
The Reign of Chaos

In Basilia Palace, chaos erupts as Christos, driven by a hunger for power, usurps the throne, imposing tyranny upon the realm. King Themis, sensing the imminent danger posed to his daughter by Casimir, a man fixated on a prophecy foretelling his demise at the hands of the king's child, flees into hiding. As Christos tightens his grip on the kingdom, the plight of the commoners worsens. Meanwhile, King Themis grapples with a difficult decision: to flee with his vulnerable daughter and ensure her safety, or to confront Christos and reclaim his rightful place on the throne, despite the risks it entails. Caught between his duty to his people and his paternal instincts, the king finds himself torn. With danger lurking at every corner and the future of the kingdom hanging in the balance.

msso_o · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Threads of Fate

Together, the four of them gathered around the table, the aroma of freshly prepared food filling the cozy cottage.

As they sat around the table enjoying their meal, the atmosphere in the cottage was filled with a mixture of tension and curiosity. Yuno, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, turned to Lucius with a gentle smile.

"What's your name, young man?" Yuno inquired, his voice warm and friendly.

Lucius hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering with uncertainty before he reluctantly replied,


A flicker of recognition passed over Yuno's features as he heard the name, and a soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Lucius," he repeated softly, his gaze distant as if lost in thought.

Ayira watched the exchange between the two with a mixture of curiosity. As she savored each bite of the meal, she noticed the woman's fond gaze upon her. Caught off guard, she looked up, meeting the woman's eyes. Before she could question the woman's gaze, she felt a gentle touch on her back.

"Do you like the food, Ayira?" the woman inquired with a warm smile.

Ayira nodded in response, but her mind buzzed with uncertainty.

How did this woman know her name? She hadn't introduced herself.

Sensing Ayira's hesitation, the woman's smile wavered slightly.

"Leo told me," she explained, indicating the blind man. Her tone was tinged with nervousness.

"So his name is Leo?" She stated while glancing at the blind man in front of her. The woman nodded in reply. 

Her curiosity sparked as she turned her attention to the woman beside her.

"What's your name?" she inquired.

The woman hesitated for a moment before answering softly.


"Lia... I like your name," she remarked sincerely.

"Why? Do you dislike your name?" She teased.

"No! I liked my name! My mother named me, so I love it." 

Lia eyes shimmered with emotion making her confused by her sudden emotional reaction.

Ayira tilted her head curiously.

"Why are you tearing up?" she asked, concern etching her features.

Lia blinked back the tears, composing herself with a gentle nod.

"It's nothing, dear. I'm just touched by your kindness," she explained, offering Ayira a reassuring smile.

Yuno noticed Lia's emotional response and nudged her gently below the table, silently urging her to regain her composure. Lia offered Yuno a grateful nod, silently appreciating his support at that moment.

As the meal concluded, Leo gestured that he would take care of the dishes, receiving a nod of agreement from the others before he disappeared into the kitchen.

Lia turned her attention to the two children, a gentle smile on her lips as she addressed them.

"It's getting dark outside. Why don't you two stay here for the night?" she suggested, her voice warm and inviting.

Lucius hesitated, his skepticism evident as he glanced around the unfamiliar surroundings.

"I'm not sure about that. We can't just sleep at someone else's house," he replied cautiously.

However, Ayira's exhaustion was apparent as she stifled a yawn, her eyes drooping with fatigue.

"But it's already dark, and I'm really sleepy," she interjected, her voice soft but earnest.

Lia nodded in understanding, her expression sympathetic.

"You're welcome to stay here if you'd like. We have plenty of space," she reassured them. 

Ayira then looked at Lucius and reached for his arms. 

"Can we just stay here tonight?"

"Why do you trust so easily? What if they stab us while we sleep?" he stated, still doubtful about the three. 

As they debated quietly, Leo, who had been within earshot, couldn't help but chuckle at their conversation.

"We won't do that," he reassured them with a light-hearted tone.

"But you did point your sword at us," he pointed out, a trace of skepticism in his voice.

Yuno, who heard Lucius' statement, was stunned.

"You pointed your sword at them?" 

"Yeah, I did. But I'm doing it to protect us."

Yuno sighed, understanding Leo's rationale but still feeling uneasy about the situation.

