
The Halloween Party (pt. 3)

Jason pulled me by the arm and up the stairs where he found an empty room. It had glass walls and a marble floor so it was overlooking the party downstairs. The room was big… big enough where one could do drugs in here and look at the world below, but they wouldn't be able to see. 

"When were you going to tell me that you're pregnant?" He looked positively pissed off, almost like a cat that's been messed with for too long. "It's been two months that I've been trying to get in contact with you, why wouldn't you tell me?" 

"Actually you remember that day I walked into the kitchen to find out that you had fathered Delilah's spawn? Yeah, that was the day I was going to tell you. Key words, going to."

"Why didn't you say anything?! I'm their father, I deserve to know!" I winced as he yelled at me. His anger was completely comprehensible and called for, but he didn't have to do all of these theatrics when he flat out didn't care.