
The Rebirth Of The Undaunted

Lily and Damon of the Wildfire pack were in love. Damon dies mysteriously on the eve of his wedding to Lily. A devastated Lily runs to the moon goddess, desperate to bring back the love of her life and exchange her life for his. According to the law of life and death, you give up life for a new life. Damon comes back to life but at the expense of Lily’s. The moon goddess pities her and brings her back to life but in the omega’s body of the Duskfire pack. The feud between the wildfire pack and the Duskfire would never end. It runs so deep that a curse is placed to seal it. With the resurrection of Damon who is now crowned the Alpha of the Wildfire and the rebirth of Lily in Ariona’s body in the Duskfire pack the destiny of their life changes. Damon comes alive to hear the death of Lily, he mourns her but he is forced to choose a Luna and quickly at that. Lily, now Ariona, runs to the Wildfire pack in the hope of getting back with Damon only to meet his mating ceremony with her best friend, Alicia. Heartbroken, she returns to the pack only to be treated very poorly. Somehow she hears the curse placed on her former pack and the one she has been reborn into. She runs back to Damon, determined to fight for the man she had exchanged her life for. No one, not even the body she had woken up in would stop her from getting the only man she had loved alive, dead, and alive again.

AmobiOffor · Fantasía
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61 Chs


"A curse?" I asked. My eyes widened to the fact I never knew about this. Everything was strange, Ariona's body, waking up to discover that yesterday is now three years later and now a curse. I felt a slight headache as the thoughts swirled through my head.

A familiar face appeared, the fat man at the gate.

"Don't try to scare us, old man" Lana said then she turned to me.

"This must be too much for you, Ari… I mean Lily" she studied my face.

"It's too much for us as well," she added, sighing as she slumped her shoulders.

"The curse… Is it true?" I asked. I still couldn't believe the fact that I didn't know anything about it.

Lana nodded "Yes, it is… that's why the wolves in the Wildfire pack and Duskfire pack don't mate"

"It's forbidden," she added.

"It's actually a feud, a strange chill between the two packs" she voiced.

Anna growled, she wasn't liking the sound of this and so was I. There has to be something hidden about all this.

"They said it was caused by the former Alphas of the Wildfire pack and Duskfire pack who were heirless" she said in a low tone.

"It happened a very time ago"

I'm a keen listener so I got every word she spoke.

The cell occupants seemed to have heard it as well as laughter filled the cell.

"Are you sure about that Lana" one of them spoke.

Lana snorted with laughter. She has certainly built a family in this cell.

a ' family of criminals' if I'm not mistaken.

"Isn't it about the death of a woman… or something that deals with blood" they rattled, succumbing to laughter.

Lana scoffed. I couldn't blame her. I would obviously do the same thing if I were in her shoes. I felt Anna wanting to burst out and rip them apart, unfortunately, I shut her out.

I felt heavy, a foreboding pain filling my insides, I couldn't feel this pain alone so I let Anna bear it with me. I could feel her at the back of my head but she was silent, obviously feeling the same pain that I was feeling at the moment.

This time, my shoulders slumped, I had fought and given up everything including my life to keep Damon alive and when I was given a chance to be alive. I can't even be with him. I dragged my feet to a corner in the repulsive cell.

"Ari… I mean Lily" Lana called.

"Call me Ari…" it was better that way, afterall I'm inside her.

Lana made her way to where I was.

"This whole thing looks bad but it's not" she started. "If you really are Lily and you are in Ari's body, it would mean that you are given a chance… to make things right"

I faced her. Obviously, there should be a reason but I never thought of it. Why would the moon goddess bring me back to life when I had given my life for Damon's. Something was wrong, somewhere and I guess I have to figure it out.

"What do you think?" Lana asked when she saw a smile form on my face.

"I think, I should first know why I'm the one in Ariona's body and what happened to the real her, '' she nodded, putting on her brightest smile.

Instinctively, I knew that Ariona was very dear to her.

"After she gave birth to Lisa… she ran away when my sister accused her of attempted murder and I… never saw her again" she said the last few words with so much grief. There was pain in her eyes but she quickly concealed it with a smile.

