
The Outcasted Hero

Apollo grew up alone with no parents until came the time that his true strength unleashed and the people admire him.

kathy_katz · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Meriam was Protected by the Villagers

Only few of the villagers knew of what truly happened to Mariam's parents at the waterfalls. Most hated her because of what Don Conrad tells them. He told a wrong story a long time ago.

It is the oldest woman whom knew everything happened before but only few believed her because of her old age. They thought that she was just out of her age. But Glenda, her granddaughter believed in her. That's why when they heard that people are coming to kill Meriam, they hurriedly went to the place and rescued her. Now they didn't wanted Meriam to go to her old haven. They also left at Don Conrad's farm because they knew what he is capable of. And they really thought of him as a monster. A heartless monster. 

They were at the place called Cana. It was a long time dream of the old woman to live her again. It's her birthplace and there are only few people who lived on said place. Meriam also loved the place but she always thought of going back to her place but Glenda and the old woman won't allow her because they're afraid of what Don Conrad would do to her. "You really have a thing of that Aaron huh? Actually he came to us asking about his grandpa and pretended to be somebody else. He was a nice guy unlike his grandpa but this time is so difficult. Conrad will really hunt you even in hell especially now he knew that you caught his only grandson," Glenda says to Meriam. Meriam only sigh and said, "I can't do anything about it I fell for him too. You are right he is a lot different from his grandpa. He was the nicest man I've ever meet and hopefully a good father to our child but now...," Meriam said and just became silent for a moment.

Aaron on the other hand is still looking for her. He didn't believe his grandpa when he said that Meriam already died. He rode his horse and look for her even until midnight but he found no clue. Until he reached Cana and almost at the peak of losing his hope he saw Glenda fetching water at the well. "Oh it's you," he said and Glenda hurriedly get the water and tried to run. But Aaron stopped her. "Hey I just like to ask you something I hope you wouldn't mind," Aaron said. "Glenda replied, "what is it Mr. pretender or better yet sir?" Aaron utter, "I am looking for a woman, fairer skin, golden hair. I bet you know her already because of the old tale but I must tell you she is not a witch. She is the kindest woman I've ever known and she's everything to me. So please if you where she is please tell me." Glenda was teary eyed hearing all of that and so she lead him to Meriam.

They finally arrived at their small hut at the top of the hill. There he saw Meriam outside picking some vegetables. He hurriedly went to her and hugged her. Meriam resist at first but later on hold and hugged him tight. "Hey I'm really afraid I won't ever saw you again," Meriam said while crying. Aaron replied, "I didn't lose hope finding you. I never missed a day finding you and I was lead up here. I thanked GOD my love He lead me to you." Meriam utter, "we are two now." Aaron was shocked to hear that from Meriam but later on realized what she said and hugged her even tight. 

The two had a good conversation and Aaron explained everything what happened. He also felt sorry for everything his grandpa did to her. Meriam now understand that Aaron was on her side. Awhile later, Alamac one of the villagers arrived and give the news that Don Conrad was now at Cana still looking for Aaron and threatened to kill everyone who's hiding the witch. Aaron got even fiercer and said, "I will face that old man for you." Alamac added that Conrad told him that he will burn the village if he would knew they hide Meriam from him. 

The two decided to go down and face Don Conrad. When Conrad saw them together, the look on his eyes got even fiercer. But as they came closer to him, all villagers surround them with a weapon on each hand. Don Conrad felt he can't fight them retreat with his men. 

The two felt happy and relieved. They went uphill again and just celebrate the moment together. They were happy that they finally found a place where people could accept them together with no judgements and just support them. They had a feast that night and a lavished food together with other villagers. Glenda and the villagers also were happy seeing them together. 

Aaron go to the center as they were also having a bonfire. He thanked everyone for rescuing Meriam and for protecting them. He said, he was also sorry for what his grandpa did especially to Glenda and her grandma. For all those years, Don Conrad was so tyrant of them. For he knew that someone worked for Conrad for years but they never receive a fair compensation but more on insults rather. 

Alamac also go to the center and said, "as the head villager of Cana, we all will protect you from all cost and from our own lives, for these is what we live for and must will die for." Everyone laughed then went to dancing under the bright moon. Meriam and Aaron were also happy experiencing the peace and greatness of these people. They were forever thankful of what they did to protect them. But Aaron became silent thinking how he could protect Meriam and most their child. "Hey what were you thinking?," Meriam asked. Aaron replied, "nothing I just want their peace and love and peace," he said while looking at the villagers dancing.

Glenda also approach them and said, "hey let's dance again." And the two had a great and peaceful night at Cana. But what must happened to their child now? Is Don Conrad will really just gonna give up Aaron easily?