
I want to talk

Emma's POV

I watched the fading back of four eyed Martin exiting my office after another round of feedback.

I shifted sideways on the screeching wheel of my office chair, picking up my phone giving a call.

Again,the now annoying voice of the customer service representative invaded,causing me to mentally explode.

I haven't heard a single word from Thomas, that good for nothing imbecile.

Four days now and nothing.

I was anything but worried about him in particular,my main focus was on the task I had assigned to him and now he was MIA.

I tried settling in for some work while taking my mind off my restlessness but it sure as hell wasn't working.

I quickly snatched my phone from my desk upon seeing a new message notification.


I thought reading it. 'We need to meet. The usual place' from Thomas.

Instantly I clutched my bag zooming off to the usual designated meeting spot i had always met off with Thomas.

I took a glance at my surrounding before stomping into the rather odd wretched looking cafe.

Awfully disgusting, but I had no choice.

My gaze fell on the distinctive back of Thomas.

I took a seat right before him.

His uneasiness that greeted me alerted me that something was up.

"Here's the little I was able to gather on her"

Thomas shoved several pieces of paper over the table, looking sideways like as if he was freaking spied on.

"What's up?" I raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"The cops are unto me" He muttered more to himself as I could make a little of his words.

"And the rest?" I asked unconcerned. I didn't care of his jumble mumbled excuses. This is only a quarter of what I paid him for.

"I said,the cops are unto me" He enunciated as if I didn't hear that before.

"And I asked, when am I getting the rest,this clearly isn't everything" I said. "I need to know exactly who that bloody bitch is" I vexated,glaringly.

"Well you can do that all you want" Thomas was up on his feet. "But I'm not going to jail again. Right now I must lay low. Good luck on your quest"

I watched the sick bastard,taking his exit. "Thomas, when this is over you owe me"

He gave a glance at me before running off with his provocative face.

I jerked up,pulling the scattered sheets on the table, I couldn't spend yet another minute in this despicable cafe.

Returning to my car,I zoomed back home I had a lot of things to do and I needed to do it fast. This obsession of mine has brought me sleepless night.

I had to simply confirm this whole madness.

I just had to know if that sucking leech is Jeanine or not.

There's something about that woman that leaves me always on edge.

I arrived at my home,stomping angrily to the dinette where I threw of my bag,settling the files on the table.

My phone vibrated ushering out my favorite ringtone which I now considered simply a nuisance.

I peered at the screen,identifying the caller and guess what? Dave.

I contemplated answering or simply rejecting and I found the latter more favourable.

I begun picking up each sheets,concentrating my all to it. I knew something was going on with that female and part of me feels it's far from good.

I knew Jeanine best,and the familiar feeling I always got next to that bitch was always screaming JEANINE.

Sounds insane but I believe best in those.

I started looking into each sheets,my nerves now consuming with anxiety and anticipation I knew I would no doubt unravel something or rather just confirm something.

Something that would remove the veil of stupidity right off Dave's face and would put an end to Natalie.

'Natalie' I trailed off her name,rebuking the way it's rolled out my tongue in disgust. 'Let's see exactly what you are hiding'


'Phew' Dave blew the warmth air right out of his throat sucking in the unfriendly crisp air that now surrounded California.

He glanced at his silver watch. A smile spreading through.

'Just a minute more.' He nodded expectantly.

Dave sipped the pleasurable warm cup of coffee on his table.

He didn't have anything better to do that to watch the revolving stealth door of Glamorous hotel ushering in visitors.

But he didn't mind. Why would he? A chance to meet his stainless beauty was absolutely worth it and from his sources, she'll be here any moment from now.

Make that now. Dave stared intently as the revolving door ushered in Natalie.

She was gorgeous as usual,her black shade of pants perfectly hugging her thigh,revealing her maddening curves. Sexy.

The black jacket she wore covered her tender bright skin,only revealing the black crop shirt that stopped right before her belly button.

Dave took in every detail of her,down to the light make-up she wore.

She was a dangerous goddess.

