
The Real Demon

The main lead , Neem finds himself in a unfortunate situation and wants answers for his questions . Join him in a rollercoaster of a journey . and see him grow .

Does_not_matter · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 001 - The Rebirth

We excitedly waited for him .

The day was his birthday, all the family members but great grand father were there .

He was well built unique and had a beautiful personality . Everyone loved him .

But , I respected him the most , he was my Idol he was who I wanted to be like .

*He came at last*

Everyone cheered for him and group hugged him .

He was looking as powerful as ever . His eyes seemed as selfless as ever

like he was working for days non stop .

Everyone loved his dedication .

(Oh! I forgot to introduce my self ! I am Neem , and I am the one who killed my brother)