
The Charity Ball (3)

Jack and I stuck together for most of our time at the ball. He even introduced me to some of his friends, people in high places who had tremendous pull in many areas. Thanks to him, my plan to network the night away was fulfilled to complete perfection. I was so grateful and couldn't stop thanking him for it. 

"Don't even worry about it," he had laughed, waving me off. "I'm happy to do this for a friend." 

His sense of humour had done a lot to lift my spirits too, and soon I was laughing like my old self again, no anxiety, no worries about bursting out of my dress and seeming undesirable. At least while I was with him. Every time I searched for my husband in the crowd, I saw him flirting with someone who was the complete polar opposite of me. As time went on, I started entertaining a thought that wasn't particularly pleasing.