
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

botbw112 · Fantasía
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52 Chs

Unspoken Bonds

As the golden rays of dawn filtered through the trees, Ayira awoke. Panic gripped her heart as she realized that Lucius was nowhere to be found.

Frantically, she searched the empty rooms of the cottage, her mind racing with worry.

"Lucius? Lucius, where are you?" she called out, her voice tinged with fear.

Rushing outside, Ayira scanned the surroundings, her eyes widening in shock as she spotted Lucius standing in a nearby field with Yuno. They were engrossed in what appeared to be a training session, with Lucius practicing wind magic under Yuno's guidance.

"Focus on your breathing and visualize the wind swirling around you," he instructed. Yuno smiled and demonstrated the proper stance, showing Lucius how to channel his energy into the wind. 

Lucius followed Yuno's guidance, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths. He imagined the wind dancing around him, feeling its energy coursing through his veins.

"Good, Lucius. Now, let's try to manipulate the wind," Yuno said encouragingly.

Lucius concentrated, his hands trembling slightly as he extended them towards the sky. With a soft whisper, he called upon the wind, feeling it respond to his command.

A gentle breeze began to stir, growing stronger with each passing moment. Lucius's eyes widened in amazement as he watched the wind obey his will.

"You're doing it, Lucius!" Yuno exclaimed, his voice filled with pride.

Relief flooded Ayira as she watched Lucius, her initial panic giving way to a sense of pride and admiration.

She had feared that he had left her, but here he was, focused and determined to master his newfound abilities.

Quietly approaching the field, Ayira stood at the edge, observing the scene before her with a mixture of awe and wonder. Lucius looked so different, so confident and assured as he manipulated the wind with ease.

Lia noticed Ayira, her voice broke through Ayira's reverie, drawing her attention away from the training session. She turned to see Lia standing at the cottage door, a warm smile on her face.

"Good morning, Ayira," she greeted, her eyes filled with kindness.

"Would you like to join me for breakfast? I'm about to prepare a meal for everyone."

Ayira's stomach rumbled at the mention of food, and she nodded eagerly.

"Yes, please," she replied, her voice tinged with gratitude.

With a smile, she gestured for Ayira to follow her inside. The two entered the cozy kitchen, where the aroma of fresh bread and sizzling eggs filled the air.

As she set to work preparing breakfast, Ayira couldn't help but marvel at her skill and grace in the kitchen. It was clear that Lia took pride in her cooking, and Ayira felt a sense of comfort and warmth wash over her.

As Ayira and Lia worked side by side in the kitchen, Ayira couldn't shake the curiosity bubbling within her. She stole a glance towards Yuno and Lucius, who were engrossed in their training outside and then turned back to Lia.

"Lia, when did Yuno and Lucius start training together?" Ayira asked, her brow furrowed with curiosity.

Lia paused in her chopping, a thoughtful expression crossing her face.

"It all happened quite suddenly, actually," she replied, her gaze drifting towards the window where Yuno and Lucius could be seen practicing their magic.

"Yuno offered to train Lucius yesterday morning, and they've been at it ever since."

Ayira's eyes widened in surprise.

"That's unexpected," she remarked, turning back to the vegetables she was slicing.

"Lucius doesn't trust easily, so it's strange to see him forming such a close bond with Yuno so quickly."

Lia nodded in agreement, her hands deftly moving as she continued to prepare the meal.

"Yes, I was surprised too," she admitted.

"But there's something about Yuno that seems to put Lucius at ease. And Yuno seems genuinely interested in helping him improve his magic skills."

As they worked together in the kitchen, the fragrant aroma of cooking food filling the air, Lia couldn't help but let her curiosity get the better of her.

"Ayira, dear," Lia began, her voice gentle.

"How has life been treating you? Do you ever feel in danger?"

She paused in her cooking, considering Lia's question thoughtfully.

"No, not really," she replied.

"I feel safe knowing my father is always looking out for me, and with the protection of the tower, I don't worry too much about danger."

Lia nodded in understanding, a small smile playing on her lips.

