innocence, as he hits his own men. "Didn't see you there, guys." With that, the criminal turns and makes a hasty retreat, disappearing up the ladder he had used to escape earlier.

Mael, his kimono now sporting a few scorch marks, looks on with irritation as Torchwick flees. The one henchmen clinging to his chest wince in pain tanking most of the blast. His coat caught on fire, and in a panic, he let go of Mael, trying to put the fire out. Mael turns his attention to the henchman still clinging to his back. With a swift, forceful grip on the man's collarbone, Mael pries him off, earning a painful cry.

"U'know that kinda pissed me off" Mael mutters, tossing the henchman aside as he begins to systematically rip the other men off his body, one by one. As he tosses the henchman aside, he makes his way toward the ladder Roman used for his escape.

Cayde, his feathers slightly ruffled from the explosion, lets out an indignant caw. "He keeps getting distracted." the bird mutters, keeping pace with Mael. 

As Mael makes his way towards the ladder, a sudden flurry of rose petals rushes past him, swiftly ascending the structure. "Wait for me!" a familiar voice calls out, and Mael can't help but chuckle at the familiar display.

"She's fast" he murmurs, a faint smile tugging at his lips. Without breaking stride, Mael crouches down and, with a powerful leap, propels himself up to the rooftop, leaving noticeable cracks in the pavement where he stood.

Reaching the top, Mael finds Roman Torchwick, who regards him and Ruby with a mix of annoyance and begrudging respect. "You two just don't know when to quit, do you?" the criminal sighs, shaking his head.

As if on cue, a Bullhead aircraft emerges, hovering near the rooftop's edge. Roman grins and makes a beeline for the waiting aircraft.

"Well, as much as I'd love to stick around and chat, I'm afraid, I don't like jail very much, it's boring!" he calls out over the roar of the Bullhead's engines. "Try not to miss me too much, you two!"

Mael's brow twitches, as Roman effortlessly boards the Bullhead. With a determined expression, he suddenly breaks into a sprint, propelling himself towards the hovering aircraft.

At the last moment, Mael leaps up, his fingers grasping onto the wing of the Bullhead just as it begins to pull away. Boarding on fulling stopping its escape, Mael's feet leaned against the edge, as he struggled to maintain his grip. This is one task that might have proved to be too much for Mael, as he gritted his teeth against the strain. 

Roman leans out of the Bullhead's open hatch, a look of surprise and begrudging admiration on his face. "What did your parents feed you, kid?" Roman calls out, shaking his head. "I have to say, I'm impressed by your freakish strength."

Suddenly, Roman's cane pops open, revealing the barrel of a gun pointed directly at Mael. "But I'm afraid your persistence has worn a bit thin," he says, a wicked grin spreading across his face. 

Eye widened as he stared at the end of the barrel, Cayde's worried caws were loud as he flew at blinding speed. Ruby herself, moved in, aiming to get the mountain man out of the way. Letting go of the bullhead, Mael raised his arms to defend the shot, but it was unneeded. A purple aura engulfed him, and he was forcefully moved away. 

Roman never delivered the shot. In truth, he wasn't really a 'killing' kinda guy after all. 

Cayde pursed himself onto Mael's shoulder, looking all over his body in worry. "You alright kid?" His caw was filled with worry for his well-being, as a smile grew on Mael's lips. He rubbed the head of the crow. "I'll live. You think a bullet would take me out?" 

"No, but it would hinder you. I mean you don't even have an aura." Cayde pointed out as Mael nodded in agreement, begrudgingly, he would admit, that shot could have taken an eye out if he wasn't careful. Cayde eyes linger on Mael having his own thoughts about the boy's behavior throughout the night. 

Cayde privately makes a note to have a word with Mael about his cocky attitude later, but for now, he remains silent, turning his attention to the situation at hand. Roman Torchwick, still hanging out of the Bullhead's open hatch, scowls in frustration. "We got a huntress!"

