
The Power of Ice

Our dear protagonist is obsessed with the power over ice. Whether or not that is healthy, remains to be seen. The fact is, that he is granted a chance to not only wield that power but to show everyone, that it is the most powerful one around ... at least in his hands. A Multiverse Fanfiction, starting in One Piece. He will travel from world to world, using the powers of Essences, which are given to him. He has no say in what he is given.

Daoistz1VV3s · Cómic
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28 Chs

Marineford War II

Bear with me here. Changes will come next chapter. I'm sorry if it's boring right now. I include thoughts of Kuzan to make it better though.

The end of this chapter does have changes, though. 


I jump into the air. To deal with this, I wouldn't have to move from my spot, but I want to get an attack in while I'm at it. High in the air, I suddenly come to a stop and just ... stand there ... in the air. I simply froze the water particles in the air and used it as a platform to stand. Then I use a new move I created a while ago. I thought that as long as you have the stamina and imagination, there shouldn't be anything you can't do with your devil fruit. 

I point my left arm forward, bring my right one forward and then pull it back as if I were pulling a string of a bow. And as I do that, an ice bow appears with two ice arrows. Then I let them fly. 


The two arrows shoot left and right towards the tsunami and impact them. In that moment the ginormous waves and the sea is frozen in not even a second. This spans hundreds of miles. 

"Aokiji ...! You little tyke!", Whitebeard says to me. 

"It stopped!"


"The whole bay is frozen solid!"

"The ships won't be able to manoeuvre at all!"


'Ice Block: Partisan'

About 100 ice spears appear around me. With a thought, they shoot towards Whitebeard. He notices that this attack would hit many of his family, so he has to act. he gathers a lot of power and punches the air. 


The air cracks again. The shockwave travels towards me. Before it impacts me, I have already pulled back my fist and punched out. A massive fist, made of ice appears and clashes against the shockwaves. But ice is weak against shockwaves ... right?

Yes ... but ... I have long gone passed mere ice. What I am controlling right now is the aspect of freezing. What I am wielding here, which looks like a giant fist made of ice, is cooled to 260.2°C matter. And at this temperature, even vibrations will have trouble travelling through.

But I allow it to happen after a while. I want to appear like a strong mortal and not a threat to their rule. At least not until I have reached the Fleet Admiral position and have separated the Marines from the World Government's control. 



The shockwaves pass through me and I fall into thousands of pieces only to then reform on the ground. The opening act has begun. Now the war is officially under way. 



(3rd Person POV)

"Destroy the Moby Dick!!", the Marines scream and begin to fire the cannons at the ships. 

"Let's move out, then."

"It's nice and convenient to walk on."

"Let's show them what we've got!!", the Whitebeard pirates scream and jump on the ice to attack. 

"Even the Captains are on the attack!! Don't let up on the assault!!", the Marines scream. 

The war is on its way. The Whitebeard pirates have arrived on the ice and are running towards Marineford in order to save Ace. Their ships also fire at the Marines to do damage to them. It would be a good idea since having all those people so close together is a bad idea. But the cannon balls are stopped by the Marine HQ Vice-Admirals.

As the weaker members of both the Whitebeard Pirates and the Marines have begun their fight, the Warlord Dracule Mihawk suddenly pulls out his sword, Yoru. 

"Are you actually going to fight?", Geko Moria asks him.

"This is merely conjecture ... but the true distance between us and that man ... seems rather small.", Mihawk replies and then swings Yoru with a powerful vertical slash. A green slash cuts through everything, even a small portion of Kuzan's ice and rushes towards Whitebeard. 

Before that can happen though, the slash is stopped by the Third Division Commander, Diamond Jozu. Right after this Kizaru also tries his luck and jumps into the air. From there, he attacks Whitebeard.

"Yasakani no Magatama.", he says and thousands of light bolts shoot towards Whitebeard. But once again, before they hit, the First Division Commander, Marco intercepts the bolts with his body. 

Jozu then threw a massive iceberg at the Marine's Giant Squad, but it was vaporized by Akainu using his Magu Magu no Mi ability, with the attack bursting and scattering volcanic rocks amongst the pirates, as well as destroying one of Whitebeard's ships.

At this point Little Oars Jr. appeared, creating a hole in the Marines's fortifications, as well as defeating several members of the Giant Squad on his way, in a desperate rush to reach Ace. However, he was eventually defeated when Bartholomew Kuma blasted him with his attack "Ursus Shock", Dracule Mihawk severed his leg with his sword slash and Gecko Moria pierced him with "Tsuno Tokage". However, his rampage did manage to open a clear path to the platform, along with Whitey Bay and her icebreaker. 


So far everything was still the same as it had been in the story. And it continued that way until the end of the war. Kuzan, who was constantly using his Future Sight, was calculating the best course of action to take, in order to grant Ace a chance to escape. Garp was his friend and he wanted to help him in that way. Since Kuzan didn't know the story, he also didn't think about changing anything. But it didn't matter. 

Amidst the fierce battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the World Government forces, Monkey D. Luffy and his motley crew of Impel Down escapees came crashing down with their ship, due to being caught in the frozen tsunami, causing the war to take another turn towards more chaos. 

