
The Reason Why Father Brought Home A Monster

Transmigrated, tortured and betrayed… all of it… she did not know her purpose other than an experiment to a mage. She lost all hope for humans and beasts. There was no hope or trust towards anyone. Her heart shattered and let down. Yet… why does she feel the need to be with these beast and people? “Come here, sweetie. We are your family. We won’t ever hurt you.” A female’s soft voice spoke out to her. “Yes, you are our precious daughter.” A male voice then spoke out. “Don’t be a brat is all I ask.” Another voice but it was a young child. ‘Ugh, why can’t they just leave me be and let me relax this lifetime?’ She said to herself.

MAnonymus18 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

Chapter 10

"Now, why don't you come down? I won't get close to you if you want that, okay?" Priti tried to come to terms with Seven again, holding a gentle and innocent smile on her face. Rather, it was like meeting the poor girl in the middle. 'What did this little one go through? I can't imagine what made her turn away from everyone trying to help her. Or… perhaps she has never met anyone who wholeheartedly wanted to help her.' Priti wished there was a way to see into this little girl's memories. She had so many questions that she wished she could see through them all to help understand them. Yet, it would depend on the girl if she wanted to open up and tell them.

Hearing that, Seven stared at the woman and slowly descended from the tree. Her dress would be ripped a bit with a bit of dirt and bark on it. Keeping them six feet apart, she could notice the sad gaze of Priti, who wanted to get closer to her. 'What kind of woman is she? So clingy and motherly. It isn't very pleasant. Why can't she see me as some sort of annoying bug.' She thought. Walking ahead of the woman, they took a silent stroll in the garden while the servants remained around Priti and on guard. 'Does this woman think that I will trust her so easily? All these humans see me as some monster that is neither human nor beast.' Noticing a line of ants working for their colony, she stepped over them.

It felt annoying, but she almost had an ant colony behind her, too. She knew that people were following behind her, and she growled at them. Startling them suddenly, she saw that one of the maids was just about to step on them. Taking a step towards them all, they all took a step back as she looked at them. She grabbed some nearby thin branches and made it like a barrier to the ant's path. Refusing to speak to them and explain it, she found it would be a hassle if she started talking suddenly. Continuing to walk forth, she hoped they understood what she was doing since she would not tell them herself.

"She may not seem like it, but she is far more kind-hearted than she looks. Who stops others from stepping on the weak." Priti was the first to take a step, walking over the branches and noticing ants that were below them. "Do not step on any of them." She warned the maids and servants, who only just saw the ants below them—surprised that the little girl would want them to avoid stepping on ants. Priti did not want to ruin the little progress of getting to know this poor child. They found it strange how a girl like her would even protect ants, and they found quite annoying pests in homes since they would get into any sweet or scented food.

Seven had then gone to the grassy meadow that was left untrimmed for some unknown reason. 'I wonder why they don't trim this part of the grassy patch.' Staring at the sun setting, she felt a sudden peace in her heart and mind. Sensing a grasshopper jumping right next to her, she caught it in her tiny hands. The servants would stare at her along with Priti, wondering what she was going to do. Would she crush this creature?

Opening her hands to see the grasshopper staring back at her, she took it to a greener meadow area. It was almost like the grasshopper knew that she would not harm it. 'Don't get crushed.' She was saying that in her head, but it looked as if the grasshopper understood what was on her mind. It only hopped away as soon as it was released into a safer patch of green.


Continuing to be observed by the people following behind the little girl, Priti could only feel the need to cherish and love the child that entered her home. "Why are you following her again?" Sachin had heard from his butler that his wife was again following after the child he had brought in. He had rushed to her as soon as he heard that his wife had gone to follow after the odd child. Concern and worry ran through him since he feared that the worst could happen while he was away and not supervising them. It always felt like he had to supervise his wife when she left alone to get closer to the girl he brought back.

Turning to see her worried lion husband, she sighed. "I've told you already. I cannot leave a child like her alone. Watching while she is left like this is far too upsetting and painful. She has gone through far more than what we should expect. I do not exactly know what she has been through, but I know that it must have been very… traumatizing. I know the last person who held her for their selfishness was bad." Priti knew her husband was worried about her, but ignoring a child's suffering was just too much. Her heart was far too kind to overlook the little girl. Yet, she did not even know that the last person who betrayed the girl was also a child.

"You know that she isn't the only child who would be in this situation." Sachin had to point out that they had previously helped many other children in the same situation—just not as bad as this. Most of the children they helped met a new family who would take care of them. This case was worse due to the little girl being found as neither human nor beast. Sachin could smell his nemesis's scent on the little girl. He did not know if she was a spy meant to play out this way.

"I know, but she seems like one of the children that will struggle the hardest out of the rest. I can't help but feel worried about her all the time. I can tell from your expression that you are uncertain about her. I do not want you to have any ill feelings towards her." Priti could not stop her worried heart for the little girl. It was not hard to read both human and beast; Priti was a good observer. Both turned their heads to see the little girl who kept looking at the sun, almost like she was slowly saying goodbye for the day. "Please, you have to be sure to try and accept her as well." Priti wanted Sachin to try to get closer to the little girl. Come to understand the little girl and know what she could have been through. 'I do not want her to feel like she was failed again.'

Knowing that he could never reject his wife, he smiled and nodded to her plea. "I will, but I want you to be more careful. We can't let the little one here get into danger as well as their mother." Sachin worried daily for his wife and second child, who was not yet born, rubbing her pregnant belly, which was now in his large paw. 'I always have to worry about you. I do not know what I do without you.' Sachin worried for his wife, who would be by his side for years to come, by instinct and heart.

"I got it. Don't worry." Priti knew he was a good father, but it was hard for him to express himself in front of his children. 'Geez, still treating me like I am an airhead. Your wife is not weak.'


Seven looked at the couple, who were finally together while speaking in a loving tone to each other. 'Bleh, mushy feeling. I can never understand how people in love express things this way.' She felt it was awkward to stare at the couple while the servants and maids were all enjoying the view. 'How can you all watch those two?' Hearing the crickets come out now, she figured it was about time to head back before the cold came along to do its job. Seven would stare at Priti, the woman holding her pregnant belly. 'Let's get them back in.' Walking back to the mansion before everyone else, she had no clue where she stayed. Looking at the water fountain, she stared at her reflection to see that she was an adorable-looking child. 'Hm, it seems I am quite eye-catching at the moment. Never knew that I was this cute looking without the aggressive attitude.' Her stomach again growled, making the people behind her realize it was about dinner time.

"I thought you would be hungry, so I had them prepare a plate of food again." Priti had left the plate of food on the other side of the water fountain, keeping the distance between them. Sachin kept close to his wife as usual.

Seven had gone to the plate of food once Priti had given them precisely six feet of distance from each other. After eating the food, Seven kept her guard and hoped they understood her signal. After finishing the plate of food, she found herself with messy hands—practically oily!

"You are a mess again." Sachin had her floating in the air again, casting a spell for her to be cleansed without struggle. Having him magically wash her down seemed almost like a regular routine now. "I'll take her back to her room. Everyone else rests for the day." Sachin quickly nuzzled his wife on the cheek before walking with Seven floating behind him.

'He makes me look that easy to control. Almost like I am some cattle that he caught with one of those rope things.' Seven did not like how Sachin made her look like a tame dog in front of him. 'I'll be stuck here for who knows how long.' She stared at the back of the well-known mage, the lion. There had to be a way out of this place… somehow.

Hopefully you all are enjoying the story so far! >.<

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