The huntress who saved Mael's life was a middle-aged woman who had light-blonde hair tied back in a bun with a curl hanging down the right side of her face. Her green eyes glanced at the freakishly strength man before her gaze turned back to the Bullhead. This was Glynda Goodwitch. [Image]

Roman's figure was replaced by a woman's, her face covered by shadows. Mael's eyes narrowed, as he felt a twinge of familiarity. The woman's eyes glowed an amber color as she slid her hand across her dress, shooting a blast at Glynda. Who in turn, uses her semblance forming a shield, completely blocking it. 

"Damn," His voice mutters, seeing the witch fight, as a small blush creeps onto his face. He watches as the witch who came to their aid, fights the woman, dodging the blast with ease. 

She may or may have not been the boy's crush, in his past life. Shaking his head, forcing himself to focus on the battle, after all, he couldn't make it too obvious. 

His eyes were caught in the sights of a cheeky grin plastered on a bird's face. The bird had a mischievous caw, as he glanced at Mael with a knowing look. "Well, well, someone's got a bit of a crush, hmm?" the crow teases, nudging Mael's cheek with his beak.

Mael's cheeks flush slightly, and he shoots Cayde a half-hearted glare, before pushing him off his shoulder. "I don't know what you're talking about," he mutters, trying to focus on the fight unfolding before them. Cayde steadies himself as they watch the fight, nesting himself on top of Mael's head. 

On the Bullhead, the mysterious woman in the red dress uses the scorching shard that Glynda blocked attacking from under. With ease, the witch dodged the attack, as her eyes narrowed. Catching the debris, she swiftly formed a jagged spear, launching at the aircraft. 

Roman's quick wits allowed him to tilt the bullhead, letting the bulkiest part take the brunt, minimizing the damage. The spear broke into serval parts, allowing Glynda to attack from multiple angles. Raising her hands, seemingly using more power, the red dress sends a wave of heat out, disrupting the control over the debris.

Cayde gives Mael a playful nudge, his feathers ruffling with amusement. "Eyes up, lover boy," the crow whispers. "Looks like the Huntress could use your help."

Mael shaking his head, "I'm going to deep fry you" He mutters, as he punches the ground, creating a small pile of rubble. He then crushes some of the debris into the shape of a baseball and reels his arm back. His hand lanches at blinding speeds, throwing the baseball-shaped rock. 

Beside him, Ruby joins the assault, her Crescent Rose unleashing a barrage of bullets aimed at the escaping aircraft. The woman in red, blocks Mael's initial shot, along with Ruby's bullets with ease. However, out of the corner of her eye, a second ball appears. Too late to stop it, it sticks her in the face.

Knocking her off balance, she cries out in pain, her hand flying to cover the wound. Blood seeps from her forehead, down to her chin. "Heh~" Mael laughs, as he reels another ball, firing this ball at the bullhead's windshield. 

Cracking it, Roman loudly shouts at Mael shaking his fist in anger. "Hey! Watch it, I don't have insurance!!!" He looks back at the woman. "That one's the most pain in the ass" 

The woman found herself agreeing, and in anger she unleashed a series of blasts under the heroes' feet, forcing them to dodge her attacks.

Mael finds himself the target of the woman's relentless onslaught, as she creates at least three powerful blasts directly beneath him. With his quick reflexes and agility, Mael manages to evade all three attacks, though he sustains minor scratches in the process. "Too slow~"

Glynda, the ever-skillful Huntress, uses her Semblance to swiftly throw Ruby out of harm's way before jumping out of the blast zone herself. Both heroines emerge unharmed from Cinder's onslaught. All three looked back up at the aircraft, only to see it swiftly flying away as fast as it could. 

Glynda's eyes narrowed, as her head flicked between Mael and Ruby. With stars in her eyes, Ruby asked a question she had been dying to know. "You're a huntress?! Can I have your autograph?!!!"

"I wouldn't mind one either" Male found himself agreeing without thinking as a blush appeared on his face. 

Cayde caws out: "Smooth~" His body shook as if laughing. 


The world of Remnant is an interesting one, unlike the others, it is quiet and secluded. As such, it doesn't really welcome outsiders, like Mael. In a sense, this is where his reincarnation went wrong.

