
The Powerful Eye System in MHA

A normal man gets transmigrated into the world of My Hero Academia with an 'Eye System'. When waking up to the system, he learns he transmigrated into a body that's in front of UA to take the entrance exam but... HIS QUIRK WAS GONE?!? Fortunately, the Eye System had given him a 'Free Eye': Six Eyes, the powerful eyes of the Gojo Clan. This is the story of how a normal man transmigrated and became someone on the level of god. Tag: Multiverse Fic Inspired by "Eye System in RWBY"

Darkened007 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
34 Chs

Chapter 8: USJ Part 1

(Eye suggestions and their conditions here. 

P.s. You can make your own eyes, as that's what I've done and will be unlocked in the future - They don't need to all be OP by the way) 


Seeing Aizawa's panicked expression, hearing the villain's words, and seeing the gang of wild villains below, the class now realised that this wasn't there 'trial', but rather a real tragedy happening right now.

"Villains?! But how?!/What villains'd be dumb enough to sneak into a school for heroes?!" The students panicked as they tried to calm themselves down.

"Sensei! Aren't there intruder sensors?!" Momo asked Thirteen as sweat dripped down her face, much like the other worried students.

"Yes! Of course there are...!" Thirteen replied, though she was currently unsure as there was no alarm going off due to the sensor.

"Are they only here, or also in the other building...? Either way, if the sensors aren't working... it must be one of their quirks that's doing it" Todoroki, one of the only calm ones, said as he concluded that idea, before carrying on

"This place is far from the campus, and they picked a time and place where there'd be few people here... Maybe they're not as dumb as they seem" He complimented, though he wasn't happy about it, "They must have an objective for such a well-coordinated sneak attack" He finished.

"Thirteen!" Aizawa called out to the hero, "Begin evacuation! And try calling the school! One of these villains must be jamming the sensors. There's a good change one of their electric-types is causing the interference" 

'What is this, Pokemon?' Ren thought sarcastically

"Kaminari, try using your quirk to signal for help" Aizawa instructed as he began to get ready to jump down towards the group of villains, to which Kaminari nodded in response.

"But Sensei! You can't fight them all alone!" Izuku shouted, worried for his teacher who seemed fully prepared to face all the villains, "Against that many... even you can't nullify all their quirks!

As 'Eraser Head', your fighting style involves erasure and quick binding capture. Head-on battle isn't..." Izuku wanted to say more, but was cut off by Aizawa looking at him with a serious expression.

"No good hero is a one-trick pony, Midoriya" Aizawa stated confidently, "Thirteen, Take care of them!" He said one last time before he jumped down, grabbing hold of his capturing weapon around his neck.

When Aizawa jumped down, the students were frightened at first, but were surprised to see Aizawa handling the weak villains with relative ease as he either knocked them out or captured them.

While Aizawa was dealing with the villains, Thirteen was ready to evacuate the students who looked at Aizawa in awe.

"This is no time for analysis!" Ida called out to Izuku who spectated Aizawa's massacre, "Hurry up and evacuate!" 

Suddenly, the class and Thirteen were stopped by the purple mist that brought the villains here appearing in front of them.

"Sorry, but I can't allow you to leave" The purple mist with bright yellow eyes announced as his presence made the class jump in surprise, "Greetings. We are the League of Villains. Forgive our audacity, but... we've come to UA today, the bastion of heroism, to end the life...

Of the Symbol of Peace, All Might..." The villain's words shocked the class and even Thirteen herself as they gasped in shock and fear, "We were under the impression that All Might would be here today..." The eyes of the villain then took some time to look around, "But it seems his schedule was revised? Well... no matter" 

Thirteen finally responded by opening the tube on her pointer finger.

"My role remains unchanged-" The villain spoke as it's mist began to grow bigger.

Attempting to get the jump on the villain, Bakugo and Kirishima jumped forward and reeled their arm back as they activated their quirk.


"Not if we end you first" Bakugo said, with Kirishima adding a "Betcha didn't see that coming!"

"That was close..." The villain said, but it was clear that no damage was done, "Yes... though students you may be, you're still the best of the best"

"Get back, both of you!" Thirteen called out to the boys, but was too late as the villain had already surrounded the class with its mist.

