
The Reimagining of the Bow Hero

Satoshi Sera, a prodigious law student, is summoned to the tumultuous world of Shield Hero. Brace yourself as he establishes democracy in a northern country and introduces modern industrialization and sweeping reforms! With catastrophic waves striking, gargantuan beasts awakening, and dangerous foes emerging, the only way for the small countries to survive is to unite. And who better to lead this new Confederation than the Bow Hero! (The Rising of the Shield Hero Fanfiction, Replacing the Bow Hero)

Alexanderctn · Cómic
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56 Chs

Chapter 37 - Back in Melromarc

Chapter 37 – Back in Melromarc

Author's Note: None Today!

"Guys! Out of all the girls in our parties, who do you think is the cutest?"

"Wow." I sarcastically exclaimed. "Tell us more."

Motoyasu was giggling at the sheer thought of hot girls."

"Satoshi… I thought you were the serious type! Anyways, Naofumi, did you do it with Raphtalia?"

"Don't bring me into this."

Naofumi did not seem very comfortable with the question.

"Ren? Satoshi? Did you two do the dirty?"

Ren didn't answer. I shook my head.

"I'll start then. I'll rank the pretty ladies."

"No thanks." Naofumi and Ren said in unison.

"Why not?" I commented.

It would be beneficial to know his thought process, and besides we were taking a break. Might as well have some fun.

"The top four would be Swine, Raphtalia, Filo and Rishia."

Those were certainly four very distinct girls. I was surprised that he thought that Rishia was pretty though. I didn't think the same.

I couldn't hold myself back.

"Princess fetish, eh?"

Ren jumped in as well.

"The queen may not be very nice, but that never bothered me."

"Who do you like, Motoyasu?"

"Definitely Filo!"

Filo crept behind Naofumi, using him as a human shield.

"What about you, Ren?"

He didn't answer.


He stepped out of the springs. I must have ruffled his feathers.

"What a party pooper. Motoyasu, wanna continue?"


After a long night of talking and partying, I returned to the inn. Captain Speedy would pick us up in a few days, so until then there would be a lot of underwater grinding to do.

Before I went to sleep, I received a message from the Arcian military. They had completed a prototype of the rifle that I drew up, something similar to the US military's ultrasimple proposed TRW Light Maintenance Rifle that could also shoot semi-automatically. It would take a while until bullets could be made due to the fact that the fertilizer/nitrogen plant hadn't been completed yet, but the army could be outfitted with the new design very soon. This was good news.

Also, basic pharmaceutical and pesticide factories were beginning construction. According to a letter by the national council, the country was rapidly building factories and industrializing, and plenty of workers from the countryside and other countries were flowing in for new job opportunities. Due to the lower price of food due to the high BioSeed production, many farmers had to work as factory and construction workers in order to make a living. The national council mandated strict safety procedures and regulations to ensure the safety of the workers, contrary to the industrial revolution of my own world.

More importantly, elections were to be held to elect members of the new parliament, that would replace the interim national council. My political party, the Liberal Party, was way ahead in the polls, with myself estimated to win 90% of the votes as president, with the position still not giving me many powers, and the Liberal Party to win 23 out of 25 seats in the parliament. This would allow them to select a prime minister, and we would have total control of new legislation. Everything was going great.

"Thanks, Captain Speedy! Here's your payment."

"No need. You saving my homeland is all I need as a reward. Without you, my home would have been burnt to a crisp."

"Are you sure?"

"I insist. If you ever need me, I'll be happy to help."

We had arrived in Port Lola, after a hefty amount of grinding. I was pushing level 100, and the rest of my party were comfortably sitting in the 80 range. Indigo was even nearing 90.

During my tenure at the Cal Mira islands, before the surprise wave, I had asked Arcium to send a governor to govern my new territory of Port Sera. A port was planned to be built there, and it would serve as Arcium's southern naval base, although the land technically belonged to Melromarc. It was complex bureaucratic business. They chose an experienced sailor to be the governor, and he would give the people the same rights as Arcians had, in contrast to Melromarc which would not grant them those freedoms and liberties.

Before I left, the queen had asked me to wait for her at the capital. Since she would be arriving a bit later, I could take my time.

"Indigo. Off to Castle Town! But not too fast!"

"It's fine. I'll chill this time."

Saying that, Indigo bolted off at the speed of a car.

"Go slower! My drink fell out of my hand!"

