
The Outcast Royal

Alex was a thin man all his life. No matter how hard he attempted work out or how much he ate, he remained extremely weak and somewhat unsightly to others. It didn't help that he was albino and couldn't walk in the sun for long periods of time. He was walking alone one night and came across a small trail of blood, hearing whimpering from the hedges next to a dark alleyway a few blocks from his house. As he approached, he noticed a dog bleeding underneath the brush, suffering from multiple stab wounds. He attempted to drag the dog out, but heard a man's voice as he felt a sharp pain enter his back, and slash through his gut on the other side. He cried in pain while attempting to hold himself together, feeling more pain as he was stabbed, over and over again by a hooded man. He could almost see a wide smile through the shade over the man's face as he was slowly bleeding on the ground. The last words he heard in this world were, "It feels so much better than these dumb animals that I usually get. Too bad your worthless a*s can't put up a real fight." Choking on blood and crying, he finally let out his final breath, only to find himself alone in an abyssal darkness. It was then that he heard a woman's voice, distant, like the faint light that he could see coming slowly towards him. "Are you ready for a new life? To be part of a better world?" Join me as we go through Alex's new struggles alongside him, as he travels the open world of Ancora. *** This is my first book and attempt at writing, so I hope that you enjoy it. There won't be an all powerful "system" to help him through his problems, nor extremely convenient and easy to find tools that make extremely strong. Well, maybe just one or two... Maybe.

LiteMiller · Fantasía
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Gods of Ancora

Voraz (A.K.A. The Thundering Lord)- the god of storms. He rules over lightning, thunder, and the wind. His temples are in every country, but he is nobodies main god, because of his reputation as an angry and uncontrollable deity. He's shown as a tall man with long white hair, a clean shaved face with an athletic build, wearing a grey toga, and gauntleted hands with clawed tips.


Movax (A.K.A. The Divine Craftsman)- the god of crafts, and the younger brother of Voraz. He rules over all hard-earned and learnable abilities (i.e. blacksmithing, art, and weapon mastery). His main temple is in Ferrum, as the god of dwarves. He's known for being more calculated and knowledgeable than his older brother, and a more caring deity overall. He's shown as a bald man that is somewhat heavily scared, but very muscular, wearing monk-like clothing, and a carrying a giant war hammer on his back.


Esther (A.K.A. The Beautiful Negotiator) - the goddess of love, innocence, and peace, and is the wife of Vorax. She divines romance among mortals and gods alike, enjoying the stories their lives create among each person they encounter, excluding times of battle and brutality. She's known for vying peace among the other gods and is very pacifistic, as well as clumsy. She has little more than shrines, mostly in small villages and temples devoted to Vorax. She's shown to wear a thin light-red dress and lots of gold and silver jewelry, along with floor-length brown hair, fair skin, and holds no weapons.


Erinas (A.K.A. The Eternal Rose) - the goddess of nature. Her main temples are in Mesonyx and Eucalia. She rules over wild areas and hunting, as well as created dryads to walk alongside elves and drow, whom she favored most above all other races. She's known to be a saint to those under her care, but a wretched being to those she deems wholly unlikeable. She's shown in a long and velvety green dress with long bright red hair, fair skin, and long pointed ears, with a giant wooden bow and arrows.


Lusces (A.K.A. The Sapphire Serpent) - the god of the sea. He rules over everything in the watery depths, tsunamis, and whirlpools. His altars are spread mostly to ports where people can pray to him for safe travels across the open ocean. He's known to be almost bipolar in his actions, switching moods like the tides he rules over. He's shown wearing a deep blue scaled armor set (without a helmet) with silver linings, shoulder-length dark-green hair, and carrying a golden gladius on his waist.


Philia (A.K.A. The Mother of Lions) - the goddess of the sun. She rules over sunlight, all types of fire, manticores, and heaven. Her main temple is in the capital of Anthropos, but she is widespread across the continents. She's known for her warmth and love for almost all life, everywhere, except for those under the Twin God of Demons. She's shown wearing an unblemished white dress with gold trims, long and luscious blonde hair, and carries no weapons on her.


Caligro (known among the other gods as "The Giant Shut-In", aside from Philia) - the god of the moon, and husband of Philia. He rules over darkness, moonlight, wolves, judgement, and Hell. He has no temples, as he tends to remain unknown to most of the world, as he doesn't make many appearances. He's a giant man with a mane of silver hair, full black leather armor (no helmet), a silver crown, and carries two black and silver khopesh with wolf head pommels on either side of his hips.


Sotan (A.K.A. The Grim Mute) - the god of death. He rules over thousands of split versions of himself that guide souls of the newly dead to whichever afterlife they deserve (Limbo, Heaven, or Hell). He doesn't have any temples, but he does have shrines at every cemetery throughout the continents, where people gather to pray for their lost loved ones. He's known for his utter silence and perpetual look of sadness and defeat. He's known to wear an all black ranger's outfit, with short black hair, an alabaster face with his mouth sown shut, and carrying an obsidian walking staff in his right hand.


Metus and Dolor (A.K.A. The World Eaters)- the conjoined twin gods of demons. They rule over armies of demons, as well as poisons, curses, and plagues. The only temples they have are in a separate dimension from Ancora, and invade and destroy other worlds to create more demons through a ceremonial corruption of the souls and bodies they gather. They're shown to be a conjoined humanoid lizard with two heads, with blood red scales, glowing purple eyes, a brown leather and steel armor set (no helmet), and long black claws.