The world sensed a foreign soul, a being that did not belong, no matter how the world spun it. In so, the world rejected this soul. Denied any Semblance, or aura for protection, and spurn from ever using dust, the world denied the existence of this soul. 

This denial broke the world, cracked it in a sense. This crack spread through the world, yet it only ever affected one being. The foreign soul, spread like a virus into the soul seeping into it. It weakened something, a chain. This crack weakened the locks and chains, that fate had placed on him. 

This soul's existence was truly something special.

~ End

Glynda's heels click against the floor as she approaches Ruby and Mael, the two young fighters standing under a single spotlight, reminiscent of an old detective movie. Her expression is stern, her lips pursed as she surveys the pair. For a moment, she is silent, her eyes narrowing critically.

"You two," she begins, her voice clipped and authoritative, "What you did back there was reckless and irresponsible. Your actions tonight, will not be taken lightly" 

Ruby's shoulders slumped, as Glynda walked behind them. Mael wasn't really fazed, he agreed with her, kinda. Reckless, and irresponsible, yes. But in the face of danger, you can't blame them. "You both put yourselves and others in danger" Her voice softened a bit, she was worried.

"But they started it." Ruby protested as Mael nodded in agreement. His thump pointed at her, as his arms folded. 

"What she said, I didn't go looking for a fight" Lie. 

Glynda's expression shifts "If it were up to me," she says, her voice laced with a tinge of weariness, "both of you would be sent home with a pat on the back" 

Ruby's eyes lit up, with a smile before a ridding crop hit the table, causing both Mael and Ruby to flinch. Seeing the weapon, a wry smile grew on the boy's face.

Cayde, perched on Mael's shoulder, lets out a low caw, his beady eyes gleaming with amusement. "Ooh, looks like someone's got a type, huh, partner?" the crow teases, nudging Mael with his beak. "Bow Chicka Bow Wow" 

Mael forcefully closes his beak with his fingers, as Glynda's brow raises at the crow's caws. Her gaze lingered on him, almost as if he looked like someone she knew. She turned her head, as her eyes lingered for a second longer. "But, someone here would like to meet you." 

From another poorly lit doorway, emerged, a a middle-aged man with silver hair, and glasses that covered his brown eyes. In his hand, he held a cup of infinite coffee and a plate of cookies. [Image] 

 "Ruby Rose" Ozpin says, a gentle smile on his face as he sets the plate of cookies down in front of Ruby. Leaning in close, he looks at her eyes "You have sliver eyes" Ruby backs away slightly, confused by it. 

Cayde lets out a low caw, commenting on it. "Creepy"

"A pet crow?" Ozpin's eyes gaze shifts to Mael, his eyes widening slightly as he takes in the young man's features. "And you, young man...Are a person I don't know." His hand scratches his chin. "And you have striking pale red eyes" 

Right, Mael wasn't reborn per se, he was more transmigrated. Even if he was reborn, he only woke up six months ago. Already rehearsing this well-told lie: "I grew up in the woods, my mother didn't like the kingdoms too much." 

"Ah..." Ozpin nods, his expression thoughtful. "I see. Yes, I'm aware that some villages choose to isolate themselves from the larger cities and kingdoms. Understandable, given the tensions that can sometimes arise."

The Headmaster takes a sip of his coffee, his gaze still fixed on Mael. While he doesn't outright challenge the young man's story, there's a hint of skepticism in Ozpin's eyes that suggests he's not entirely convinced by Mael's explanation. "May I know your name?" 

"Isn't it polite to give one's own name first?" Mael's small challenge, added more to his lie, as most isolated villages didn't know much about the city. 

"Ah... Right, I'm Professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon Academy" He nods as he lifts his hand to introduce Glynda. "and this is Glynda Goodwitch, one of our esteemed professors."

Ozpin hums thoughtfully, his gaze slightly narrowed. Glynda nods in acknowledgment, her gaze steady. Mael inclines his head slightly. "Mael Quinn. It's...a pleasure to meet you both."