After arriving in Castle Town, I immediately headed towards Elhard's smithy. Many of my party members' weapons were damaged, so we needed new ones.

Upon arrival, I immediately headed towards the priciest section of his shop.

"Oh. If it isn't the bow hero."

"Hi Erhard. We haven't met in a really long time. Anyways, I need new weapons for my party members, and only the best of the best will do."

"That'll cost you a lot. Good stock doesn't come cheap."

"I'm fully prepared to pay. Their wellbeing is of the utmost importance."

"Alright. Allow me one moment."

The bulkily built man carried out an armful of expensive and well-crafted weapons.

"Pick what you want. This is my treat towards you guys."

"Hold up." Erhard said. "I even have a halberd for the purple bird."


Everybody in my party, even Rishia, selected a weapon.

"How much will this cost me?"

"20 gold."

"How about 15."

"18. No less."

"You can do 16."

"Sorry, got a business here. 18."

"17? Can you do 17? That's all I have."

That was a lie, but it is a great bargaining technique.

"17 gold and 50 silver and you've got yourself a deal."


Now, it was time to get to the castle. The queen wouldn't be back for another day or so, so I could explore freely. There would be shadows watching me, of course, but as long as I didn't do anything suspicious it should be fine.

Speaking of shadows, the 10 that had joined me were busy teaching a certain batch of well-qualified and talented Arcians to become new spies. Combining their original shadow techniques with modern espionage tactics that I had introduced; the State Security Services were well on their way to become a competent and world class espionage force.

Wandering through the halls of the palace, I headed back to the room where we first stayed. I noticed something lying in the corner.

"No way! It's my Roots jacket!"

I had left it there after I first left the castle, and never bothered to come back and grab it.

I searched the pockets for useful items. I found a half-charged phone and a nearly fully charged iPod, as well as a pair of headphones.

I suddenly had an idea. It just required a phonograph. I would get started on that as soon as possible.

Before that, though, I should probably weapon copy the rifle prototype from Messeblick.

Time to teleport! I wouldn't need to bring my party for this one, so I would tell them to explore Castle Town.

The citizens of the city swarmed me upon my arrival. The first national elections were being held that same day, and hundreds of thousands of Arcians were at the polls. There were parades supporting my Liberal Party, and people canvassing for votes. It was insane.

Election results would be in around a week from now. I should probably make a speech addressing the accomplishments of the country.

After casting their ballots, citizens from far and wide across the city gathered at the central square, now abutted with new buildings. I could see factories operating in the distance, and numerous others under construction.

I politely hushed the roaring crowd. It was time to begin the speech.

"It has been a few months since the foundation of our great nation. During this time, we have progressed and modernized to an incredible extent. No nation in the history of this world has even come close to this level of modernization in this short of a timespan, and no nation has increased its income per citizen nearly as quick. Following current projections, we are the fastest growing country in the world in all regards!"

The citizens cheered. They were chanting slogans of the Liberal Party.

"Unity and Progress!" "Long live the Workers and the Farmers!" "Let's March Onwards to a Brighter Future!"

Some stragglers, clearly supporting the Conservative Party, were forlornly sitting in a corner. They made up not even double digits of the voting percentage, so they didn't stand any chance in defeating me.

"From the ashes of an archaic kingdom, we have risen to our current glory. There is no way to go but up! We have fertile land and bountiful natural resources, and a proud people willing to do anything to improve the nation! We have pushed for greater social justice and greater welfare, leaps and bounds more than any nation in the world; we will create educational institution and public works; the unemployment rate is nearly nonexistent; we have constructed countless houses to house the poor and homeless; we can do anything, no matter how difficult!"

The crowd cheered again. They were throwing roses at my feet.

"I thank you for all your effort and faith in this glorious republic. Our troubles may not all be gone, and other countries may envy our wealth, but we are heading in the only direction possible, and that direction is up! With that said, thank you for listening to my announcement."

The crowd, unable to hold back their joy, stormed the stage and lifted me into the sky.

"Satoshi! Satoshi! Satoshi!"

I had to wrestle my way through the sea of people and into the military testing site, located a while away from the city. I held the weapon and copied it.

"Now I must be on my way, for I have urgent matters to attend to. Thank you all for your great efforts and sacrifices for this country."

"We'll do anything for you, Mr. President! Have a safe journey!"

After this chaotic day, I teleported back to Castle Town, and headed to the inn where my party members were all soundly asleep. I promptly joined them in their slumber.

Chapter 38 out soon!