

Anna2810 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
86 Chs


Outside the cabin, it was a blur of colors, sounds, scents. Zayne felt his headache increase at the sounds. He crossed the dancefloor, trying really hard not to bump into someone. Then he saw that he was right. There's no mistaking that inky black long hair, that stunning face. Even drunk she looked beautiful. But what the hell is she doing? zayne thought when he saw two men grab her by the hands. Why isn't she doing anything he wondered, but as he looked at her face, he understood just how drunk she was. Her face was flushed from all the alcohol she drank, she was frowning repeatedly, her eyes were still closed as if she's having trouble opening them. one of them held her by the shoulders, forcing her to stand. She shook his hand off, but immediately lost her footing. zayne moved towards her knocking someone aside in his way and caught her just as she fell. He looked up and gave the men a stare that said You're still here? They backed off when they sensed his cold vibe.

"Song lin?" he called out. Her eyes flew open, she blinked. once. twice.

What the hell? he thought and shook her. Then her eyes widened as if she can't believe what she was seeing. Well that makes two of them, since even he didn't know what the hell he was doing here, holding her. He could've left her with that men and walked out for all he cared.

"Devil" she gasped out. This women! She'll never stop pissing him off. As he contemplated whether to throw her in the dumpyard or to take her home, she reached up with her fingers and poked his cheeks giggling like an idiot. He went still, fighting the smile that threatened to cross his face.

"Gods you are unbelievable" he muttered and scooped her up in his arms. Zayne's first thought as he carried her to his car was...

God's she's heavy. He opened the front door and placed her on the seat none too gently, closing the door he took out his phone. Thank God they exchanged numbers he thought as he dialed shiyu's number.

"Hello" came a muffled voice from the phone. 'shi shi, put your phone aside when you eat' said someone in the background. Shit, she must've been in home. He called at the wrong time.

"Major ji?" the muffled sounds in the background cleared, probably because she went out to speak.

"Yes, miss lin. I apologize for calling this late but its a little urgent" he said as he looked at song lin who is now kicking the car door, as if she went nuts.

"You don't really need to apologize major Ji" he could easily imagine shiyu smiling kindly as she said he doesn't need to worry. How she managed to maintain that kindness when she's friends with a hot tempered idiot is always a mystery to him. "What's the matter major ji?" she asked.

"I found song lin drinking in the ba---"

"What? Are you sure its her?" she interrupted, her voice laced with an alarm. He clenched his jaw as he growled.

"Do you think I'll call you just because I saw some drunkard pass by me who apparently looked like song lin?" lin shiyu quickly apologized and said

"I don't mean it that way, its just song lin rarely drinks because she's a light weight. She can't hold her alcohol." zayne's brow rose as he turned around and looked at song lin with some sort of amusement.

"Did she drink a lot?" she asked. He was about to say that she probably drank all the alcohol in the bar but refrained when he remembered it was shiyu he's talking to. There's something so kind and pure about her that, its really hard to be rude with her.

"Well, you could say that." he heard the muffled sounds again 'shi shi ? why are you still on the phone? you rarely come home. Atleast spend some time with us while you are here' shouted someone.

"Just a second mom. Major ji I'll start within five minutes. I live a little away from the city. Can I please trouble you to keep an eye on her until then?" she said, her tone reluctant and unsure. Zayne blinked and asked

"But aren't you with your family?"

"Yes, but its fin--"

"No miss lin, it's not fine" he paused and looked at song lin who is hell bent on breaking his car windows, he then added

"Though I can't say I'm happy with life right now but I still wish to live. I'm sure song lin's going to declare a war on me when she finds out I called you. I've had enough of her nuisance for now, I don't want to add to that mess." there was a long pause on the phone and then shiyu warned him

"But song lin is a mess when she's drunk. She'll be really hard to handle."

"I can see very cleary just how hell of a mess she is but it's fine miss lin. now text me the address of her home. I'll drop her there."


"You either tell me or I'm leaving her here right now. I don't have a lot of patience miss lin" he said as he crossed his arms.

"Just drop her at our place. we met there this morning.You can take her there." zayne arched a brow. Isn't she going to go home? whatever.

"Alright." he said and was hanging up when shiyu said

"Thankyou major ji, I'm really sorry for troubling you" he just shook his head and hung up. He walked around and got inside the car.Closing the door, he turned and looked at her.

"Just how the hell did you two become friends? you both are like the opposite sides of a coin." she blinked twice and smacked him on the head. he stared at her with disbelieving eyes. She crossed her arms clumsily and screamed at the top of her lungs

"This isn't my car!!!!!" zayne tried breathing in and out, telling himself she's not in her right mind but lost it and glared at her

"Damn you song lin. Ofcourse this isn't your car. You are as good as a drunkard, how are you going to drive by yourself???" he said clenching his jaw hard enough to hurt. Her expression became thoughtful, the she nodded and leaned back on the seat, stretching her hands above her.

"Don't you dare try something funny with me." She said tone sloppy, frowning. He scoffed and growled

"I should've left you with those men back in the club." she whirled to him, with a sickening sweet smile on her face, she cupped his face with her palms. He went still as a statue.

"But you didn't" she said shaking his head. "What a good boy you are... really zayne how can you be so good" pinching his cheeks, she giggled. zayne caught her hands and pulled them away from his face. He gave her a death glare and turned towards the steering. He looked up at the sky and wondered aloud

"Just what have I gotten myself in to?!"

The ride was good and peaceful at first, with song lin staring out from the window, occasionally facing zayne and smiling sweetly, zayne had nothing to do but drive quietly, all the while ignoring the stupid dimple that appeared whenever she smiled. But she never smiled that way back in the base, it was his first time seeing those dimples. No no, he saw them once. When he walked in on her laughing at their fight in the ground. Does that mean he has to get her drunk to see that smile again ? why does he care anyway. It's not like he wants to see her smile.

Then song lin suddenly shouted
