
Chapter 13 - The Power of Love Magic

"Hey! Someone must be playing a prank on us!" cried one of the princes.

Princess Ivy immediately returned to silence the big-mouthed prince with her magic. Then suddenly, the prince who had called out earlier could not speak.

Princess Ivy's eyes then looked at her husband who was silent. But she knew that Prince Theodoric was looking for the truth. Is it his wife who pranks his friends or not? Finally, Princess Ivy chose to return to the palace with her disappearance magic.

She immediately took off her cape and kept it hidden. Then Princess Ivy also immediately changed her dress to her sleeping dress. Then she would lie down and pretend to be asleep.

While waiting for her husband to come home, she also neutralized her beating heart for fear of being caught. But fortunately, the pounding was back to normal.

"I'm going to bed right away, don't disturb me, servant Zehron," said Prince Theodoric, which Princess Ivy could hear when her husband was near in their room.

The teak door creaked as Prince Theodoric entered the room. He looked at Princess Ivy who had fallen asleep. His eyes looked from the top of his wife's head down. Pay attention to whether there is anything suspicious or not. After he saw nothing suspicious, Prince Theodoric approached and kissed his wife's forehead.

"I love you, Ivy," he whispered.

Princess Ivy moved slowly when Prince Theodoric deliberately blew the word love in his wife's ear. Her eyes opened slightly. Her face looked as if she had been asleep for a long time, even though she had just laid down to cover up her lie.

"Husband, you're home," Princess Ivy said hoarsely.

"I am. Would you like to serve me? I want to make love to you," asked Prince Theodoric as he took off his clothes.

"Of course, Theodoric. I will serve you until you are satisfied."

Princess Ivy's voice was so very addictive for him to hear. He immediately took off his wife's nightgown and showed how innocent his wife was without any underwear under her dress.

He swallowed his saliva and began to spread his wife's hands. Licking her and kissing her and sucking her nipples. Princess Ivy flinched from enjoying her husband's attacks and mischievous touches.

"Oh, Ivy, you are so good!" groaned Prince Theodoric as he was about to orgasm.

Princess Ivy just moaned and sighed even more because Prince Theodoric's movements were too fast.

Their breaths were ragged. Prince Theodoric was still above her. Sitting there and kissing his wife's face. Meanwhile, Princess Ivy was getting sleepy and she was starting to lose consciousness.

"Go to sleep, my dear. Because every day you have to serve me at every opportunity," he whispered.

Prince Theodoric slowly released his cock and he got up from the bed. Letting his wife sleep while he will leave the room to enjoy the night air.

He's not sleepy yet. Even though he came home to see if it was Princess Ivy who had bullied his friend or not. But when he found his wife asleep, he felt guilty for almost accusing her.

"You haven't slept yet," King Thomas' booming voice suddenly appeared, startling Prince Theodoric.

"Father, you haven't slept yourself either."

"I could not sleep. Then I heard your wife moaning. Did you guys just do it again?" asked King Thomas.

Without feeling embarrassed, he nodded. But he was annoyed that his father seemed to interfere in his affairs. He wanted to move to the palace next door so that his father or mother would not hear Princess Ivy's sighs.

"I wonder, can my daughter-in-law be pregnant or infertile?" asked King Thomas.

"Father, you are lucky if you ask me. But do not you ever ask in front of her, because I will not let you hurt her!" Prince Theodoric said.

The screech of King Thomas as if belittling his son sounded very clear. Even his expression in the moonlight showed how hateful he was for his daughter-in-law.

"You should not marry a barren woman! If you do not have children, who will carry on these inheritances?"

"I married her because I fell in love with her, not because I wanted to have children with her. If God gave it to us, then I would be grateful. But if not, it is not a problem for me," explained Prince Theodoric.

"You're too sentimental, Theodoric. How can you live out of love? Your mother and I started without love!"

"Father, enough! You can not equate someone with your life!" cried Prince Theodoric.

There was a hurt feeling in King Thomas's heart as his son tugged at him. But because he felt prestigious and embarrassed to admit how he felt, he just kept silent with his hard face showing dislike and hate.

He turned and left his son because he felt there was no point in talking more to Prince Theodoric, who even loved Princess Ivy so madly.

Prince Theodoric watched his father leave with an angry face. He then turned his body and looked at his prospective palace which was under construction.

"I swear, you will be happier when we move into our new palace, Ivy," he whispered.

Then he thought of something. Remember when Princess Ivy once asked what if she couldn't have children.

He thought Princess Ivy might have sensed that it would be difficult for her to have children. But they haven't discussed that any further. It's just that Prince Theodoric never had a problem with herself if she couldn't have children. Because there is always a way if later they want to have one. If not from the womb, then they can adopt.

Sleepiness began to attack him as his thoughts piled up. Prince Theodoric immediately went into his room and his wife was still fast asleep.

He then took off his night robe and joined Princess Ivy. Carrying her in his arms and his eyes began to stare at the roof of his room.

He stroked Princess Ivy's bare arm and kissed the top of her head. "I love you, Ivy. No one has ever loved me this much more than you."

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KAREN_DNcreators' thoughts