The mist enveloped the class as most of them were pulled into the mist, before they re-appeared in one of the zones with some other students.

'I see, so I was teleported here' Ren thought with a calm expression as he lifted himself up onto a boat with [Jagan Eye].

As he landed on the boat, a soaked Izuku was dropped onto the boat by none other than Asui and her tongue.

"Ren!" Izuku lifted himself up and was glad to see his classmate in the same zone as him.

"Yo!" He lifted an arm in response, "Who else is here-" They were interrupted by a soaked Mineta being thrown onto the boat, followed by Asui joining up with them after she climbed the boat, "Nevermind"

"Thanks, Asui..." Izuku thanked the classmate who saved him from being villain-food.

"Call me Tsuyu. But we seem to be in trouble here, ribbit" She said as she sat on the edge of the boat, looking down at the villains which surrounded them.

"Indeed. It seems that the villains were the culprits behind the alarm yesterday and took some information which told them we'd have our class today with All Might, and planned for this sneak attack in order to kill him" Ren said as he watched Izuku and Mineta squeeze their soaked clothing.

"But, but! There's no way they could kill ever All Might! He'll thrash them before they ever get the chance!" Mineta replied enthusiastically as he punched the air.

"Mineta..." Asui looked down at Mineta, "They must've figured out a way to defeat All Might... otherwise, why would they come here just to get beaten?" She countered his words, much to his dismay.

"As Asui-" Ren was about to agree, but was cut off

"Call me Tsuyu"

"As Tsuyu said, these villains seem very hellbent and confident in defeating All Might... I think the best plan would be to defeat these villains, and then group up with the others for our safety until the teachers arrive" Ren said, ignoring Mineta's face of distress.

"M-M-M-M-Midoriya!" Mineta stuttered in fear as he clutched Izuku's arm in a panic.

"That brat!" The students could hear the villain's angered voice shout up at them, "I'll kill her!" Talking about Asui.

"A WHOLE SCHOOL OF THEM!" Mineta cried when he saw tens of villains surround them and the boat.

"There's no time to panic, Mineta..." Ren stepped forward as he put his foot against the end of the boat, "If they're here to kill us... then we've gotta play their game of 'Kill or be killed'!" He said as he looked down at the group of villains with a sadistic smile on his face.

"K-k-kill?!" Mineta replied with a stutter, even Izuku and Asui looked at him in surprise.

"Alright, not literally 'Kill', but you get what I mean..." Ren sighed in response, "Man~... you totally killed my cool moment there"

"That was meant to be cool?" Asui asked with an innocent tilt of her head.

"You know what? Forgot I said anything... any of you got any plans?" Ren asked as he looked at the 3.

"You said all that without an actual plan...?" Izuku asked with a similar tilt of his head like Asui.

"How about we wait to be rescu-" Mineta was cut off by Ren's face darkening.

"...Should I throw all three of you overboard?" Ren asked them with a 'smile'.

"NO!/No thank you x2" Mineta screamed, but Izuku and Asui replied calmly.

Izuku then carried on speaking as he put his thumb and pointer finger on his chin for his thinking face, "Well, as for a plan, thanks to them sending As-, Tsuyu, in the flood zone, I think they must not know our quirks" He deducted.

"If they'd known about my frog quirk, they would've dumped me in that fiery area or a different one" Asui nodded in agreement.

"And because of that fact, they've decided to try and beat us by overwhelming us in numbers, that's what you're saying, correct?" Ren asked Izuku, to which he nodded

"Yes, although they've got us in numbers and experience, there's only one way for us to win! And that's to exploit the fact that they don't know our quirks! Them not trying to not get on board supports my theory" Izuku said as the group looked down at the villains being cautious by staying in the water.

'All those years of studying heroes and villains must've been really helpful, huh...' Ren thought with a smile as he looked at Izuku, 'I wonder how he would've been if he got One For All sooner, or had not been quirkless'

"So, how about we start by each of us explaining what our quirks can actually do?" Ren suggested, to which the others nodded.

"Well... I have super strength... but immediately after using it my body messed up... it's like a double-edged sword..." Izuku said with disappointment in his voice.

"I can jump really high... and stick to walls. My tongue can stretch to a maximum of 20 metres. Also, I can spit up my stomach to clean it... and secrete a poisonous fluid. I say 'poisonous', but it really just stings a little" Asui was the second to explain her quirk.