Kuzan was fighting on different fronts. He fights against Luffy for a few seconds, freezes Buggy the Clown, is attacked by Marco and even fights against Whitebeard for a time. The old man was having trouble with Kuzan and he made sure not to take too much of the old man's time and stamina. He wanted this war to end as soon as possible.

Everyone was surprised when Luffy unleashed Haoshoku Haki and knocked many of the participants out. The war was nearing its climax when Monkey D. Luffy finally was about to reach the execution platform. 

However, before he could make it, Vice Admiral Garp jumped in, landing in front of Luffy and breaking part of the bridge in the process. Despite Luffy's request for his grandfather to move aside, Garp refused. Kuzan understood what was going through Garp's head at that moment. He knew what would happen. Garp prepared to attack his grandson but faltered at the last second, which allowed Luffy to knock him off the bridge.

Kuzan understood Garp very well. He wouldn't be able to do that either. If he blocked Luffy, Garp knew that Ace wouldn't be saved. And that was just not something Garp could live with. Things became even more complicated, but finally, the main objective had been achieved. Ace, had been freed and now, they were making a run for it. 


This is where the things changed.


Another powerful shockwave travelled through Marineford, courtesy of Whitebeard. 


"Marineford is in danger!"

"Stop Whitebeard!"

The buildings crumbled and the destruction was enormous. Whitebeard was on a schedule, to destroy the entirety of Marineford. 

"He's really trying to sink the entire island.", one of the Marines said as he watched the destruction going on. 


"We can't leave you behind, Boss!! Let's go back together!"


"Didn't you hear my order?! Get going you idiots!!", Whitebeard screamed at his crew. He planned on dying here. He swung his weapon and brought it down again, causing another massive shockwave. 

The Marines stopped bothering about Ace at the moment. They were trying to stop Whitebeard from sinking Marineford into the sea. This allowed the Whitebeard Pirates to begin making their exit. They even stole a Marine Warship for their escape. But ... there were those who would not see this happen. 

"Admiral Sakazuki!"

"Do they really think they can escape?! How adorable..", Akainu said. Of course, the mad red dog wouldn't let this slide and accept defeat. No matter the consequences, he would kill either Whitebeard and Ace or only one, but he would kill pirates.

He pulls back his fist, while half of his body is dripping magma. A giant magma fist is then shot towards the fleeing pirates. 


"Look out!! It's Akainu!!"


"They save Ace and then immediately run away? What a bunch of cowards you are, Whitebeard Pirates. But he is the Captain ... I guess there's no helping it!! After all, Whitebeard ... is a loser from a bygone age!", Akainu says provoking the pirates and especially, provoking Ace. 

And it does work. Ace stops running away. 


"Haa ... haa ... a loser?", Ace says and turns around to face Akainu, "Take back ... what you just said!"

"Stop, Ace!! Keep going!"


"He's mocking my old man ...", Ace says. 

"Your real father, Roger, stood in his way. And so Whitebeard is a loser who will never become king. How am I mistaken? You bunch of thugs keep yelling boss this, boss that ... you prance about the seas pretending to be a family.", Akainu continues.

"Stop right there!!", Ace screams.

"For how many decades has he ruled the seas, never becoming king ... and never accomplishing anything?! In the end, he was stabbed by his idiot son who was fooled by some sweet talk! And he's going to die protecting that fool! He really did live an empty life, didn't he?", Akainu is dishing out these things and mocking Whitebeard.

"Stop it!!"

"Don't listen to him, Ace! Come on!"

"The old man gave us a place where we belonged! What do you know about his greatness?!", Ace said. 

"If people don't live the right way, there's no reason for them to live! Pirates like you don't deserve a place to belong! Whitebeard will die as a loser! A fitting death for the Admiral of a mountain of garbage!!"

"Whitebeard is the pirate who created this era! This era will be known by Whitebeard's name!!", Ace says and they attack each other. But when their fists meet, it becomes clear that Ace is on the losing side. 

"Did you get careless because you're a Ligia type as well? You are merely 'fire'. I am 'magma', that consumes fire. My power completely outclasses yours!

The Pirate King, Gold Roger and the Revolutionary Dragon. I'm amazed that their two sons turned out to be brothers! Great sin already runs through your blood! No matter who else escapes, I will never let you two brothers go!

Take a good look...", Akainu says and then, instead of attacking Ace, who stands in front of him, attacks Luffy. He pulls back his magma fist and rushes towards him and then... he punches out with all his power. 



Those who know the story will know what would have happened now. But this is not the same story. Something happens that no one saw coming. 

Akainu's fist comes closer and closer towards Luffy. Ace decides to sacrifice himself though and appears between them with his back turned to Akainu. However, before his fist reaches Ace and impales him, something impacts Akainu's body. 


A loud boom is heard as something ... no, not something. Someone hits Akainu and they fly away together and hit the ground. 

"Wha ... what just happened?"

"Was that ... a person?"

"Ace!! Are you alright?"

No one knew what was going on at the moment. Someone had impacted Akainu's body and now they were both hidden by a cloud of smoke. The only one who knew what was going on ... was Whitebeard who was looking at the place where Akainu and the other person had flown off to. 

Froom the cloud of smoke ... two figures finally became visible. The first one was Akainu and the second ...