
The Reimagining of the Bow Hero

Satoshi Sera, a prodigious law student, is summoned to the tumultuous world of Shield Hero. Brace yourself as he establishes democracy in a northern country and introduces modern industrialization and sweeping reforms! With catastrophic waves striking, gargantuan beasts awakening, and dangerous foes emerging, the only way for the small countries to survive is to unite. And who better to lead this new Confederation than the Bow Hero! (The Rising of the Shield Hero Fanfiction, Replacing the Bow Hero)

Alexanderctn · Cómic
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56 Chs

Chapter 55 - Three More Holy Heroes

Chapter 55 – Three More Holy Heroes

Author's Note: Okay, here is where many things start to change.

Once we returned to the castle, we were greeted by a smirking Indigo.

"Yo." Indigo waved, a wide grin on his face. "You must have had a greaaaaat time out there."

"What are you hinting at there?" I asked.

"You know, the stars, the nice weather and all, and the isolation, must have been a great time to get it on. The mood would have been perfect."

Kana just stood there, confused about what the humming fairy was rambling about.

"You know what else is perfect?" I added. "A punch to the gut!"

My fist dug into Indigo's gut, sending him flying across the room. Luckily no guards were nearby, as they would have been very upset that I had punched their object of veneration.

As Indigo was getting up, a messenger burst through the door and kneeled on one knee.

"Great Angel! The Vassal Music Instrument Hero wishes to grace your presence?"

"Let him in, if you would."

Vassal Music Instrument? Wasn't the constellation Kana talked about named after it?

"Kana," I tapped her shoulder, "Is this the same vassal music instrument that the constellation is named after?"

"It sure is. I've heard that this vassal instrument hero was summoned two years ago and using his impressive musical skills he has been doing good across the world."

Just then, a short, curly haired boy strolled into the room. He was carrying a flute of some kind, which was probably his vassal instrument.

"Good afternoon, Great Angel of the United Federation. I am Itsuki Kawasumi, the vassal instrument hero."

"Good afternoon to you as well. I am Indigo, or Indigo Sera for legal purposes. This is my, well maybe adoptive father but more like brother, Satoshi Sera. He is the president of a country in the world where we come from called the Arcian Confederation, and he's also the bow hero."

"Bow hero? I've never heard of a bow hero."

"Well, I do come from a different world after all."

"Hm?" Itsuki asked. "Could you elaborate on that? I've never heard of another world other than this one before."

"Sure thing. However, it's a long story. How about we get some coffee while telling you the story."

Leading Itsuki into one of many rooms of the castle, Indigo asked one of the maids to whip up some coffee while I started telling my story to Itsuki.

"Well, where should I start? Before summoning, I was a law student. After clicking on some internet link, I was transported to a country called Melromarc along with three other heroes…"

"Melromarc? That sounds like that country where my game was set in!"

"Which game?" I inquired.

"Dimension Wave. It's a console game."

"Never heard of it before. I think it may be that we are from alternate versions of earth. The three heroes summoned alongside me were all from alternate Japans, and your name sounds Japanese, so I thought that may be the case."

"Are you Japanese? Your name is Satoshi Sera after all."

"Yes and no. I am ethnically Japanese, but I have lived in the United States of America my whole life."

"I've heard of that country before."

"Just to confirm we hail from different worlds, I'd like to ask you some questions, Itsuki."

"Ask ahead."

"Who won World War 2?"


"What century is it?"


"Alright." I concluded. "I'm pretty sure you're from alternate earth."

"Could I ask you some questions?" Itsuki asked.

"Sure thing."

"What year is it?"

"Almost 2013."

"Who is the president of the United States?"

"Mitt Romney."

"What is the most popular anime?"

"Sword Art Online."

"Alright." Itsuki concluded. "I am also pretty sure you're from an alternate earth. Our worlds are very different. Anyways, could you carry on with your story?"

"No problem. The king of the country, Aultcray Melromarc XXXII, wanted to meet us in the throne room…"

Three hours had passed, and my tale had finally come to an end. Kana was still attentive, even though she had heard the same story before.

"Well, your story is certainly interesting, to say the least. Do you want to hear mine?"

"Yeah!" Kana butted in. "I'm so stoked! I've only heard of your noble deeds, after all."

"I'm also quite interested in your story." I added.

"Well, here we go. My name is Itsuki Kawasumi, as you already know. In my world, we have abilities of some sort. Mine is called Accuracy, which acts like aim assist of some sort."

"Well, that'd be super helpful for me, since I'm the bow hero."

"I know, right? When I was in middle school, since I was in a school with children without abilities, people thought I was a big shot. However, in high school, I was bullied since Accuracy was considered a low tier ability. Due to this bullying, I turned to console games to escape the dread. One day, I was hit by a truck while taking a wrong turn, and I was summoned to this world."

"The classic truck-kun, huh." I remarked.

"As soon as I was summoned into this world, I could tell it wasn't a game. None of the games I have ever played or heard of were anything like this, though your world sounds exactly like Dimension Wave. After being nurtured by the country where I was summoned, I decided to travel across the land, using my musical skills to help those in need. Along the way, I defeated a guy called Miyaji during a music battle using my vassal weapon. Long story short, I eventually met those three dumbasses."

"And just who could you be referring to there?"

"The Legendary Ofuda, Jewel and Blunt Instrument. Their wielders thought they were in a game and acted like they were in one. They gave no regard for anything, doing whatever they pleased, and thought the waves were just a game bug or something. I've been trying to get them to stop, but to no avail. This is why I come here in search of your help."