'20 metres...' Ren zoned out after entering fantasy land for a few seconds, before he shook his head and snapped out of it, 'Poisonous fluid, ay? Did she ever use that in the anime/manga? I don't remember'

"The last two aren't that useful, so you can forget about them" Asui added.

The group then looked at Mineta, who put his hand on his head and pulled out one of the purple balls, before sticking it to the boat with a straight face, "It's really sticky. If I'm feeling good, it'll stick for a whole day. A new one'll grow in the old one's place, but if I take too many, I'll start bleeding. They'll bounce off my own body without sticking to me, though" He proved his point by pushing the ball before his hand bounced back.

"..." Mineta looked up at the others to see them looking at him in silence, "LIKE I SAID, WE JUST GOTTA WAIT TO BE RESCUED! MY QUIRK IS TERRIBLE FOR FIGHTING MULTIPLE OPPONENTS!" 

Seeing Mineta shout and cry, Izuku tried to calm him down by saying "N-not at all... it's a great quirk. We just have to think of how to make use of it"

"He's not wrong, I'd say you have a pretty underrated quirk to be honest" Ren shrugged, "The fact that you can make your opponent stuck with your... balls... is pretty neat"

"G-guys..." Mineta sniffled as he began hugging Ren and Izuku, "I love you guys!" He cried tears of joy as he smeared their clothes with his tears.

"...Get off me with your tears before I throw you overboard" Ren said, causing Mineta to jump back instantly 

"Sorry sir" Mineta said, not wanting to die.

The group then spoke for about a minute or two as they came up with a plan, when suddenly, the boat shook as water hit it from the side and split the boat in half.

"I'm getting bored over here, let's finish thi-" A villain from below.

"Fuck me, you're only ugly guy" Ren peered over the boat as he looked at the villain straight in his eyes, "Is that how you actually look? Lord have mercy, I wonder how your parents looked at you when you came out your mother's womb"

"Y-YOU-" The villain turned red in anger as he was ready to destroy the boat and kill the kids, when suddenly he was unable to move and he began to sink, 'W-What the...?'

Ren had used [Stone Eyes] to petrify the villain as he shouted, "The plan's started, let's go!" He clapped his hands.

"GO TO HELLLLL!" Izuku shouted in order to hype himself up as he jumped off the boat. He put his right hand on his left arm as he concentrated on flicking his middle finger without breaking it.

"Delware... SMASH!" He called out as he flicked his middle finger, with a strong pressure of wind coming from it.

The pressure hit the water, causing a whirlpool to form which sucked the villains into it, "MINETA!" Izuku shouted, wincing in pain as his middle finger had still broke much to his disappointment.

Asui, having hold of Mineta, jumped off the boat as she grabbed Izuku with her tongue.

"ORAORAORAORAORAORA!" Mineta cried as he threw a barrage of balls from his head at the villains, ignoring the pain of his bleeding head.

The villains, having been sucked by the whirlpool followed by Mineta's balls sticking them together, were blown back when a red sphere blasted them away.

Ren had jumped off the boat and thrown a Red with his [Six Eyes] in the middle of the whirlpool, using up 2 minutes of his Limitless as it was an average-power Red (28 Minutes of Limitless left for the day)

Thanks to that, about 30 villains were added to Ren's defeated-count, much to his happiness.

With Izuku and Mineta in either arm, Asui used her tongue to grab hold of Ren.

"Thanks, Tsuyu" He thanked for the catch, to which she nodded as she was unable to speak currently, "Good job, you guys" He congratulated them with a smile, a compliment they gladly took and accepted.


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Ignore this (I'm 200 words away from 15k, so just allow it pls)

We're no strangers to love

You know the rules and so do I (do I)

A full commitment's what I'm thinking of

You wouldn't get this from any other guy

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling

Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

We've known each other for so long

Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (say it)

Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)

We know the game and we're gonna play it

And if you ask me how I'm feeling

Don't tell me you're too blind to see

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

We've known each other for so long

Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (to say it)

Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)

We know the game and we're gonna play it

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling

Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up

Never gonna let you down

Never gonna run around and desert you

Never gonna make you cry

Never gonna say goodbye

Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you