
The Other Side

'What did i just get myself into?' I think to myself and sip my hot coco. I look out over the land and see a figure in the distance and i try to get a good look at it but it's too far to see. I blink and it's gone. I look around to see if i can see it again and it's right below the balcony. 'WHAT THE F**K IS THAT?!!!' I think in my head and trip going backwards into the house and hit the floor hard with a thud. The area around me slowly develops into darkness and i black out unconscious. A teenage girl living with a cold demented man only to have her world turned upside down by one fateful person that keeps saving her life time and time again. Will she ever really meet her savior or keeping going in a never ending loop of being the princess in distress and to be saved then left on the side alone?

ShadowOwl4876 · Fantasía
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8 Chs

The New Life

I wake up for the 4th time today but it was still day out and I was moving in a vehicle. I sit up and end up in the back seat and I look to the driver and I go to speak and they put their hand up.

"Glad you're awake now I'll answer your questions once we make it to our destination so for right now just sit quiet and enjoy the view." The driver says and it's a woman with bright red hair and strong body but very white skin.

I look to my left and see a beautiful green forest and on my left a cliff hanging over the view of a blue ocean and I wonder where we are.

I'm not tied up in any way but in a car seat belt. I look out to the ocean and admire the view and occasionally look at the woman driving. I have this urge to ask her questions but i hold them in till we get to wherever we're going.

The car halts to a stop and I dozed off and fling my head up and look up to see a gigantic Chinese mansion. I gaze in awe at the beautiful house and look to the strange woman.

"Go ahead and get out. I'll lead you to the house." She says getting out of the car. I nod and reach for the handle when the door swings open and she's there holding it open and I blink surprised to see her there so quick.

I get out and get a better look of her. She's a few feet taller than me with a strong built and wavy red hair and auburn eyes. She looked Scottish but it was strange to see this woman in a Chinese house.

She turns to the side and lets me walk in front for a bit as we make it up the stairs to the door and lets me step in first as I look in awe with my jaw hanging and she snickers ever so slightly.

"Better close your mouth. A moth might fly in." She says sarcastically with a grin and walks ahead and turns around to me.

"You probably have so many questions but can you hold them in for just a bit longer. I would like to show you the house and have a cup of tea so we could peacefully talk among ourselves. You seem like you need better clothes, that torn cloak and tattered clothes are simply unacceptable. I will have Jackson take care of that for you shortly but first let me give you a tour of the mansion." She says with an inviting grin.

"Sorry how rude of me, i forgot to introduce myself. My name is Scathatch, but people call me Scatty for short. And you are Mavis Wise. So happy to finally meet you." She says grasping my hand and shaking with both of hers and let's go having me follow through.

'I have no idea what the f*** is going on.' I say in my head looking around the place as she gives me a tour.

The tour ends and she leads me into a room that overlooks a koi pond and sits down on a mat and I sit on one closest to her as the butler Jackson brings tea for both of us. He switched out my clothes for me and I wear a warrior kimono or at least in my opinion it looked like it.

He hands me a cup of tea and one to Scatty and I look at her anxious to ask her questions and she smiles and nods. "Ok go ahead." She says and i start my artillery of questions.

"Why did you capture me? Where are we? How did you get to the door so fast? Why is this a Chinese house when you look Scottish? And...how do you know my name?" I ask one after another not leaving a chance for her to cut in.

She looks at me amused by the many questions and smiles nodding. "Well first I captured you because, one, I thought you would give me a hard time if I asked you to come with me so I put you to sleep and took you with me, saved me a lot of time.

We are at my remote Chinese mansion which I can only access apart from you and Jackson who doesn't leave the house. I will leave that question up to opinion but you will find out soon enough. I worked with many Chinese warriors back in the day and grew fond of their culture despite my heritage.

Mavis, i know you because there are people that you don't even know that have talked about you. You are quite famous among the elders. There is so much for you to learn and I will teach it all to you." She replies and more questions start popping into my head.

"I know this may be too much for you but please trust me when I say this. There are people in this world that admire you and ones that want to kill you because of who and what you are so bare with me young one. You will know in due time what I speak of, but in the meantime, this is your new home. A safe haven from the demented demon king 'Death'.

You are safe and cared for now Mavis. We will become great friends. I understand if you don't trust me now so I will give you time to think this through but please enjoy this view as we drink our tea." She says and I look at her with a blank expression unable to think clearly and slowly drinking my tea trying to process everything. So...much...to... think about.