
The Reason Why Father Brought Home A Monster

Transmigrated, tortured and betrayed… all of it… she did not know her purpose other than an experiment to a mage. She lost all hope for humans and beasts. There was no hope or trust towards anyone. Her heart shattered and let down. Yet… why does she feel the need to be with these beast and people? “Come here, sweetie. We are your family. We won’t ever hurt you.” A female’s soft voice spoke out to her. “Yes, you are our precious daughter.” A male voice then spoke out. “Don’t be a brat is all I ask.” Another voice but it was a young child. ‘Ugh, why can’t they just leave me be and let me relax this lifetime?’ She said to herself.

MAnonymus18 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
31 Chs

Chapter 9

Seven stood near the bookshelves and the armrest while listening to Reg read the book aloud for her. She did not budge a single inch and stood where she was, focusing on what he was reading for her to know. She needed all the knowledge that she could get from this place. Thankfully, the common language she knew was there—more like the understanding of it.

"The Emparael Kingdom was founded by the imperial family that continues to rule today. The kingdom was once in peace with beings known as Beast Folk or even Beast Kin. Both humans and beasts were once in peace until a war broke out that took many of the beasts' lives. Many beast folks have lost their homes, families, and hope. That was until one beast rose above to take a stand for their kin; his quick-witted mind had resolved the misunderstanding between the humans and beast folk. He did not wish for the beast folk to die out and appear as if they never existed."

Hearing that, Seven did not know that beast folks were such a thing in this world who possessed more than what she thought. 'Would I be considered a beast folk if I was an experiment? No… no one would accept me, no matter beast or human.' She started to question now since she held more beast-like features than humans, but recalled the servants's words. 'No one would accept me either way. Human or beast folk, they are all the same.' Containing that firm answer in her heart and mind. It was strange; she rarely saw any beast folks. It was possible that there were not many within her location at that time when she was a beggar.

"There, beast folk and humans still co-exist, but the humans are the ones who still feel the most fearful of beast folks who have long forgotten the past. They fear that beast folks can easily trample on them. The humans have set a law that no beast folk can come near their land unless given the duty or task to do so."

Seven felt it was unfair for the beast folk to be treated that way. At the same time, she did not know the whole reason why the beast folks and humans started a war. 'Will I ever be able to meet those other beast folks if they still exist out there?' She thought. She thought that perhaps they could tell her more about the depth of the misunderstanding and how this entire place started.

"Are you sad for those beast folk?" Hearing that question, Reg observed the little girl with an odd expression when he kept talking about the beast folk. 'Strange how she would look sad for people she never met or knew. What kind of person or… being is she if she is able to have such an expression on her face?' Seven kept her distance from him, but it was clear that she did not like the unfairness. "You don't need to worry about those beast folks. It has been over two hundred years since the war occurred, so humans and beast folks are safe. No more war. There are still some cases of humans and beast folks that fall in love like my parents." Reg pointed out to her. Looking back down at her, she stared back at him, her eyes remaining human and calm. "I don't know your story, but I don't want to consider you a beast folk just by looks. I will let you tell me one day what you see yourself as. You are yourself and choose who you are or what you want to be. There may be more to the story for you, so I will not say anything." Reg told her truthfully.

Staring at this boy, she could see some sense in his head at the very least, which she felt rather glad about. 'At least this boy seems to know some sense for someone he just met. Yet, he seems to want to get to know me and learn more.' She kept those thoughts in her head.

"How long will you stay like this?" Reg went close to her, which had her growl at him once more as a warning to stay back. Refusing to let him come closer, she held no trust in him to begin with. Reg did not take another step, seeing that she was still on guard with him. "I do not know what you've been through, but it seems like you've been through much more than what they said." Reg's father had asked the slave traders about her, but they only found that she was sold to them by a young boy her age. They had not found the boy who sold her, but they were not desperate to seek him out since he may know nothing about her.

"Reg, do you know wher-"

Seven was surprised by Sachin, who entered the library, running out as quickly as possible. Seven was very agile, and she did not hesitate to dash through and let them only hear her footsteps. Sachin stared at the little girl who ran out of the family library, seeing how she just ran out so quickly as no human could. "Reg, did you speak to her?" Looking back at his son, he could see that something must have happened between the two. 'Would she talk to him?' He was curious, but it could be possible that children could better communicate with one another due to their similar age and aura.

Reg stared at the doorway where the little girl had run, knowing that she would not be able to be seen by simple humans. "I spoke to her, but she never spoke to me." Reg felt a little upset that she did not utter a single word to him. It was progress, though. He had to give credit to that, at least. "She was really interested in the book I read her, though." Reg held the book out to his father, allowing his old man to see that it was the history book.

"She needs time. Don't worry about those who are looking for her. No one can come and go from here." Sachin assured his son that no one could find their home since they lived in an enchanted forest that only certain people could see from the outside. He felt that his people were safer under his magic, so he cast a spell on his home. If they ever needed to leave, he would unleash the spell to let them go out.


Seven did not know where she ended up, but she found herself in the large garden of the mansion. She only recalled rushing out of the room when she saw Sachin arrive; perhaps he had been looking for her. 'Was he going to interrogate me? Hurt me? What was he going to do?' She felt frightened and cautious. Looking up to the sky soon after, a weird-looking shield enveloped the entire place. 'Hm, this place must be under some kind of magic spell.' She assumed. There was a little bit of curiosity about how strong it was. 'I wonder if I can touch it.'

"Oh, why are you here?"

Hearing another sudden voice, she climbed the tree close to her. She looked down soon after, seeing that it was the woman from before who wanted to assure her that it was safe there. 'Why is she here?' Growling once more at the woman, she remained in the tree where she felt it was much safer to stay.

"Why don't you come down? No one here is going to harm you." Priti told her. Keeping her tone and voice soft and calm, allowing the child to take her time to process those words.

Hugging the tree tighter, Seven did not want to go down no matter how the woman pleaded to her or used that tone with her. 'I have no intentions of trusting or believing any words that belong to you beings. What good would it do when you find out that I have some value or purpose for you?'

"Lady Priti! You should not be trying to get along with that child! It is far too dangerous, and the master will be upset if he finds out you are trying to get closer to it!" One maid urged Priti not to get close to Seven, who understood what they were discussing.

"I do not care about what the master says. He is my husband, and he will have to understand that I am not just some wife who sits around and waits for something miserable to happen later on." Priti was not going to be stopped by the servants and maids. "Also, do not refer to her as an 'it'! If any of you continue to see and refer to her as a monster, then you will be immediately dismissed!" Priti declared, being quite clear that if anyone were to refer to Seven as such a title, then she would have no choice but to let them go.

'Why are you so persistent?' Seven did not understand this woman.