
The pirates of the Akatsuki

Herman is a young man leading a mundane life in the real world. One day, after his death, he finds himself in the world of One Piece and soon discovers that he has received a special power called "Instant Kill". With this power, Herman realizes that he can summon any group of characters from the series only once. To make use of this power, Herman decides to summon the members of the Akatsuki organization and joins them in their quest for world domination. Together, they wreak havoc across the world and gain powerful allies during their journey. However, as Herman becomes more involved in the Akatsuki, his perspective on life begins to change radically as he sees things from an entirely different angle than he was used to in his world. / This is my first novel, and English is not my native language... so the chapters will be short in the beginning.\

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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - The Arrival of the Akatsuki

A year later, Herman started to believe that the damn goddess had forgotten about his second wish. While wandering on the island, Herman was searching for a boat to start his pirate adventure alone.

Then he heard a noise coming from the sea, a boat was docking on the island. Herman decided to go and see what was happening. What he saw astonished him. It was the infamous ninja organization, the Akatsuki, arriving on the island.

Herman recognized them because of their black cloak adorned with red clouds. They were wrapped in an air of danger, a group of powerful and dangerous criminals, each with their own abilities and objectives.

Herman was both terrified and excited about meeting the Akatsuki. He then remembered that he now had the power of Instant Kill, he could eliminate them all if he wanted.

But he came to the conclusion that it would be pointless, except for the possibility of finding an unexpected alliance. Suddenly, the leader of the Akatsuki appeared before him. He looked like a skeleton with red hair around his forehead. His name was Uzumaki Nagato.

Nagato noticed Herman's presence on the island and approached him. Herman was terrified by his power, but his curiosity took over, and he decided to talk with him.

"Who are you?" Nagato asked.

Herman stood firm and replied, "I am Herman, a pirate who seeks to become the king of pirates. And you are?"

"We are the Akatsuki," Obito replied, "and we don't appreciate intruders."

"I can test my art on him, I think it's a good idea huhum!" added Deidara.

"No! don't touch him, he's an offering to the evil lord!" said Hidan while licking his lips.

Herman backed away and said, "I'm not here to disturb you."

"Silence!" declared Nagato and then called Zetsu, who had stayed on the boat.


"Yes, leader?"

"You noticed him too, didn't you?"

"Yes, it's him."

Nagato saw Herman's look full of questions and explained that the Akatsuki had been sent to this world to find their king. He explained to Herman that they needed this person to achieve their ultimate goal, they desired to control the world of One Piece, and for that, they needed this person. Herman was relieved, but at the same time, he was impressed by the determination and strength of the Akatsuki.

"It took them a year to find me.. DAMN GODDESS."

He then remembered that the goddess had granted him a wish.

"I've been waiting for you for a year."

"Sorry, given the size of this world, it took Zetsu a year to find your trail."

Obito hesitated for a moment, but he saw something exceptional in Herman. Something he couldn't explain, an unknown potential that could be beneficial to the Akatsuki. That's why he decided to accept Herman in his heart.

The Akatsuki was now loyal to him.