
The Outliers - Evolution to the World's Strongest

In a world where, unbeknownst to most of Earth's population, people with special powers exist, known as Meta-Humans. Such people belong to one of two opposing organizations. The first, known as Harmony, aims to coexist with regular society and protect them from superhuman or supernatural threats while remaining in the shadows. The second, known as Eden, aims to overthrow regular human society and establish a world where the super-powered reign supreme. These two opposing sides have been fighting for centuries, with countless conflicts scattered throughout history. The power balance between the two had remained even for a long time, and in order to tip the scales in their favor, Harmony began a certain project...the creation of nine orbs made using pure, natural power, known as Meta-Orbs. These orbs can grant a person unimaginable power, but right as the creation of these objects is completed, a conflict results in all nine Meta-Orbs being scattered throughout the world...and anyone who comes across them will gain immense power, even normal humans, therefore giving rise to the world's first unnatural Meta-Humans. And so, this ensues a vicious scramble between Eden and Harmony, as both sides look to find the people that come across the Meta-Orbs and take them into custody. These artificially-induced unnatural Meta-Humans are labeled as 'Outliers', and in the span of a few days, all of them have their lives irreversibly changed. Whether this change is for the better or worse, remains to be seen...

Aimdaqs · Fantasía
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285 Chs

Chapter 171 - Test It Out

Point-of-View: Aurora Pretorius


The moment we walked through the portal, chills ran down my spine as my instincts went crazy, my body stiffening up and my hair standing on end as I sensed a seriously unpleasant feeling.

I could see some figures up ahead, standing by the base of one of the pyramids, but a sand cloud was blowing across, obscuring my vision...however, I didn't need to see to be able to feel that there's something horrifying over there.

It feels like Demons, but so much more intense that I've ever sensed before...this feels really bad, we might be in for more than we can handle.

"What the hell is this...?" Muttered Fenris with a look of horror...I guess he must be feeling it too.

The dust then cleared as the wind died down, to reveal a total of nine people up ahead...and as I realized that three of them were Demons, a bead of sweat ran down the side of my face.