
4. Things are about to get interesting

An: hey guys. Took a little break. I think those are good. Especially when you want to write without error. I know some mistakes were in the first couple chapters. I'll try to keep those to a minimum. About to see the history of lance's family. Here we go.


1 week later Lance Pov

I end a morning run outside my new abode.

It's a beautiful modern home much like the cullens in design. A mix of wood and stone creates a tapestry of human beauty to the nature around it. It has many windows for natural light and behind it is a huge pond.

This is good. I always loved water. I step inside and there is a bike in the garage. A classic all black design.

I make my way into the door of the garage and find myself in the kitchen. I don't even bother checking stuff out. I go right to the master bedroom and look for anything that could give me a clue as to what is here.

I find a key and a box. I open the lock on the wooden container and find a map with words at the bottom, "In case you have to go through this alone."

I didn't know what it meant but I grabbed a hoodie and threw a leather jacket on, walked to the bike and put the helmet on.

Time to find out what this is.

I follow the road toward the Canadian border for about half an hour before I see the turn I'm supposed to take.

Another 15 minutes on a dirt road and I see a little cabin with a cave back behind the structure.

I don't bother going into the house. That cave is the key. I know it. I can feel it.

As I make my way into the cave I see deep scratches in the rock. I run my hand through them and feel energy course through my body.

Further back in the cave is completely dark. So I decide to go look for a flashlight. After snooping around the cabin I find a standard flashlight and make my way back toward cave.

Once I'm Inside the cave I turn It on and see a drawing that depicts crazy events. First is a lone man who gradually gathers people around himself. Next shows the people turning to wolfs under a full moon. The next thing I see is huge chains with equally large cuffs anchored Into the wall deep. I decide I don't like the feeling in here and leave.

My head is spinning as I make my way back into the cabin to try and find anything to explain what the words at the bottom of the pictures scratched into the walls as well as the huge chains.

I find it in the largest room. A letter with the same handwriting as on the map.

Lance if you're reading this, we've passed on. I'm sorry I can't be there to guide you. But you must learn to control it. The beast. It's inside of you as it is me. You can't let it control you.

On the first full moon after your 18th birthday, you will change. The beast will become uncontrollable for that night. The first time shifting is always like this. You'll have control eventually, but the first time the monster inside is breaking out recklessly.

Use the chains kid. You must use the chains.

I drop the paper and try to think. My birthday is January 1. Tomorrow. Which also happens to be a full moon...… fuck.

I immediately begin to freak out. Seeing the Silhouettes scratched into the wall let's me know the type of wolf I will turn into is vastly different than the Quileute tribes 4 legged version. I began to make arrangements. I'd planned to go eat with Charlie And Bella tomorrow as I just enjoy hanging out with the police chief, but if I'm going to be wolfy I need to cancel that.

I also have school starting back. Full moon+ First day of school+ first transformation, What could go wrong? Fuck.

Things are getting interesting.

I decide I need to sleep. Better to be rested and ready for tomorrow. Meeting vampires as a wolf has me on edge. Natural enemies. I just hope the broody fuck stays out of my head.


Sophia Cullen Pov

As I ready myself for school I begin thinking back on Alice's words about her vision of my supposed mate. Another horny teenage boy who thinks about nothing and no one but himself. All teenage boys are like this in some capacity, it's inevitable. Besides, why would I want to subject someone to eternity?

It may seem nice in theory, but it's a curse As much as it is a blessing. That's the way such things always work isn't it? It's never all good or all bad. Just kind of a fucked up mix of both.

My dad was the worst person ever. Since I killed him after turning into a vampire, no man has ever touched me and lived. All I wanted was to not be the scared little girl who couldn't do anything. Now I was able to.

I dress in my classic black style that screams leave me alone and try to prepare myself for the annoyance about to be flying around my ear like a nat.


Lance Pov

As I dress myself and ready for the day I begin to plan what's going to happen after I'm out of school. I'll go get food and water from the house and bring them to the cabin so I can eat after all this mess is over. I've already checked the chains many many times. If I break through them then I honestly don't know what's going to happen.

I've heard of children of the moon in this universe, but honestly I don't know if it's residual memories of a fanfiction I'm putting into canon or not.

