
The Reason Why Father Brought Home A Monster

Transmigrated, tortured and betrayed… all of it… she did not know her purpose other than an experiment to a mage. She lost all hope for humans and beasts. There was no hope or trust towards anyone. Her heart shattered and let down. Yet… why does she feel the need to be with these beast and people? “Come here, sweetie. We are your family. We won’t ever hurt you.” A female’s soft voice spoke out to her. “Yes, you are our precious daughter.” A male voice then spoke out. “Don’t be a brat is all I ask.” Another voice but it was a young child. ‘Ugh, why can’t they just leave me be and let me relax this lifetime?’ She said to herself.

MAnonymus18 · Fantasía
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40 Chs

Chapter 19

Groaning again, she had woken up to try and find food around the place she was at. She still had no clue that she was back at the mansion that she tried so hard to find a way out of. She had forgotten how weak she currently was. She attempted to walk on her feet but stumbled onto the floor, and she hissed with her weak and small body. "What are you doing?" Hearing a familiar voice, she saw Sachin staring at her from the doorway. Trying to crawl under the bed, she fell flat down onto her face, this time with no strength to move. Sachin had seen the entire thing; he could not help but laugh at the whole scene. "Pfft, you still cannot move around too much. Took ages to recover your entire body." Going over to her, he then carried her up gently. He was letting her lean on his fur-coated body, knowing to be fully aware and cautious of her wounds. "Your injuries are still healing. It would be terrible if we had to stitch you up again."

Staring at him, she did not attempt to hurt him in any way but continued to stare down at him. 'If only I weren't so injured right now. I accept this since it would have been you instead of me.' Feeling under his mane, she felt the soft fur texture on her tiny palms. Continuing to feel the smooth texture on her hand, she stared in the direction that the man went. 'Soft…' She thought. 'I wonder if I can one day cut some off to make it a pillow.' Most beast folk would be mad if they heard that from her, even Sachin, but she always kept her words in mind.

Noticing the little girl's curious look at his mane, he smiled to see that she was actually more comfortable around him than before. "Do you like my mane?" he then asked her. I wonder what goes on in her head.'

Ignoring his question, she only continued to feel the texture and stopped once she had enough. There was still no way that she would speak again after that time of fighting with Uther. Looking back at him, she could see his sapphire blue eyes. All of a sudden…


Hearing her stomach betray her, she showed no emotions towards it. "Pfft, it seems as though your stomach will always be the one to speak out for you." Sachin laughed lightly, carrying her as he set her back on the bed. She was going to have her meals in bed during her recovery. "I'll have someone bring some food in for you. In the meantime, don't think about trying to escape this room or go outside. Only until your wounds and stitches are gone can you can." He left her be, and as he left the room, she just stared at Sachin, who placed her back onto the bed.

Seven would stare out to the window, seeing the season was still as green for spring. Sniffing the air, she could smell food that was being cooked, but she did not know if it was outside or in the building she was in. 'I did not think that I would still be alive.' She thought to herself—or so she thought.

'You were lucky that I managed to fuse our blood and flesh in time.' Hearing Daise once more in her head, she looked up as if trying to look inside of her head.

'What do you mean?' Seeing how their minds were linked together, it was unnecessary for her to speak out.

'Well, I did not expect to be like yourself in a little girl's body. It was a little shocking on my part since I knew that I had died long ago, but I woke up inside of you. You have quite a past. I will say that.' Daise said with a chuckle at the end of her sentence. What an odd soul in her.

'So, you have seen my memories of the past.? Looking down at her hands, she observed her claws again and pulled on them to see that they were deeply intact. 'These are real. Guess I won't ever have any pretty nails.'

'Hmph, we are connected by blood and flesh now, so it's not hard to know what memories we both have. I only have so much that I can see from you, though. It just depends on how much you wish to share with me.' Daise then yawned. 'Alright, I'm going back to sleep. I'll see when we can talk again.' Leaving their conversation short, there was only silence soon after.

Seven did not hear from Daise, 'Since it seems like it is true. She went to sleep.' Hearing the door to the room open once more, Seven looked to see that Sachin had returned with a tray of food—steak, broccoli, carrots, and a glass of fruit juice on the side. Seeing the tray of food placed on the bed, she went ahead and started eating with her hands. There was no time to stare at the food in front of it. "It seems as though you must have been starving. I hope that I did not take too long to grab the plate." Sachin watched her eat the entire plate that he had brought in. He felt happy that she was eating. It meant to him that she had the will to live. Seeing how quickly she had finished the food, she stared at the empty plate. "Are you still hungry?" He asked. Nodding her head, she stared back up at him with an unfazed gaze. "You can still even hold such a serious face on. I might as well show you the chefs after you fully recover." Patting her head, he would have to inform the chefs to cook more food for the little girl.

It did not take too long, and the servants rolled in a tray of food for Seven. There would be more, such as deserts, that Seven had never tried before. She likely did not even know what sweets like this were. In her first life, she did not get to enjoy those moments with sweets, so it would be a new flavor on her tongue when she gave it a try. Her eyes were directly on the tray of sweets.

Sachin quickly caught on, "Do you know what you want to eat first?" He was patient with her and started wiping her greasy hands with a wet towel. 'Maybe I should feed her.' He thought it would be better for him to feed the girl than to constantly clean her hands since her skin was still fragile and could dry.

Seven would stare at the chocolate chip cookies. Her eyes were on those cookies, not leaving them any time soon until she had a taste. 'I wonder if they will be really good or not.'

Sachin went ahead and grabbed one of the cookies, unsure if she wanted to grab the cookie to eat on her own or not. "Here, do not be shy and eat your food," Sachin told her.

Seven took some time but would grab the cookie, taking her first bite down on a good, sweet cookie. Her eyes almost flashed like stars; it was as if she was completely taken away by the cookie in her mouth. 'This is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten.' Even those words could easily be read on her face. The lion there in the room would be surprised that the little girl would be this happy over one cookie.

"You can have as many as you want." Sachin smiled, letting her know that she could eat as many as she wished. "There are still a lot more that you can try. Do not think that you have to starve. From now on, let us know when you are hungry or what you want to eat." Sachin patted her head once more.

Seven did not even flinch. She was still too drawn into the cookie's flavor to care. Just then, she would grab seven cookies and show them to Sachin after she finished her first cookie. 'Would he understand what I am trying to tell him with this?'

Sachin would sit there awhile, "Is this how many cookies I eat?"

Seven growled and took the seven cookies back, holding them all to herself. 'You have to count them and understand what I mean. Not take my food.' She was rather possessive of her food.

Sachin was confused until the little girl started to put the number of cookies down again. It then clicked that time when Uther mentioned her having a number rather than a name. "Did he call you… Seven?" Clutching his hand into a fist, he grew enraged to know Laonn would treat children this way. 'What if he held my children captive? What if he got a hold of this little girl again?' The lion did not want any more children to be harmed, but he wanted an answer from the little girl known as Seven.