
The Other Side

'What did i just get myself into?' I think to myself and sip my hot coco. I look out over the land and see a figure in the distance and i try to get a good look at it but it's too far to see. I blink and it's gone. I look around to see if i can see it again and it's right below the balcony. 'WHAT THE F**K IS THAT?!!!' I think in my head and trip going backwards into the house and hit the floor hard with a thud. The area around me slowly develops into darkness and i black out unconscious. A teenage girl living with a cold demented man only to have her world turned upside down by one fateful person that keeps saving her life time and time again. Will she ever really meet her savior or keeping going in a never ending loop of being the princess in distress and to be saved then left on the side alone?

ShadowOwl4876 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Misson

I rub my shoulders from their grip and walk down the street terrified.

'What did they mean? What are they gonna do? They blackmailed me.'

I pull up my hood and sprint back to the mansion and trip on one of the thorn branches and fall to the ground scraping my knee and wince holding my leg close to my chest. I look at my ankle where it hooked to one of the branches and it bled immensely.

I rip part of my cloak off and wrap up my ankle tightly to stop the bleeding. 'Dammit I'm gonna smell like blood. I need to get back to the house.' I think and hurriedly get to my feet and limp back to the mansion as fast as I can.

I get far enough to see the house through the trees when I hear a howl and i panic. "No fair! I bonded with your alpha! UGH got to get to the house." I say and limp out into the clearing and collapse to the ground.

I see blood red eyes come from the dark forest and I start scooting back away from the edge when the alpha jumps out toward me teeth baring. I close my eyes and lift my arms in front of me to shield myself and expect the pain to come rushing as I get ripped to pieces but...it never came.

I peek my eyes open and I see death standing in front of me arms spread with his back to me. I lower my arms and look up at him and he turns around to look at me.

"Mavis are you ok?! What happened? Why were the wolves after you?" He said kneeling down to me then noticing the bled through makeshift wrap on my ankle and he nods picking me up and walking me back to the house.

He puts me on the bed and props a pillow for my ankle and undoes the makeshift patch as it still bleeds and patches it up with proper bandages. I rest my eyes as he takes the bandages that i used and throws them away.

"You're gonna stay here till I come back to make sure it's healed fully. Now what exactly happened out there and don't leave out any details." He says sternly and kneels by the bedside. I look at him and sigh.

"Well I tried finding him again but they disappeared. Then people of the same group I suppose blackmailed me and told me that if I messed up their little mission that they'll kill me and you. Then they disappeared too. I panicked and tried to get back here as fast as I can but I tripped on a thorn branch and fell on my knees scraping them up and limped here till I got to the clearing then the wolves attacked me. Then you came and saved me. Now were here." I said tiredly and I bat my eyelids and yawned. Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

I wake up with William the butler changing my bandages and puts water at my bedside. I look up at him and he puts his finger over his mouth and walks out of the room and I lay there restless.

I remember what death told me and ignore it and get out of bed and put my ripped cloak on and walk out of my room. I see death at his workbench hatching a plan and I slam my hands down on the table and look at him.

"You're going out there?!" I say and look up at him. "HE is the bane of my existence I have to get rid of him. And your staying here that's an order." He says and looks me in the eye and makes sure I understood him.

I glare at him as we have a mini staring contest and I shake my head. "I am going with you. NO EXCEPTIONS DEATH!" I practically yell in his face and hold my ground.

'Done feeling scared, done feeling weak. I'm fighting this time.' He growls at me and a black gauntlet forms around his right hand and reaches over the counter and grabs my neck and flings me across the room as I crash against the wall.

"YOU WILL OBEY YOUR MASTER!!" He booms at me. I wince and look up at him and spit out blood and hold my side.

I hear a crash through the door and see the guy in white armor...Max. I look at him wide eyed surprised he was there.

'How did he find this place? Why is he even here?' The hit made my vision blurry and I passed before I saw anything happen.

I wake up on the floor with my head in immense pain. I open my eyes and see Max staring right at me.

I jolt up and put my hand to my head and wince from the pain. "Woah hold it take it easy." He said and looked at me.

I look at him then look around and I don't see any sight of death. "What happened while i was out?" I ask and look at him.

"It's not important, are you ok?" He asks and I nod. "Yes I'm fine. Thank you I guess." I say and stand back up and hold my side.

"What are you doing here? Why are you here?" I ask looking at him.

"I heard the rumors and i wanted to check it out and when I saw you flung to the back wall I came in to see if I could save you. Well, I got to go. See you around." He says and heads out.

I look at him and grab his arm and turns him around. "Thank you....for saving me." I say and smile.

"Yeah no problem." He says and smiles and heads out as I let go.

'What just happened? I seriously have no idea at this point.' I say to myself and look around to see what happened.

The mansion was in ruins and mostly everything was burned. But no sight of death. I walk out of the house holding my side just to be snatched up again by another pair of arms and then injected with a serum that knocked me out instantly.

Worst. Day. Ever.