
The Outcasted Hero

Apollo grew up alone with no parents until came the time that his true strength unleashed and the people admire him.

kathy_katz · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Raging War

They said that in the fight between good and evil, it was good will prevail. Meriam was really in fierce. Don Conrad insisted and wanted her to be killed. Aaron would do everything for her love.

Don Conrad keep sysnticizing the crowd, "all of you kill the witch!" Aaron replied, "you are the true bad people here grandpa. You killed Meriam's parents and all you have right now was because of that necklace you took from her mother." Meriam was shocked hearing those words, "all this time you knew about this. I trusted you with all my heart Aaron." The people begin shouting, "Oh it was Don Conrad who must be the true witch, he's a murderer. Aaron tryin' to explain but Don Conrad took that chance while the two are arguing. He hit Meriam with his gun and she suddenly lost consciousness. He also hit Aaron and then grabbed him, then get away from the place.

Aaron was still unconcious when they arrived at Don Conrad's home. While Meriam was still on the ground, but the people whom hated her, now help her. Don Conrad can't believe that the people whom he brought to despise Meriam would turn against him and why does Aaron knew what happened then.

When Aaron was awaken, he held his head as it was still hurting and wandering what happened. But the first thing came on his mind is that where is Meriam. Jacob was at his room because Don Conrad instructed him to watch Aaron and never allow him to go outside. "Hey Jacob what happened? Why am I here? Where is Meriam?" Jacob can't barely talk as he himself was shocked of what happened. Because when they arrived, Don Conrad was so fierce.

While Don Conrad, Caspar and his wife was talking in the living room. "What happened to your son, why he grew so despising? Is that how you raised him in the city?...I told you to let him just stay here!" Don Conrad utter those words furiously. Caspar and his wife just didn't say a thing. Don Conrad added, "well he must be enchanted by that witch. You must bring him back to the city while I took care of that witch. He must never saw her again."

Upstairs, the two was also in argument. Aaron wanted Jacob to help him get out. "I told you the door is locked, they have the keys," Jacob insisted. But Aaron even though still not yet regain his strength, really wanted to go out and go to Meriam. "Please, I'm begging you. I promise this will be the last time I am gonna ask you a favor," Aaron continually begging Jacob. "I'm sorry prince, but my parents are threatened to be ousted here because of what you did. They think that I knew about your girl and hide it from them. Hope you understand." Aaron sigh deeply and just think of ways he can get out. He thinks of asking his parents but he has in his mind that they are under Conrad's control.

For awhile his parents go upstairs to talk to him. "Son we are trully disappointed that you allow yourself to fall on the trap of that witch," his father talking to Aaron while his mother is walking back and forth in his room. "I told you Caspar to never ever bring Aaron here again but you insisted because of your old man," is mother uttered referring to Don Conrad. "Hey you two, I told you to never ever fight because of me, but please hear me that Meriam has nothing to do with this. All our life was a lie. Grandpa and his father were the one who despised Meriam of everything. They're the one who killed Meriam's parents and worst we lavished on what grandpa did," Aaton talked and silence took over. His mother replied, "I don't care what he did I just want you back, they dont matter to me at all but you alone. Tomorrow we're gonna head home and never ever return here again. Our life was there, I'm just here because you love your granpa so much but now I don't know what else to say. I just want all of us to come home." Aaron didn't want to argue anymore but just keep his thoughts to himself that he didn't want to go back to the city especially now that Meriam is in danger.

It was getting late and Aaron still couldn't sleep. He waited for everybody to go asleep especially Jacob. When he noticed that everybody was sleeping, Aaron then climbed to the window and ride horse and make haste to go to Meriam. He arrived at Meram's place and realized that she was not there. The place seems so gloomy and devastated because of what Don Conrad did. He is heartbroken and look for Meriam everywhere. He waited until morning hoping Meriam would go back to her home although there was nothing left.

Meriam after the fight was not yet fully recovered especially when she knew she was soon having a child. The oldest woman in the village made it known to her. The villagers upon learning the truth took her and swore to protect her with all their lives. Meriam really wanted to get up to go back to her place but the old woman did not permit her. She told her that she needed some rest to regain her strength plus the fact that she is now carrying a child. She was also thinking of Aaron but she was deeply hurt knowing that he knows of what happened before but didn't even say a thing. She also had in her mind that it was the same blood who took the lives of her parents. So get away from the idea of happily ever after with Aaron. She just thinks of ways on how she can raise the child alone.

Aaron was still at Meriam's place. Later he noticed that his grandpa followed him. "I must regret to inform you but Meriam died that night. She was burned together with her house. I'm sorry son but she took her life herself," Don Conrad says to Aaron. That's what the villagers told Don Conrad just to not let him hurt her again but the truth is they just hide Meriam from him. But where is Meriam?