"I can totally relate to that. When I was summoned, the Spear and Sword heroes also believed we were in a game for a while, since it was exactly the same as their games. Only after a while did they come to realize the truth. I believe I can help you with your troubles. What do you think, Kana?"

"We can totally help you with that!"

"Great!" Itsuki exclaimed. "When can we depart? I believe those three dumbasses should be northwest of our present location."

"Wait a second," I stopped Itsuki. "I think we should gather some friends who could help us with this. Namely Kizuna Kazayama, the hunting hero. Since she is from this world and she is also a legendary hero, I believe she would be a big help."

"You know what, you're right. She has been the only reasonable legendary hero, after all. Coincidentially though, Sickle is northwest of our current location as well. If we can get there before the cardinal dumbasses do and grab Kizuna along the way, hopefully we can catch them before its too late and give them a nice wakeup call."

"Sickle?" I asked. "Is that Kizuna's country?"

"It sure is. It's ruled by King L'Arc Berg Sickle."

"Well, let's head there as soon as possible. Indigo and Rishia, are you fine with hanging around the United Federation for the time being while the rest of us are dealing with this travesty?"

"No problem." Indigo replied. "I'll watch over everything!"

"Fueeeee?" Rishia whined.

"Rishia. We really need you here to guard the country. Who knows if Kyo will attack?"


"Please don't give me that look, Rishia. You know those puppy dog eyes are too overpowered.


Rishia's sorry eyes were really taking a toll on me.

"Fine. Rishia, you can come. I'm sure Indigo can handle things alone."

"Fueeeeeee!" Rishia exclaimed in glee.

"Well, pack your bags. We'll be off in three hours."

Since I didn't have any luggage to speak of, I decided to take a break. Joining Itsuki at the coffee table, I decided to ask him a bit more about the three holy heroes he was talking about.

"So, Itsuki." I began the conversation. "Could you tell me a bit more about these three holy heroes? That could be very useful in dealing with them."

"Sure thing! The Blunt Instrument hero is named Kintoki Sakata, the Ofuda hero is named Musashi Miyamoto, and the Jewel is named Tomoe Gozen."

"Those names sound like Japanese folk heroes." I voiced my opinion.

"I haven't heard of those names back in my original world. Personality wise, these three heroes have quite negative qualities, to say the least. The Blunt Instrument hero likes to brute force through everything, the Ofuda hero is a jokester and never takes anything seriously, and the Jewel hero is too greedy and likes to hog virtually anything you can imagine. When I tried to tell them this wasn't a game, they laughed me off and didn't heed a word I said."

"Do you know what level they are?"

"No idea. I do know that their level is very high, though. They've been around for years and have spent a lot of time grinding, but not doing much else. Wait, what is that next to you? Is that a guitar?"

"Yep," I responded. "I made this guitar out of whatever I could find in this world. Due to its unique characteristics, it can be used as either a hollow electric guitar or an acoustic guitar."

"Can I try it out?"

"Sure! You are the music instrument hero after all, so you must be good at music."

"Oh my god!" Itsuki screamed as he held my guitar, copying it in the process. "I can't believe it!"

"What are you talking about?"

"This is, quite frankly, the highest quality musical instrument I have ever touched. My performance magic will be so powerful using this!"

"Go ahead. Play a song."

"Alright. Here I go."

Itsuki transformed his musical instrument into a guitar, setting it on his right thigh. Resting his arm on the top of the guitar, he picked up something similar to a guitar pick and began playing an arpeggio.

It was just an arpeggio. Nothing special. But it sounded like nothing I'd heard before.

This was better than what I can play. This is better than what Eddie Van Halen could play. This might even edge out Jimi Hendrix's ridiculously good skills.

"Wow." I uttered, unable to muster any other words. "That was amazing."

"It couldn't have been done without this flawless guitar. Thank you for creating such a masterpiece. Why don't you play a song for me? A master luthier such as yourself must have a knack for music."

"Well, I'll give it a shot."

Picking up the guitar, I began playing "Layla" by Eric Clapton. Instead of saying Layla, however, I changed the lyric to Kana.

"Kana! Got me on my knees!"

"Kana! I'm begging, darling please."

"Kana, darling won't you ease my worried mind."

Itsuki was bopping along, pretty impressed about my musical skills.

"That was outstanding, Satoshi! You're probably one of the top musicians I have ever heard, and that's a lot coming from me. Vocally wise, you're also amazing! Were you a professional musician back in your world?"

"Well, I was a law student, but you could say I had a knack for music. You're leaps and bounds better than me, though."

I may have said that to sound more modest, but he was truly the best musician I had ever seen or heard of. Maybe it had something to do with him being the vassal music instrument hero.

"Oi, Satoshi." Itsuki asked, greatly invading my personal space. "Did you write that song by yourself? I had never heard it before."

"Well, since we come from alternate earths, maybe Eric Clapton didn't exist in your world, or maybe he wasn't a musician. However, I have a collection of sheet music consisting of all the most famous songs in my world. Maybe you'd like to give them a read?"

"Yes, please!"

And so, until everybody got bac and we were ready to head off to Sickle, Itsuki and I discussed music and played duets.

We have reached the temporary end of "The Reimagining of the Bow Hero". It was a fun ride, but I need to focus on other things for the time being, such as writing my new book "Youth World" that you can read here on webnovel.