"That's good to hear," she said warmly.

"And how is your father? Is he doing well?"

Ayira's expression softened at the mention of her father.

"He's as strong and determined as ever," she replied fondly.

"He's been busy with his duties, but he always finds time to check in on me and make sure I'm doing okay."

Lia's smile widened at Ayira's words.

"Your father cares for you deeply," she observed.

"You're lucky to have such a loving and protective parent."

Ayira nodded in agreement, a warm feeling spreading through her chest at the thought of her father.

"Yes, I am. I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world," she stated.


"You know, I don't have a mom." she began, causing Lia to stop what she was doing.

"I wish I could only meet her once. I believe I am a cursed child because everything has fallen apart since my birth," she stated before turning her gaze outside to see Lucius attempt to summon magic.

She smiles, but her eyes show pain.

"My birth killed Lucius' father, and I feel terrible..."

Lia reached out and placed a comforting hand on Ayira's shoulder, offering her silent support.

"You're not cursed, Ayira," she said. her heart went out to Ayira, and she pulled her into a gentle embrace.

"Your existence is a blessing, not a curse," she murmured, holding Ayira close.

Ayira leaned into Lia's embrace, finding solace in her comforting words. For a brief moment, the pain of her loss seemed to ease, replaced by a sense of warmth and understanding.

"I wish I could see Mother, even just for a moment," she whispered, her voice filled with longing.

"I'm sure your mother would want to see you too," Lia replied gently, her tone tinged with sympathy.

Ayira nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"I just wish I could have known her, It feels like there's a part of me missing, not knowing who she was or what she was like," she stated. 

Her words hung in the air, and Lia could sense the weight of her sorrow. She turned to Ayira with a sympathetic expression, her heart aching for the young girl who longed for her mother's presence.

"I understand, Ayira," Lia said softly, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Together, they stood in silence, finding comfort in each other's presence as they prepared breakfast.

Ayira felt a sense of belonging with Lia as if she had known her for years rather than just a few days.

Before long, breakfast was ready, and Lia and Ayira set the table with plates of steaming food. They called out the three, who soon joined them, their faces flushed with excitement from their morning training session.

As the three approached the table, the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, making their stomachs growl in anticipation. Ayira and Lia greeted them with warm smiles, inviting them to take a seat and enjoy the meal.

"Wow, this looks amazing!" exclaimed Lucius, his eyes widening at the sight of the spread before him.

"Thank you both for preparing breakfast," added Yuno, nodding appreciatively at Ayira and Lia.

Ayira beamed with pride, pleased to see their reactions.

"You're welcome! We hope you enjoy it," she said, motioning for them to dig in.

As they sat down to eat, the conversation flowed easily.

"So, how did you two end up here?" Leo suddenly asked.

"Well, we wanted to help find our friend's sister, so we followed Avra's search team into the forest." Ayira stated. 

"Yeah, we thought we could be useful, but we ended up getting separated from them." Lucius added. 

"Separated? That sounds dangerous. What happened next?" Yuno stated. 

" We tried to find our way back, but we got lost. It was getting dark, and we were starting to get really scared," she said. 

"Yeah, we wandered around for hours, but we couldn't find our way out of the forest." 

"We stumbled upon it by accident. We saw the lights and heard voices, so we followed them and then we encountered Sir Leo. I thought it would be the end of us" she remarked making the three adults laugh. 

"It's a good thing you stumbled upon us," Lia chimed in, offering a reassuring smile. 

Yuno nodded in agreement, adding, "Yeah, you're safe with us now."

"You're brave to have ventured out like that," Leo remarked.

"But remember, it's important to stay safe and stick together."

Ayira and Lucius exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging his words. 

As conversation ebbed and flowed around the breakfast table, Ayira's gaze wandered to Leo, who always seemed to have his sword nearby. She couldn't help but be curious.

"Leo, why do you always carry your sword with you?"

Leo glanced up, a small smile playing on his lips as he considered her question.

