
The path fated

Everybody has destiny . And cultivators are those who go against their destined path .plundering and bending the heaven to their will . lin tian is born mortal .But watch as he changes his destiny .or perhaps it is his destiny to change the world .

Mohit_kumar_1568 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
78 Chs

16.fleeing,surving ,deaths


A small floating ship was stealthily coming towards grand formation .

Before it could reach grand formation the ship was attacked from 3 direction.it had emergency land in the forest .

"Where you going to , interfering in junior's fight "a voice echoed through.

"What is your "crimson blade sect"doing here ,could it be even a senior of your level is interested in a junior 's opportunity ."However you are too early .or should I say how did you know a treasure was going to appear here "a figure came flying out from ship .

"We followed you .do you believe it " an old man snickered

" And we followed"azure dawn sect" here ."

"Why waste words ."shadow dao cult ".if

"Why pretend "if your dao cult can pay "divine palace for fortune telling " than so can other sects.you thought you had hidden news well .but we knew about the "birth of treasure " beforehand."

"According to divine palace the treasure this time is going to be extraordinary.it even might be world shaking "

"We were waiting nearby .just for the oppurtune moment .Now that treasure has descended we are here To grab the treasure "

"As a seniors of cultivation world .it is shameful to interfere in junior's fight ."

"Pls let the juniors decide which sect will get treasure "a voice came .

"With grand formation active it's not like we can interfere .we are just bystanders so let's enjoy "old man from azure dawn sect said .

"Shadow dao cult "

Crimson blade sect

Azure dawn sect

Golden armored batallion

Serenity moon palace

Too many people vying for treasure .

Even the"shadow Walker sect " might be nearby

The elder from" shadow dao cult "was worried.


Chen yuan was the strongest in grand formation.

However after cultivation drop .he had a hard time even defending.his hands were bleeding.

"Fairy jun xie had sword struck in her body .blood was leaking .and she was dying slowly "

Huang mei was faring better .just when she was about to be cut by sword .she used mechanical puppet .it turned into Armor that protected her .she disappeared deep into forest .

"Seeing Huang mei escaping .Chen yuan also used forbidden technique to escape ."

Mo yin joined Zhou fengru who was attacking Chen yuan .before they could attack together.

Chen yuan was nowhere to be seen .

Looking at jun xie 's corpse .they felt relieved there was one less person to compete .with formation suppressing others cultivation.they had a upper hand .


On the meteor 's location.

Two figure were cultivating peacefully.

When suddenly two guards on golden Armor battalion.s side died by poisoning .

Thinking it was other group's doing .they attacked each other .

One after another died .until only the important persons remained.

Just when golden Armor person was about to kill other .he felt unable to breathe .his nerves turned dark green and he died .

Seeing the corpse of other person .the spear person immediately checked for abnormalities on them. He ate some poison recovery pills . he still wasn't sure of safety .so he ate some poison suppressing pills .

"In the end I have to do it personally"a figure far away stuck in tree said .

Just when he was about to make move ."

He saw spear cultivator's body cut in four parts .

Two figures appeared near meteor .

Sensing danger the figure merged with tree .


Mo yin and Zhou fengru returned to meteor's location .they the place littered with corpses .

The only remaining person .they killed without hesitation.

However seeing the poisoned corpses .their worry increased.how many people had entered grand formation the didn't know .

What were the realms of others entered.they weren't sure .If there was someone who entered who realm was above them .will they be able to fight they didn't knew.however this was not something they could handle .they realised this .

They had to hold on for reinforcement.

They ate some qi recovering pill and sent a emergency signal.


The elder from shadow dao cult had already received emergency signal .

"Fellow daoist in my opinion the winner is already decided .this treasure is fated with my shadow dao cult ."

"Chen yuan of crimson blade and Huang mei of serenity sect is still alive there is still chance "

"Other than my sect's juniors .no one is left capable to fight .this is clearly my shadow dao sect's win '

"Unless Chen yuan dies Don't even think of deciding winner "elder of crimson blade sect said.

In that case

Several blast shot out from "shadow dao cult " ship

Others sect elders created defensive barriers to protect themselves.

Taking the chance elder from shadow dao cult entered grand formation.The formation did not sensed him as a enemy .

The suppression did not worked on him .

He had already noted Chen yuan's location.he appeared before him and crushed his heart .

Instantly Chen yuan dies.

Than he went for Huang mei .just as he used palm attack to kill Huang mei .a golden light shone above her head .her figure was replaced by another person .

The figure placed hand above her head .a ice Armor started forming .protecting her.

She was about to fight elder dao head on .

When she realized her realm had dropped.she started fleeing towards meteor 's location .

Elder dao followed behind her .not stopping his attacks for a sec .he had to hasten things .the attacks destroyed the forest and changed terrian of forest .


Meteore's location

Mo yin had caught a cultivator who had tried to secretly poison them.

They both pretend to cultivate .meteorite's energy .but secretly they were looking for poison user cultivator.

One of them pretended to die .while appeared weak from resisting poison .

The culprit showed up .and they caught it easily .torturing the other person gave them enjoyment.The culprit was poisoned and would die soon .

Just when they were feeling gleeful

A figure seem to be fleeing in their direction .a female .they now hated any female cultivator.Instantly they attacked .however the figure dodged their attack .

Elder dao realized what the figure wanted to do . He shouted for them to leave and waved his hand .

But they misunderstood his instruction to encircle the woman .seeing their sect elder their eyes lit up .

They even pushed their limits and used their strongest attacks .finally some attacks effected the woman.she lose her balance.

This gave elder dao time to catch up to her.

He was about to kill the woman.

At this time Several blast hit the barrier . it created gap within the barrier .a figure came shooting towards them .from air it attacked towards elder dao first and launched another attack on Zhou fengru turning him into meat paste .However the artifact was still safe .

Taking advantage the women from serenity sect escaped .

She tried to grab artifact .but was attacked.she raised her palms to mete out the attack .The power of both attack was equal .elder dao was stunned

"Why hasn't your power dropped "

"I have artifact that can negate the effect of formation for a short time "replied elder of soaring wind sect .

She exchanged moves with him .elder dao still had the upper hand .

At this time elder serenity joined her in attacking .their attacking power increased.

For a moment they overwhelmed elder dao.

However the artifact on her was soon to reach its limit.

She decided to share the artifact with elder serenity.That way artifact could be used for more time .

"After a exchange of instruction she left .elder serenity to fend for herself ."

Meanwhile the formation controlling artifact had disappeared along with mo yin.

Elder dao soon defeated elder serenity .

He was about to kill her again .when several others blasts hit the formation barrier. Elder serenity ran to escape .however lesson learned he immediately attacked with full power killing elder serenity .

He looked up there were several other holes in the formation barrier .and as he expected.elder from other sects poured in .

He didn't knew if they also had artifact to protect them from suppression.

The situation was turning dire.

He had to look for formation controlling artifact.

He used their sect's secret technique to contact mo yin to know his location.