And he loved it. After all he always loved dangerous. He whistled silently, quickly off his seat.

Even on the weekends she was ravaging beautiful. Every bit if her was appealing down to her cold frightening aura that screamed power all over.

Dave lightly brushed his dark hair. He let out his bestselling bad boy smiles and strode over.

He tailed slowly behind, appreciating her beauty suddenly walking straight up to her.

"Natalie" He called out,taking a step closer but was unexpectedly greeted by strange hands blocking his view of Natalie. "What do you think you are doing?" Dave barked in vexation.

The strong armed guy didn't back off, pulling Dave away.

Dave glared right into his sockets,taking a look at this insane fool before him. He was wearing black suit,a dark shade covering his eyes in which Dave only gazed at it dark holes.

Dave recognized him as a bodyguard. He had always seen him before with Asher but that didn't suppress the rage Dave felt at the demeaning manner this idiot handled him. He was Dave Anderson after all.

"Get out of the way!" Dave gestured a signal flaring at the man who expression looked indifferent. "Get out of my way, she knows me" Dave glanced at Natalie whose back was faced to him receiving a call.

Dave tried calming himself,if it was at another time which was definitely not at Glamorous or with Natalie been present Dave was confident he would have taught this hoodlum a lesson.

He would be patient. He had to,he didn't need Natalie seeing a different side of him that would impede his chances. No. He would be a patient man.

"Back away" The hoodlum commanded,his voice hoarse and rough. Dave simply shrug, his glare at full max.

But the bodyguard was testing his limit and dared raise a hand pushing Dave off balance causing him stumble a bit before steadying his legs on the spotless marble floor of Glamorous.

"How dare you?" Dave instantly balled his fists,raising it to the well suited guard but was instead struck instantly.

Blood forcefully spilled out from Dave's mouth. It was obvious Dave didn't see that coming. His hands held his jaw protectively. Now he knew people were definitely staring.

Dave on an impulse lunged at his attacker but was tackled with both hands of his held firmly at his back.

"Calvin what's going on here?" Natalie made her way through,her tapping heel gently kissing the marble floor.

"Natalie!" Dave called out calmly but sounded like a desperate plea for help.

Natalie raised her curved brows at the position that the duo apparently stood in. "Let him go Calvin"

Dave was released,he clenched his fist,throwing fierce stares at Calvin. "You will pay for this you bastard. Do you know who I am?" Dave sneered,his anger floating through.

Natalie took a step to him. "Calm down Dave. I apologize on his behalf, he was only doing his job." Her hands fell on Dave's shoulder and his eyes instantly shot up.

He wanted to shout more,or rather lunge at the bastard to soothe his bruised ego but he didn't. He couldn't because of Natalie,at least she was begging. He offered a faint smile.

Natalie's eyes gave his face a quick run before staring back at Calvin with a somewhat pleased look.

"You should get that cleaned" She gestured at a waiter. "Help him out with a first aid kit."

"There's no need." Dave huffed, sending one last glare at the guard whose large orbs were also fixed on Dave.

Natalie offered a smile. Taking a turn to the lift.

Dave followed. "I wanted to see you"

Natalie wore an amused look. "Well you have" She said hurriedly, walking straight to the elevator.

"I meant,I need to talk to you" He rephrased.

"I have a meeting"

"It won't take long" No matter what happened, Dave was damn adamant on talking to her. After all the fruitless efforts the past week,he would speak to her.

He couldn't even begin to lament on the great deal of suffering and insults he had endured all because of this temptress before him. And somehow he still didn't mind.

In a surprisingly sick way,he loved it. She was one difficult woman and Dave loved it. All the other whores he has been with was simply so easy to crack like a pinata,even the whore last night, narrow down to Jeanine even the she devil Emma.

This one was different. In all aspect different.

Natalie snapped her fingers, pulling Dave from his ecstasy.

She nodded at Calvin to wait behind.

Strolling into the elevator with Dave.

"You wanted to talk. Now talk" Natalie turned facing Dave.