"Ah, this old thing? It's for protection, Ayira. You never know when you might need it, especially in the wilderness."

Ayira nodded, understanding the need for caution in their uncertain circumstances. Lucius, ever observant, chimed in with his own thoughts.

"You've got good instincts. You seemed always prepared, even when you couldn't see. It's impressive."

Leo's smile widened at the compliment, a hint of pride in his voice as he replied.

"It's all about adapting and relying on other senses. You learn to trust your instincts when your sight's taken away."

"You know, Leo here is quite the swordsman. He may not have his sight, but he's mastered the art of combat." Lia chimed in, catching the attention of Ayira and Lucius.

The two exchanged impressed glances, intrigued by this revelation.

"Really? Even though he couldn't see?" Ayira said. 

Lia nodded, a fond smile crossing her lips.

"Yes, even more so. Losing his sight forced him to rely on his other senses, making him even better than before." 

Ayira's eyes widened with newfound admiration, her mind racing with possibilities.

"That's amazing. I want to learn from him too!"

Lia chuckled at Ayira's enthusiasm, seeing the spark of determination in her eyes.

"I'm sure Leo would be more than happy to teach you. Just don't underestimate him because of his blindness. He's a force to be reckoned with."

"Leo, could you teach me swordsmanship?" she asked as she faced Leo. 

Leo turned to her with a warm smile, nodding in agreement.

"Of course. I'd be honored to pass on what I know."

Yuno, intrigued by Ayira's decision, chimed in with a question.

"Aren't you interested in magic?"

Ayira paused, considering his question for a moment before responding with determination.

"Magic is cool and all, but there's something about wielding a sword that's even cooler. Besides, being a girl who knows swordsmanship is way more badass."

Her response elicited laughter from the adults, amused by Ayira's determination to be 'cool' in her way. They exchanged glances, recognizing the spark of independence and strength in the young princess.

As breakfast came to an end, Yuno glanced at Leo, nudging him slightly, silently communicating their plans for the day. With a nod, Yuno turned to the group.

"We're going to head out and hunt for food for tonight. Does anyone want to come along?"

Lucius, eager for an adventure, quickly piped up.

"I'll come! I want to learn how to hunt."

Yuno smiled at his enthusiasm, nodding in approval.

"Great! The more the merrier. Lia, would you and Ayira be all alright staying here?"

Lia nodded, her gaze warm and reassuring.

"We'll be fine. Go ahead and enjoy your hunt."

With that settled, Yuno and Leo excused themselves, followed closely by Lucius, who was brimming with excitement at the prospect of learning something new.

Ayira and Lia watched them go with smiles, knowing they would return with food for the evening meal.

"Let's clean the table."

"I'll wash the dishes." She remarked, making Lia appear proud. 

As Leo led the way through the dense forest, his senses heightened to compensate for his lack of sight, Lucius walked beside him, his curiosity piqued by the man's calm demeanor despite his blindness. Sensing Lucius' curiosity, Leo spoke up, breaking the silence.

"You're wondering how I lost my sight, aren't you?"

Lucius nodded, his interest evident in his voice.

"Yeah, if you don't mind me asking."

Leo's expression softened as he began to recount his past.

"It happened during a fight, a long time ago. I was young and reckless, and I ended up paying the price."

Lucius listened intently, a mixture of sympathy and admiration in his gaze.

"Are you...sad about it?"

Leo paused, considering Lucius' question carefully before responding.

"Of course, I was devastated at first. Losing my sight changed everything. But over time, I've learned to accept it. I'm grateful to still be alive and able to experience the world in other ways."

Lucius nodded, his respect for Leo growing with each word.

"That's...really brave of you."

Leo smiled softly, a hint of warmth in his voice.

"Sometimes, life throws us unexpected challenges, but it's how we face them that defines us."

Lucius glanced back to where Yuno was following closely behind. With a curious gleam in his eyes, he directed his question to Yuno.

"Master, how did you and Leo become friends?"

Yuno smiled warmly at the inquiry, reminiscing about their long history.

"We've been friends since we were children. Grew up together, you could say."