"Next time, perhaps, it would be wise to clarify before resorting to threats," he suggested gently, his gaze shifting to Lucius and Ayira, who was watching the exchange with wide eyes.

"Okay! I've already laid out the bed so the two of you can rest." Lia stated as she faced the two children.

Ayira was relieved to hear that she could finally rest, while Lucius remained vigilant yet followed Ayira wherever she went. 

Lia led Ayira to the bed, tucking her in with a gentle smile.

"Sleep tight, Ayira," she murmured, brushing a strand of hair from the girl's face. Ayira smiled back, feeling a sense of warmth and safety wash over her.

Meanwhile, Lucius hesitated at the edge of the room, his gaze flickering between Lia and Yuno. Lia noticed his uncertainty and approached him, her expression kind.

"You're welcome to rest here too, Lucius," she offered, gesturing to the bed beside Ayira's.

"We won't harm you."

Lucius regarded her warily for a moment before reluctantly accepting her invitation. With a deep breath, he settled onto the bed, his muscles still tense with apprehension.

As Lia extinguished the lamps the room fell into darkness. When Lia stepped out of the room, Lucius turned his attention to Ayira, who was preparing to settle down for the night. He hesitated for a moment before speaking, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Are you already asleep?" he asked quietly, his gaze fixed on Ayira's face in the dim light.

Ayira turned to look at him, a faint furrow forming between her brows.

"No, why do you ask?" she replied.

"I was just wondering..." Lucius began, his voice trailing off as he searched for the right words.

"Why are you trusting them so easily? We barely know anything about them."

Ayira's expression softened as she considered his question. She turned her gaze upward, staring at the ceiling thoughtfully.

"I'm not sure," she admitted after a moment of silence.

"But there's something about Lia... Whenever she's around, I feel safe, like everything will be okay."

Lucius studied her quietly, taking in her words. He understood her sentiment but couldn't shake off his lingering doubts.

"You know, Lucius," she began.

"I sometimes wonder what my mom was like. If she was anything like Lia..."

Lucius turned to her, his curiosity piqued.

"What do you mean?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Ayira shifted slightly, her gaze fixed on the ceiling as she spoke.

"Lia is so gentle and warm," she explained, a wistful smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"She cares for us like a mother would, without hesitation or doubt."

"I see what you mean," he murmured.

"I wish..." Ayira trailed off, her voice faltering slightly.

"I wish Lia could be my mom."

With that, the two children settled into their makeshift bed, their thoughts drifting as they sought comfort in each other's presence.


The crackling of the campfire filled the air as Lia stepped outside, her heart heavy with emotions she could no longer contain.

Yuno and Leo were already seated nearby, they watched her approach.

Without a word, Lia sank beside them, her shoulders trembling with the weight of her emotions. Tears welled up in her eyes and cascaded down her cheeks.

"Everything will be fine" Yuno stated as he reached out and gently squeezed her hand.

The three sat in a circle, their faces illuminated by the dancing flames.

"Isn't it strange how life unfolds?" Leo suddenly remarked as he sipped his tea.

"Indeed. Sometimes, we're caught in the rapids, struggling to stay afloat, while other times, we find ourselves in calm waters, drifting along effortlessly." Yuno added.

"But isn't that the beauty of it all? The unpredictability, the uncertainty... it's what makes life so exhilarating." She chimed in.

As the gentle night breeze whispered through the trees, Leo, Lia, and Yuno sat around the campfire, their voices mingling with the crackle of the flames. Suddenly, the front door creaked open.

Lucius stepped out into the night, his eyes wide with curiosity. He had been unable to sleep. 

"Why aren't you sleeping, dear?" she asked.

Lucius hesitated for a moment before responding, his gaze flickering between Lia and the others.

"I couldn't sleep," he stated. 

When Lia notices Lucius' presence, she yawns and stretches her arms. 

"I guess I should sleep now." She stated. She then stood from her seat, approached Leo, and leaned in to whisper.

"Lucius is here."

Leo then stood up after hearing what she said. 

"I'm also leaving, goodnight," he stated. 

They then left Lucius with Yuno. 

Lucius couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity at the two sudden departure. Left alone with Yuno, he hesitated for a moment before taking a seat opposite him by the fire. 

