
The path fated

Everybody has destiny . And cultivators are those who go against their destined path .plundering and bending the heaven to their will . lin tian is born mortal .But watch as he changes his destiny .or perhaps it is his destiny to change the world .

Mohit_kumar_1568 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
78 Chs

15.fight ensues

"let the fun begins "Chen yuan

He made a cut in the air .however just as he had slashed .a knife was about to stab him .he step backed instantly.

As ice crystal almost scratched him .he balanced himself .

When he took a look .the distance between all had increased .now they had made a circle around meteor core .

"Oops !. didn't I become the enemy of everyone here .why you all ganging up me ."Chen yuan raised his eyebrows .

"I didn't attack you brother Chen .but some people have decided you are strongest here .so be careful "jun xie blinked her eyes as she played with her hairs .

"So it's not my charm..... Chen yuan was about to reply when he sensed danger .he instantly swung his sword cutting the tree behind him .

A shadow fled unseenable .

"A sneak attack . that's not how one should fight "Chen yuan said angrily

"I will deal with you first " Chen yuan chased after shadow .

He ended up in a place surrounded by .list trees .one couldn't see more than 10 meters far . suddenly the earth and trees all turned black .

"Shadow curtain "shadow .

"So now I have entered your trap .huh . don't run away if you can't win later "Chen yuan .

Blades shot out from tree .Chen yuan easily deflected it .then from his side knifes cut through air trying to cut his neck .just as Chen yuan was about to deflect knifes. Blades from front shot out .

From the underground a human figure was rising from shadow .in his hands claws even sharper than tiger or eagles .


"Now that Chen yuan is out of way .we can decide who this treasure belongs to "jun xie smiled

"I only want these two cultivators .I have no interest in this treasure.if fellow daoist can help me I can pay "Huang mei

"That's what she says what about you two from shadow dao cult ?" Jun xie

"These treasure belongs to us ." Replied mo yin and Zhou fengru simultaneously

Anybody who wants to take part in it can die " They released their aura .they were really angry .just when they thought their hard work was successful these people came running in.

Not only they entered the grand formation . Without knowing by them .Even the artifact didn't showed reaction .which means the opponent from before had tempered with it .They wouldn't know any enemy's location with it .

which showed they weren't careful enough .but these people underestimated them .

They had to kill all those who entered the grand formation.otherwise they won't able to correct their mistake .if they didn't get treasure .The punishment will be something they can't bear even in their bravest dreams.

"All of you will die "their gazes turned sinister and cruel .

They released their demon pets .

A chimera and monkey with 3 tails .

Both launched their strongest attacks .

However the famales before them were prepared.how can it be easy to kill them .

While fighting they came far from the location of meteor .

Mo yin and Zhou fengru wanted to kill .both cultivators while they were fighting the pets .However whenever they came near them .ladies would increase distance.

"How boring " came a sigh .

Chen yuan was lazily standing near a tree .a dead skull near his feets .

"Two grown up mens bullying the two females cultivator with their demon pets ."so shameful

Chen yuan clapped his hands

"I don't know who is more awful .the culprit who sneak attacked me .or these two old mens "

"Need help fairy jun xie .I am willing to help if you become friends with me .miss Huang mei are you single if you want help I can help you too "Chen yuan said calmly not minding the two sinister gazes

"How can I disturb brother Chen .with two weaklings .I am afraid I will just make do with more efforts "jun xie

"Sister Huang you seem to struggling.why not ask brother Chen's help "

Huang mei could sense there was something wrong with Chen yuan .In the cultivation world there were not such people who would help without anything in return.

"I am not comfortable with any man's help .if sister jun is willing to team up with me .we can help other and lessen the burden on each other "Huang mei

"That's pity.but why don't you quickly kill these creatures.both fairies seems to be holding back .why are you buying time for something "Chen yuan said as though the matter of their hidden strength was a small matter .

Mo yin & Zhou fengru were the most shocked .They were being toyed by ladies .and they were also happy about it .

Without waiting for others reaction to subside .

Chen yuan continued" those " treasure sealing talisman " beauties threw at meteorite core amidst the fight .I must say these old man's haven't even realised.,"

The ladies were even more shocked .they looked at each other .and than at Chen yuan .

"I have already destroyed those things midway though .you see I want that treasure "Chen yuan gaze turned cold .

Chen yuan unsheated his swords .he dual weileded swords .showing that he was serious .

"All of you ,every one of you is toying with us "

"Every one of you is far more capable than you show ,right"

"We will see if you will still be capable once you have dropped your realm"

Zhou fengru activated the artifact.

Chen yuan reacted timely .however was stopped by mo yin

Once artifact activated .other than mo yin and Zhou fengru .

Everyone felt drop in their powder.Their powers were suppressed


On the location of meteor

One figure with spear appeared surround by some guards in black cloth .

On the opposite site a man stood in with gold Armor .along with guards in iron armors.

Just as they were about to fight .

They felt suppression on their realm .

After a thought .with a tactic understanding.

They started cultivating and refining meteorite core's energy .while their guards stood protecting them .on a lookout for any attack .