He nodded, absorbing the information before another question arose in his mind.

"And what about your wife? Was she part of your group of friends too?"

Yuno's expression softened, a hint of melancholy in his eyes as he shook his head.

"No, she wasn't. She was a fellow disciple at the Ariadne Tower, like you and Ayira."

He listened attentively, his curiosity piqued by the mention of the tower.

"Was Leo also a disciple at the tower?"

Leo, who had been quietly walking alongside them, interjected with a chuckle.

"Actually, no. I was a knight before, serving the kingdom."

His eyes widened in surprise, admiration coloring his features.

"A knight? That's incredible!"

Leo nodded humbly, a sense of pride evident in his demeanor.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Leo's demeanor shifted.

"You know, after we're done hunting, I'll show you how a knight fought back in the day."

Lucius chuckled at Leo's boastful tone.

"Can you take down a deer with one swing?"

Leo's smile widened, his confidence unwavering as he responded.

"A deer? Child's play. I could take down a tiger if you requested it."

Lucius burst into laughter at Leo's bold claim, shaking his head in amusement.

"let's stick to deer for now. Tigers are my favorite animals" 

Yuno and Leo joined in Lucius' laughter with each shared moment in the wilderness.

Deep within the heart of the forest, the three arrived at a clearing known to be a hub of wildlife activity.

Leo positioned himself at the center of the clearing, his senses keen and alert.

Yuno placed a hand on Lucius's shoulder, leaning in to whisper words of encouragement.

"Watch closely now, Lucius. This is where Leo truly shines."

Lucius nodded eagerly, his eyes fixed on Leo as he retrieved his bow from his back. With practiced precision, Leo notched an arrow, his movements fluid and graceful.

In that moment, time seemed to slow as Leo honed in on his target. He trusted in his instincts, relying on the keen senses that had become his greatest assets. With unwavering focus, he released the arrow, its flight swift and true.

The arrow found its mark with startling accuracy, striking the deer with a precision that left Lucius in awe. As the deer fell, Leo's expression remained stoic, a testament to his years of honing his craft.

Lucius watched in admiration, a newfound respect blossoming within him for the skilled hunter before him. Leo's prowess with the bow was nothing short of remarkable, a testament to his dedication and skill.

As Leo stood proudly beside the fallen deer, his bow still in hand, he turned to Lucius with a triumphant grin.

"See how powerful I am, Lucius?"

Lucius looked at him in awe, a newfound admiration shining in his eyes. He felt a surge of inspiration, a desire to learn the art of archery himself.

"I want to learn how to use a bow too!"

Leo chuckled at his enthusiasm, his pride evident in his expression.

"Of course, young apprentice. I'll teach you everything I know."

Yuno, ever the playful companion, couldn't resist joining in on the banter.

"Ah, it seems Lucius has found himself a new master. Looks like I'll be left all alone."

Leo and Lucius shared a laugh at Yuno's jest, but Lucius quickly reassured him.

"Don't worry. You'll always be my favorite master."

Yuno grinned, his heart warmed by Lucius's words.

"We've got our dinner. We should head back now before it gets too dark," he added. 

Leo nodded in agreement, already shouldering his bow and preparing to lead the way.

As they made their way back through the winding forest paths, Yuno glanced over at Lucius with a curious expression.

"So, Lucius, have you and Ayira decided when you'll be heading back to the tower?"

Lucius shifted uncomfortably, kicking at a stray stone on the ground before responding.

"Um, well, actually... I was thinking... maybe we could stay here a bit longer?"

Yuno's eyebrows rose in surprise at the unexpected request.

"Stay here? But what about the tower? Your mother will be worried sick if you don't return soon."

Lucius's expression fell slightly, but he remained determined.

"I know, but... the tower is so boring. And Ayira... she likes it here too. I'll ask her if she wants to stay longer."

"Alright, but just remember, your mother might be searching for you. It's important to let her know you're safe."

Lucius nodded, his mind already made up as he plotted how to broach the subject with Ayira.