"Am glad you are here" she said. Maybe she was talking to the real Ariona, not me.

"I am glad too…" I got to find out a lot of things in this cell.

I didn't know what happened to Damon, how he got poisoned that night and I vividly remember the moon goddess asking me if I wanted to know about that but I refused, I had only wanted Damon's life and I still want that.

"There has to be a way" Anna spoke, and the sadness had abated. She was back to her jolly self. That kinda made me happy too.

"Yup" I said to her. It's for us to figure it all out.

I looked at Lana who was just staring into the distance. Like a light bulb turning on, an idea came to my mind.

"Lana" I called, bringing her back to her senses. " I am Ariona and I have a daughter who is Lisa, and currently, Lily is in my body" I told her. Her eyes widened but later constricted when she understood what I was saying.

She nodded. "So what's your plan?"

"Yup, you never thought of that" Ana scowled.

I rubbed my temples. "My plan…" I tried to finish but I was interrupted by the loud 'Bang' as the cell gate opened with a feminine figure walking in.

I'm sure that I have seen her before but where.

"Luna Lena" Lana scoffed. Her voice bears no warmth at all. There was nothing worse than having a beef with your loved one.

Lena didn't seem to care either. Her eyes rummaging the cell as the clinking of her shoes echoed throughout the place.

"Disgusting, '' she said and stood in front of our cell. Lana shifted far from the cell bars.

I stood at my spot. I didn't care about who this woman thought she was.

Realizing that Lana gave her no attention she turned to me.

"Ariona… you witch"

Oh… I hate her guts, wish I could remove those canines of hers and feed it to the wind. That's if the wind needs something so repulsive.

"The witch… she's the real witch alright" Ana scowled trying to get a good spot in my head.

I wondered about the kind of pain, frustration and humiliation the real Ari went through in these people's hands.

"I don't really know why you refer to me as a witch, I am a wolf last time I checked," I said. "Unless you are the witch" I grinned.

Her face turned red with anger but her makeup didn't give out much information.

She guffawed like a maniac. Now she was getting on my nerves.

"Why don't you let me out just once," Ana said.

Nope, I will deal with her.

"A weak Omega… is answering back at her Luna" I drew closer; maybe a slap would wake her up, but Lana was quicker.

"Don't make fun of her, Lena, she's still a better sister than you are" she said.

I folded my arms across my chest. I guess they should settle their problems, Lena didn't seem to want that, her gaze darkening as she was back to me again. She had some understanding to bring in a group of soldiers with her.

"You can have her as your sister if you want, Lena" she said and she turned to me.

"As for you, Ariona for taking my sister and attempting to kill me"

"I never did that… you witch" I protested but it fell on deaf ears.

"You will be beheaded" she flashed a vicious grin, eyeing me like a prey.

The whole place became eerily quiet. I could literally hear the sound of a pin if one fell at the moment.

'Was she really going to do that'

The scenes in front of me seemed to become distant and I couldn't decipher what was happening like it had all been shut off.

'Am I going to die a second time?' I asked myself. I shook off the thought. I can't die again, I would fulfill the reason why I was given a second chance.

Lana had a distraught expression on her face and Lena was smiling from ear to ear.

I smirked, causing Lena to frown.

"You are going to die… what's funny about that" she asked and my smile broadened.

"I have died once… it won't hurt to die again, would it?" Her mouth opened as she stepped backwards, her face so pale like she had seen a ghost.

I made sure to capture every detail in her expression and something told me that she was more evil than I had thought.

"I will make sure… you don't… wake up this time" she stuttered. Oh… she's such a scaredy cat.

"Lena… I never knew you were so inhumane" Lana said.

"Think whatever you want sister, I don't care about your thoughts anymore" she replied.

Turning to the guards behind her " Make sure the task is done first thing tomorrow morning, she should not escape" she told them.

"You are definitely not my sister" Lana whimpered, Lena didn't listen,she didn't care as she left faster than when she came.

I have to figure out a plan and fast,I can't die again that's for sure.

"I got you covered" Ana growled from the back of my head.