
The Reason Why Father Brought Home A Monster

Transmigrated, tortured and betrayed… all of it… she did not know her purpose other than an experiment to a mage. She lost all hope for humans and beasts. There was no hope or trust towards anyone. Her heart shattered and let down. Yet… why does she feel the need to be with these beast and people? “Come here, sweetie. We are your family. We won’t ever hurt you.” A female’s soft voice spoke out to her. “Yes, you are our precious daughter.” A male voice then spoke out. “Don’t be a brat is all I ask.” Another voice but it was a young child. ‘Ugh, why can’t they just leave me be and let me relax this lifetime?’ She said to herself.

MAnonymus18 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

Chapter 13

Seven continued staring at the plate with food, seeing all the people at the table eat, and she just kept staring at it. "Are you hungry or not? You look like you don't like the food in front of you. It was freshly cooked this morning." Hearing Reg sit across from her, she only stared at him for a second and then got off the chair while grabbing the platter. She decided just to take the plate of food and eat wherever she went. Reg's tone was more like he was going to mock her. She was not going to sit there and eat with her bare hands as well. It had been quite a while since she had used such fancy things as utensils when it came to eating.

"Reg!" Priti did not know how to handle her husband and son, who were much more alike than they knew. Unable to speak to a child properly or keep in mind. 'What am I going to do to make these two keep many things into consideration?' Priti rubbed her forehead as a result.

"All I asked was if she was hungry or not." Reg did not find any offense to the words he just might have said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Along with being honest about the food." He added.

"You really are thoughtless." Priti sighed, looking to her son and then to her husband, who did not even know it. "I think she does not know how to use the utensils. She may have been shy or even embarrassed." Telling them both, they finally understood why the little girl just watched them all eat. 'This is why it is so hard for them to get along with her.'


Seven did not know where she had gone, even though she had been there long enough to the point that she should know the entire mansion. Once she had finished the plate of food, she just tossed it into the bush without a care. 'They will find the plate.' However, she assumed that she must have gone to the outside part of the mansion, which she still didn't know about. 'Why is this place so huge?' She thought to herself. Looking at her hands, she could still see claws that remained on her hands—not even nails to human eyes. Seeing a water fountain, she could see that her eyes looked like a beast, with her four canine teeth also popping out more like a beast than a human, from top to bottom. 'I guess I am a monster.' Feeling disheartened by all of this, she clutched her hand into a fist without realizing that blood was seeping out. Her claws were practically digging into her skin, breaking it quite easily. She was still flesh and bones.

"Don't hurt yourself!" Seven felt her hand get grabbed, and Priti came out to see that her hand was bleeding since blood had been dripping out from it. Feeling a handkerchief being placed into it, she looked at the woman trying to get close to her. 'This poor girl doesn't know pain.' Priti felt like her heart could easily rip out from her chest, watching this little girl do harm to herself. 'Who could have taught you that pain does not hurt?' Priti only felt more anger grow within herself. Only more questions popped into her head while she tried to stop the blood from coming out. Applying only pressure to the little girl's palm.

'Why do you even care?' Pulling her hand back, Seven continued to walk off without caring about the gazes on her. Her palms were slightly still bleeding, but it was not as bad as before. 'I don't need anyone. Humans, beasts, and mages can never be trusted. In the end, they are all the same by heart and nature.' She had been walking throughout the entire mansion's outer part, seeing how it was a prominent place, and she was lost. Sitting down, she did not want to waste too much energy—a little break time for herself. Seeing a plant known as 'Cat Tail,' she could not help but try and catch it in front of her. It just popped right in front of her like magic.

"Fufu…" Hearing a woman giggle on the side, she realized that Priti had been holding the plant this entire time. 'So, she likes playing with these little plants too. She is still quite like a child. This was something that Reg used to love to play with when he was a much smaller cub.'

'What is this woman plotting?' Seven looked at the woman, and there was a clear sign that she was cautious again. 'This must be from the animal side of me. Stupid animal instincts.' She felt rather annoyed that she would be drawn by such a little thing. 'She better not try and do it again.'

Priti could easily read the little girl. "Don't worry. I just found that you were quite cute playing with this. There are no tricks here. I promise." Priti giggled again, taking a look at how this little girl could have fun in some other way. "I saw that you left with the plate of food earlier. I did not know how much of it you ate, so I brought this instead." Priti had a little basket and took out a sandwich that was made with some meat, tomatoes, and lettuce. Priti was informed that they found a plate in a bush a few steps back. She held the sandwich out towards Seven, who looked at it, recalling that this was one of the easiest things to make. Seven took the sandwich into her hands. She took a bite out of it, and Priti still smiled to see how cute the little girl was. 'She is so cute. Her pale little face and white-pink hair and crimson red eyes. Who can ever think to harm her?' Priti could not help but feel a soft spot for this little girl. "Do you like it?" She questioned.

Of course, Seven did not do anything and continued biting into the sandwich given to her. Her cheeks puffed out due to how big of a bite she had for the sandwich. Priti only smiled, taking that it was a 'yes' by its looks. 'She does not have to keep staring at me.' Seven wished that Priti did not have to keep watching her do almost everything.

"Lady Priti, you shouldn't be sitting down here. You are still pregnant." Seven heard an older maid tell Priti to avoid sitting on the cold ground for so long. Taking a look at the woman's belly, she noticed a big bump.

'What the heck? Why does she keep following me if she is not supposed to?' Seven just got up, making the woman follow after her back into the mansion. Meeting with Sachin along the way, Seven wanted him to stop Priti from following after her. Sachin grabbed Priti's hand; it was like he knew what the little girl was telling him. Sniffing the air, she suddenly realized that some traces of her scent were still left in place from where her room was. It was her first time actually embracing the animal instinct that she had. Following the smell, she opened the door and closed it behind her. 'Please just leave me alone.' She hid again under the bed, falling asleep with the blankets dragged under for her to curl up in.


"Priti, you don't need to follow her anymore," Sachin told Priti, who was just about to enter the little girl's room.

"What do you mean?" Priti wanted to enter the room, but Sachin had her stop by holding her wrist so she could not go further.

"I do not think that she wants you to follow her. I also believe she did not want to make you continue walking." Sachin felt like that was what the little girl's facial expression said. 'Perhaps that little girl understands Priti's situation. Makes me wonder why my wife does not.'

"Since when did you start knowing how to read people's facial expressions?" Priti had never seen her husband read faces, but now it seemed as though he was actually making an effort to do so. 'Is this some sort of new personality or skill that I did not notice before?'

"I don't know, but I will check up on her later. Nevertheless, you still need to rest." Sachin walked Priti back to their bedroom, and the maids followed.


Reg had entered the little girl's room, looking around as he did not see anyone in the bed. He was looking under the bed, laughing a little since he did not know that what the maids and servants said about her sleeping under the bed was true. "You are funny. Most children would be afraid to even look under their bed, but you are not. You go on to face your fears." Reg saw the little girl curl up under the bed with the blanket, carrying her out to lay her on the bed to sleep on. The little girl had snuggled against his chest, making him pause for a second to process everything. 'Calm down. Remember that she does not know that you are carrying her. Maybe it is just instincts.' He thought, being sure not to wake her up. Pushing the hair away from her face, he held a smile to see that his home was a bit livelier. Soon enough, he heard her whimpering and shivering again. Staring at her, he laid his hand on her head to feel how hot it was. "You don't ever listen." Carrying her out of the room, he got his parent's help to see if they could assist with the fever. Perhaps he would just let his father know since his mother was still pregnant.