Glynda nods her head, as she pulls out a scroll, playing a video of the fights. "Remarkable," he murmurs. Turning to Ruby and Mael, he asks, "Where did you two learn to fight like that?"

"S....Signal Acadamey?" She wondered if it was the right answer. Ozpin knew this to be semi-true. "Only person, I've seen move like that, is a dusty old crow" 

"Das mu uncle" Ruby's words were muffled, as she started to shove her face full of cookies. Mael could only snag one, as Ruby nearly bit his hand off. Ruby swallows the cookie in her mouth, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.

"Sorry. That's my uncle Qrow. He's a teacher at Signal. He's the one who really helped me get good with this." She demonstrates with a few dramatic karate chops and sound effects.

She pauses, glancing sheepishly at Mael as she accidentally swings her arm a bit too close, nearly clipping him in the head. Mael ducks just in time, shooting Ruby a slightly exasperated look.

"Sorry, sorry!" Ruby exclaims. "But yeah, Uncle Qrow's the best. I was pretty garbage before he started training me, but now I'm awesome!" She punctuates her statement with another series of karate chops, nearly hitting Mael again.

Ozpin chuckles, raising a hand to stop Ruby's enthusiastic display. "Well, it looks like he was an excellent teacher. And what about you, Mr. Quinn? Where did you learn to fight like that?"

Mael scratched his cheek as he thought to himself, meeting Ozpin's gaze evenly. "My mother. She taught me the basics of hunting and self-defense, as we had to provide for ourselves."

He pauses for a bit of dramatic effect. "But as I got older, I became more of a self-taught fighter. Honing my skills, pushing myself to become stronger."

Glynda steps forward, her expression stern. "Yes, your fighting style is certainly...effective. The assailants you encountered suffered quite the injuries - a fractured skull, cracked septum, broken collar bone..." She shakes her head slightly.

Mael's lips thin into a tight line, but he doesn't back down from Glynda's scrutiny. Ozpin holds up a hand, his gaze thoughtful. "Be that as it may, Mr. Quinn, the fact that you were able to hold back a full-sized Bullhead with your semblance, is quite remarkable" 

Mael shakes his head. "No, actually, my Semblance is a bit different. I'm able to communicate with animals." As he says this, he gestures to the small bird perched on his shoulder. "This is Cayde. He's been my companion for a couple of years now." Mael offers the two a small smile, as he lies through his teeth. 

Ozpin's brow furrows as Mael's words sink in. "You... held a Bullhead with your raw strength?" he asks, a hint of disbelief in his tone. Glynda's eyes widened slightly, as she looked at Ozpin in almost disbelief. He leans forward, intrigued. "Remarkable. I don't believe I've ever seen such incredible raw strength from a young man your age." 

Glynda nods, her gaze fixed on Mael, her expression thoughtful. "If I may ask, how did you develop such incredible strength?"

Mael held a bored expression. "My mom always said if I ate my greens, I'd grow big and strong" Ruby fully believing him, had stars in her eyes. Glynda's eyes narrowed at his behavior, but ultimately let it go. 

Ozpin hums a small chuckle, his eyes gleaming with intrigue. "Well, Mr. Quinn, you certainly ate a lot." The wizard of Oz's gaze turned the cookie eater, with a question. "This brings me to my next question: Do you hope to become a huntress by going to Signal?"

"umu, I only have two more years at Signal before I apply to Beacon" Her words were heartfelt, as she continued to describe her goal of becoming a huntress, how her sister has the same goal, and how her family raised her to help people. Finally, she ends her tangent by fangirling over the huntresses, as the others in the room simply stare at her blankly. 

"U'know, apparently, my dad was a huntsman too. Never met the bastard, but being one doesn't sound too bad" Mael leaned back in his chair, agreeing with Ruby's take. After all, he does have a quest to complete. A purple aura surrounded the chair forcing it back onto the ground. 

"You're dad was a huntsman?! Mine too, that's soooo cool!!" Ruby was gitty, as she didn't fully hear what Mael meant by 'never meet the bastard'. He didn't dread it, it was just a detail about his 'backstory'. Lucky for him, he had a companion who would keep all the fine details for him. 

