

Anna2810 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

She kissed his cheek

"What is it?" he asked as he stopped the car to the side. Pointing her finger at the ice cream store beside their car, she looked at him, eyes twinkling like twin stars.

"Buy me an ice cream" she said. He glared at her

"Just what do you take me for? I'm your superior song lin. get a hold of yourself" he said and made to start the car but song lin held on to his sleeve and whined

"Pleaseeeeee. Buy me an ice cream. I promise I'll be good after that" zayne just couldn't believe his eyes. Is this really the song lin he knew? he shook off her hand and started the car but song lin moved and climbed in to his lap. She turned in his lap so that she sat facing him, wrapping her arms around his neck, she pleaded him

"Look at your car, its so expensive" she said looking around and blinked her wide almond eyes. "But you can't afford to buy me an ice cream?" zayne just..just went still. One min he was thinking of strangling her and the next min she's in his lap and he didn't know what to do with hands, and legs. He really regretted telling shiyu that he'd take song lin home. song lin leaned her head forward and zayne forgot how to breath, but she just leaned her head on his shoulder and when she spoke, her voice sounded close to tears.

"I really want to eat an ice cream." zayne gulped, the sound audible in the silence that followed.

"Get off song lin." he said,his voice rough. He kept his hands in the air and as far away from her as possible.

"Get off so that we can go get you an ice cream" she scooted away from him immediately and threw open her door and was out of the car in seconds.

zayne released a shuddering breath he didn't realize he was holding.

"Come on!!!!" song lin shouted waving him on. He looked at her, at her hair that was a mess, at her dress that was wrinkled, at her eyes which are bright with life....zayne wished he could capture her then, he wished he could capture song lin who has so many imperfections but appeared perfect the same. He would've kept on staring at her if she didn't sway and grabbed the car door for support. He stepped out and walked over to her,

"Carefull" he whispered, holding her by the shoulders, though why his voice came out so soft and gentle he didn't know.

"Wait in the car. I'll go get your ice cream" he said, but she shook him off. She glared at him as if he's a murderer.

"I don't need a man's help. I'm fully capable of doing everything on my own" she growled, stomping away but nearly fell down again, zayne helped her stand steady. zayne really looked like he wanted to murder someone, but

"You're drunk. Walk with me" was all he said. song lin tilted her head considering. damn this women. What is she considering really as if she's not the one thats causing a ruckus for an ice cream. Finally she nodded and placed her arm over his shoulder

"Fine it'll be rude to refuse you. It's not like me to be rude to people." he chuckled despite himself.

"Shameless" he said, supporting her as they walked to the store. As soon as they were inside, zayne really regretted bringing song lin there. Song lin is really not easy to handle. She ran around the store like a lunatic asking him to buy all the ice creams in the store. Everyone in the store looked like they were seconds away from throwing zayne and song lin out of the store. One second she wants vanilla and then its chocolate then its not both. zayne felt like he was seconds away from taking out his gun and killing her.

She swaggered out of the door holding 2 ice creama in each hand, looking pleased with herself like she just won a world cup. Zayne heard a boy crying the moment he stepped out and when he looked at the source, he felt a new headache coming on.

Song lin is standing infront of the child holding a lollipop in her hand and ice creams in the other while that boy is crying for his dear life as he looked up at song lin. zayne ran over to them

"What's wrong?" he asked. The boy pointed his finger at the lollipop now in song lin's hand while she giggled.

"What the hell is wrong with you song lin? why would you take his lollipop?" he hissed. Song lin pouted and screamed

"Why are you yelling at me? Are you on his side or my side?"

What the hell...

He took a breath and said as calmly as he could

"Just give it back to him, aren't you sleepy? I'll drop you at your home and you can eat your ice creams there and sleep" she looked like she liked the idea but she said

"I'm not sleepy" God's save him. zayne grabbed the lollipop from her hand and gave it to the child but he still kept crying.

"Why are you still crying? is that all you know?" song lin shouted and smacked the boy, the boy started crying louder.

"What the hell are you doing!!!!" he hissed and grabbed her away from the boy before his parents could come and sue them both.

"I want lollipops too." she said as they stood infront of their car. Song lin crossed her arms or is trying to but she couldn't stand upright for a second.

"Shut up and get inside the car.

Now" Ji zue said, his tone icy. He thought she'd scream at him but she walked forward and put her arms around his neck. Again.

"I want lollipops" she said in the same tone she used in the car. zayne clenched his teeth.

"Get back before I break your arms song lin." he hissed in her ear. When she made no move he pushed her away and glared at her.

"You bought me the ice cream when I asked you like this, why aren't you doing that now?" she whined, her lips turned downcast. He looked up at the sky and closed his eyes, sighing he looked at her

"Get inside song lin I'm really tired of this bullshit" he said, voice calm. She looked crestfallen.

"You gave that boy a lollipop when you don't even know him, but you won't buy me one. Do you even like me at all!!!?" he can't believe they are having such conversation. He let out a humorless chuckle and stalked over to her, grabbing her shoulders, he shook her

"Do you even know what you're talking about?? Me ? Liking you? just what the hell are you talking abo--"

"Fine. you don't like me right?"


"You don't want me near you. right?"


She took a clumsy step toward him, closing the distance between them, she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. zayne blinked.


"If you don't want me near you get me my lollipops or I'll be all over you in the car" she said and staggered over to the car, holding the door for support she climbed in. Zayne stood still. She poked her head out from the window and suggested

"If you think me kissing you is less of a burden than you buyi--"

"Shut up. Just shut up" zayne said and stalked over to the shop.