
The Other Side

'What did i just get myself into?' I think to myself and sip my hot coco. I look out over the land and see a figure in the distance and i try to get a good look at it but it's too far to see. I blink and it's gone. I look around to see if i can see it again and it's right below the balcony. 'WHAT THE F**K IS THAT?!!!' I think in my head and trip going backwards into the house and hit the floor hard with a thud. The area around me slowly develops into darkness and i black out unconscious. A teenage girl living with a cold demented man only to have her world turned upside down by one fateful person that keeps saving her life time and time again. Will she ever really meet her savior or keeping going in a never ending loop of being the princess in distress and to be saved then left on the side alone?

ShadowOwl4876 · Fantasía
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8 Chs

The Journey

I woke up with a splash of water on my face and I look to my left to see the butler William with a vase in his hands.

"Wake up. The master wants you downstairs for breakfast in 10." He says and leaves with the vase and I grab my soggy pillow and fling it at him but he shuts the door before it hits him.

"Hmph...waking me up with ice cold water, I'm cold now." I complain and get up and grab the towel he left on the door handle and dried off getting dressed.

I walked downstairs and saw the table set up for breakfast covered in food and different plates. I sat down across from death at the table and started adding food onto my plate.

"Morning pet." He says looking up from the papers he had on his side of the table. I look up at him and nod with a mouthful of food and continue eating.

"Don't forget your mission today. Make sure you get that name. Be back home by sundown if not I'm locking the house." He threatens and makes sure I'm listening.

I look up at him and nod. "Yes master." I said after I swallowed my food. I finished up my food and bowed before leaving the table and grabbed my cloak and dagger as I sprint out the door.

I slipped the knife into its holster on my belt and put up my hood on my cloak and made my way through the forest again back to town.

I slowed down and looked around to see if I could spot him again. I walked into the inn and found the lady at the counter and walked up to her.

"Did you see a man with white armor pass through here yesterday?" I ask kindly as it leaves a nasty taste on my tongue.

She looks at me nervously and nods pointing to the door. "Yes he came in with a man and left without another word." She said shyly.

I look out the door and back to her. "When did they leave?" I ask urgently. She looks at the clock and back at me.

"Not too long ago, like 5 min ago you can probably catch them." She says and backs up from the counter.

"Thanks." I say and run out of the Inn and look both ways and spot the man with the white armor and the man that was with him. I sprint down the road and cover my head with my hood and carefully follow shortly behind them.

I walk and keep a good distance as they walk through town hiding behind buildings, keeping out of sight. I over hear their conversation,

"Thank you Max for escorting me on this great day. I've been trying to get through this town to get to Sylvan for so long. Bad rumors have been told around these parts. Told that death himself lives in a mansion in the dark woods with a girl that was brainwashed or something and uses her for his raids. She's like his weapon or something. Poor girl, never lived a regular life." The man said as the guy in white listened closely.

I clench my jaw and look around the building then they were gone. I look side to side and scan the area but they disappeared.

I huff and turn around to head back to the mansion. 'Max huh...well i have your name now.' I think and grin devilishly and sprint back to the house.

I reach the mansion and swing open the doors and I find death waiting for me a few feet ahead with his arms crossed.

"Well? Did you get a name or did you disappoint me yet again?" He sneers tapping his foot waiting for an answer.

I gulp nervously and bow in front of him. "I found a name master. The man's name is Max. They didn't mention a last name though." I reply and look up at him still bowing not to anger him.

He looks at me shocked and takes a double take with a look of fear on his face. 'This is the first time I've seen him this scared before.' I think to myself and straighten up.

"Master? Who is this man?" I ask stepping toward him holding out my hand. He looks at me then my hand and reaches for it holding it in his.

"Pet...i have another mission for you. I want you to go down there and figure out why he's here and make sure he isn't coming to the mansion. If he is...get back here as quick as you can. I can't afford to lose you too." He says his voice and expression filled with worry.

I look at him and read his fear making me terrified but I keep my composure and nod clasping his hand.

"I won't fail you master. I'll get the information." I say and run back out of the house slamming the door behind me.

I race back to town practically out of breath as my heart is racing and the importance of the mission he put me on. I look around and curse in my head for forgetting that I lost them last time.

I keep searching around the place that I last saw him and search the whole town. I hear chit chat and peak around a corner and two hands reach out and grab my arms pulling me into the alley.

"Well well well...look what the cat dragged in. It's whittle Mavis and her clever tricks out on the streets pick pocketing for money again." The two men say as they hold me down and I struggle to get out of their grasp.

I look at their clothing and they were wearing similar white armor that I was looking for. "W-Who are you?" I say slightly frightened knowing the fear from my master and the people he was scared of was holding me down in an alleyway.

They chuckle and look at me and one of them uses their spare hand to hold my chin and look straight at me. "The ones that were paid to kill you and your master while we escort a man to safety from your little raids." The man said and I struggle to get out of their grasp.

I growl and my eyes turn dark auburn red barely noticeable but the one holding my chin notices. He lets go and tells his buddies to let go.

"Were only allowed to kill you if you kill others. So DON'T go killing anyone while were here...or you will be killed on sight." He said and pushed me back into the street and once I looked back...they were gone.