Mael looked at his shoulder, asking the bird. "Wanna become a Huntsman?" Cayde eagerly nodded, as he cawed. "Then that settles it, I'll become a Huntsman." 

Ruby let out a squeal as she believed she convinced someone to become a huntress with her, Ozpin's smile widened a bit. Ozpin's gaze shifts between Ruby and Mael, a hint of intrigue in his expression. "So, tell me - are the both of you interested in attending my school, Beacon Academy?"

Ruby's eyes light up, and she nods emphatically, barely containing her excitement. "More than anything."

Ozpin's attention then turns to Mael, who simply nods, a faint smirk playing on his lips. "Why not?"

At this, Glynda clears her throat, a slight frown on her face. "Professor, are you sure about this? These two are... quite unconventional candidates."

Ozpin raises a hand, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I'm aware, Glynda. But I believe they both have the potential to be remarkable students." He turns back to Ruby and Mael. "Well ok, then. You're both invited to Beacon Academy"

After Ruby and Mael depart, Ozpin turns to Glynda, a contemplative expression on his face. "Well, that was certainly an interesting set of candidates, wouldn't you say?"

Glynda nods, her brow furrowed. "Indeed. Though I must admit, I'm particularly intrigued by young Mr. Quinn."

Ozpin nods, a faint smile on his lips. "As am I. There's something... familiar about him, don't you think? Those pale red eyes, and dark hair - not very common in Remnant" Pulling a picture up on his scroll, he handed it to her. "Take a look at this."

The image shows Mael, his hair swept back, revealing his striking pale red eyes and distinctive features. Glynda's eyes widen as she compares the photo to the ones Ozpin now places on the desk - one of Qrow Branwen and another of a younger Raven Branwen.

"Ozpin, you can't be seriously suggesting..." Glynda's voice trails off, the implication clear.

"It could be a coincidence," He tells her, calming her down a bit, even though he himself didn't believe in them. "But those eyes of his, pale red, and his odd semblance."

While it wasn't odd to have a non-combative semblance, they really haven't heard of one that allows the communication of other animals. "Even more so he coincidentally had a crow as a companion."

Glynda frowns, her gaze flicking between the photos. Coincidence or not, she didn't like it. "I think we should at least inform Qrow and Taiyang about this. They deserve to know the potential connection."

Ozpin shushed her, as he sipped his coffee. " I understand your concern, Glynda. But let's not jump to conclusions just yet." He gestures to the photos on the desk. "The resemblance may be striking, but it could be coincidental. And from what we gathered, Mael seems to have had a rather... difficult relationship with his father."

Glynda's lips thin into a tight line. "All the more reason to bring Qrow into the loop. They may be able to provide valuable insight."

"I don't wish to complicate matters further unless we have more concrete evidence." He leans back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Besides, did you notice the way Mael spoke about his father? 'The bastard' - that's hardly the language of someone who had a close relationship. It's possible he was raised solely by his mother, out in the wilds."

Glynda's expression softens slightly, and she nods reluctantly. "I suppose you have a point. Still, I can't help but worry." 

Ozpin offers her a reassuring smile. "I understand your concerns, my dear. But for now, let's focus on welcoming Mael and Ruby to Beacon. We can cross any other bridges as they come."


That was long. Surprising easier to write, but alas this is a one-shot at the moment. I may or may not continue this story, because I do have a lot of stuff that I kinda wanna write about, dunno yet. If I do, I will re-write this, shorten it by a lot, and add in some other stuff I didn't talk about that I wanted to.Some somethings would undecided, like I don't know If I want Mael to kinda take over a body, or just flat-out spawn in like Steve in Minecraft. Mael being compared to Raven and Qrow would prolly be a running gag, but I don't know if I want him to actually be one of their sons, or just have it as a joke.If you know Tenkaichi Nihon Saikyo Bugeisha Ketteisen: I'm basing his personality off of Miyamoto Musashi, and a bit of Yuji+Toji from Jujutsu Kaisan

Word count: 7054

Shimo_Kibacreators' thoughts