For a while, neither of them spoke, the silence between them filled only by the comforting sound of the fire.

Yuno, sensing Lucius's unease, spoke up, his voice gentle yet filled with concern.

"May I ask you something?" he began. 

He glanced toward him and nodded kindly.

"How has life been treating you lately?" he sought out.

Lucius then looked at him as if he was delighted that someone asked him how he was doing, he was still cautious of this man, but there was a feeling that he wanted to trust him.

Yuno noticed his expression. He seemed to want to communicate but did not want to overshare and put his guard down, which made him chuckle. 

"W-Why are you laughing?" 

"I am not... You just reminded me of someone."


"...My wife." He smiled.

Lucius then took an inquisitive glance at him.

"Do you mean Lia?" he sought out making Yuno shook his head. 

"No, Lia is not my wife. He is my friend's wife," he explains

"Leo's wife?"

"No, Leo is her brother. "

"Oh! Then where is your wife?"

Yuno hesitated to look at him before responding.

"Somewhere," he murmured.

"To where?" he questioned, curiously and eager to know him. 

Yuno then gives him a teasingly suspicious glance.

"Don't tell me you are interested in my life," he stated. 

"Well, I am just curious, and... I want to trust you, so I want to get to know you." Lucius explains.

"Ah, I see."

"She was from Absalom." he began.

"I am from Absalom, the Tower-" Lucius stopped when he realized he was oversharing owing to his excitement.

"Are you from Absalom? " he stated.

Lucius nodded hesitantly.

He noticed how Lucius, who had been so happy, suddenly looked gloomy. As if whatever he did was bad.

He stood up from his seat and the seat next to it. 

"I was formerly a student at Ariadne Tower." He stated, trying to share a small part of himself.

After hearing what he said, Lucius looked at him with curiosity and excitement in his eyes, which made him smile.

"You did?" he said, and he nodded.

"Are you a soldier or a mage?" he inquired again, prompting Yuno to think. 

"Well, there was no military when I was trained there."

"So you know magic?" he inquired, his voice hinting enthusiastically. 

"Yes, I do"

"What magic? Ice? Fire?"




"Wow! Can you teach me?"

"Sure, what do you want to learn first?"


"Wind. why wind?"

"Because my father mastered it and I want to," he explained, his voice sad.

Yuno looks at him, concerned. 

"Why do you sound sad?" he inquired.

"I have always... Always compared to..." he nervously stated as he began sliding his fingers against his finger. 

"Father" he murmur.

"Your father?" 

Lucius hesitates, his expression troubled.

"I'm...I'm not like him. He was powerful, skilled in magic, a force to be reckoned with. But me? I'm just... weak. I can't seem to measure up to his greatness." 

Yuno Gazes at him with sadness in his eyes .

"Lucius... I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. But you must know, that strength comes in many forms. You may not possess the same abilities as him, but that doesn't make you any less worthy or capable."

Lucius looks down, feeling ashamed.

"It's just... hard sometimes. I feel like I'm always falling short," he added prompting Yuno places a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"I understand. I promise you, I'll do everything in my power to support you, to help you realize your strengths and potential," he stated making Lucius look up, meeting Yuno's gaze with gratitude.

"Tha-Thank you"

Yuno, sensing Lucius's despondency, decided to lighten the mood. With a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"You know, Lucius, you seem like you could use a bit of training. What do you say I take you under my wing and teach you a thing or two?"

Lucius's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected offer.

"Really?" he asked, his voice tinged with hope.

Yuno chuckled softly.

"Of course, why not? We can start tomorrow. I'll teach you everything I know."

A smile spread across Lucius's face, a glimmer of excitement replacing the earlier melancholy.

"Thank you, sir! I won't let you down," he exclaimed eagerly.

Yuno nodded, his heart swelling with warmth at Lucius's enthusiasm.

"I believe you. We'll make a great team," he said, reaching out to pat Lucius's shoulder reassuringly.

He gave Lucius a gentle pat on the back and a warm smile.

"Alright, Lucius. Get some rest now. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

Lucius nodded eagerly, the anticipation of the training to come already stirring within him.

"Yes, sir. Thank you," he replied gratefully.

With that, Yuno bid him goodnight and watched as the young man made his way back to his room.