Never the less, I don't want to go on some killing spree. I need to get my feet balanced in the supernatural before I can draw such unwanted attention to myself.

After getting a decent plan together for what I assume will be the worst night of my life, I throw on the classic hoodie and leather jacket combo while heading towards the motorcycle in the garage.

I start it up and hear it roar to life. I smile under the visor of the dark helmet, slowly back it down the driveway into the street and peel off towards school.


My music is playing in my headphones while I drive in the beautiful misty Pacific Northwest forests. After about 15 minutes I reach town and not 5 minutes later I see the classic Forks High School building emerge.

The tippy top of cringy supernatural teen romance that I was genuinely excited see play out. I want to get this wolf thing under control then I can start messing with people. Or I can just lay back and watch it unfold. A casual observer.

All my thoughts of staying away from the cullens and Bella swan were forgotten when I saw a small brown haired figure next to the movie version of Alice cullen.

She looked familiar to me but I can't remember where I'd seen her. She was a beautiful girl. One of if not the most beautiful I've seen.

Thankfully I was able to pull my head away from blatantly staring at the group of vampires as I pull into the parking lot and park near the exit as to stay away from teenage drivers and their stupidity.

My music still plays in my ears as I breathe in and out to calm myself down. It's time to get this show on the road. I notice several people staring at me. All teenagers who look like they see a shiny new toy.

However, one gaze feels increasingly harsh. From the cullens direction behind me. I try to ignore the hair standing on the back of my neck and take my helmet off, put it in the saddle bag and begin walking with my backpack into the school.

I don't get two steps before I throw my hood up to avoid having to speak to anyone. I just need to get through today so I can focus on this wolf thing. Highschool will be a breeze just like it was in my last life.

As I reach the door I look back to see a busted orange red pickup truck come rolling into the parking lot driven by none other than Bella Swan. In truth, as clumsy as she is I have no idea how anyone who knows her is comfortable with letting her drive any kind of motorized vehicle.

I chuckle to myself and turn back into the school to try and grab my schedule and find my way around before the bell rings.

I walk in and In no time find the receptions office. I take my headphones out and pause the music while speaking to the older women behind the counter with a smile.

"Excuse me miss? My name is Lance Steel and I called about a week ago to set up my transfer."

She gave me a smile in return and spoke while typing my name into a computer.

"Give me one second Mr. Steel….. yes here we are. Your schedule is right here. Just take the next two lefts and the first door on your right will be the class you'll go to first. Have a great day."

I nod and begin following her directions and I arrive at a classroom. I knock on the door three times and await a response.

"Come in!" I hear muffled from behind the door.

I step into an empty classroom sans a beautiful blonde teacher at the front behind a desk.

I clear my throat and speak, "excuse me. I'm Lance Steel. Just thought I'd introduce myself to you before class started. I hope that's okay?"

She smiles and responded while getting up and extending her hand. Before she speaks though the bell rings.

After a few seconds of the most annoying sound I've ever heard in either life ends she speaks as student begin filling into the room.

"I'm Mrs. Anderson. A pleasure to meet you. Sit anywhere as it's s new semester and thus all new classes. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask." I smile and kiss her hand. As I'm coming up though I feel that burning gaze on me again.

Turning to my left I see the girl in the parking lot I saw beside the vamps. Darker skin than any of the cullens but not incredibly so, black hair and currently black eyes looking at me like she could kill me.

I let go of the teachers hand, ignore the pissed off vampiress and smile at Mrs. Anderson before going to the back of the class feeling that burning gaze follow me the entire way.

Thankfully this is just art class, meaning I can slack off a bit. As i begin pulling paper and pencils out of my backpack I feel the chair next to me slide out accompanied by a very alluring scent. Like vanilla and cinnamon. I see the vampire beside me and my heart kicks up immediately at the sheer reality of what's happening right now. An otherworldly vampire is sitting in a class full of people like it's nothing.

I don't speak to her. Just continue doing my thing. I have no desire to be involved with any sort of supernatural creature.

I begin feeling like my body was going to explode with heat. I quickly realize this was a symptom of the beast becoming more active. 'A couple deep breaths and I'll be fine,' I think to myself.


After the bell for the first class rings I run out of class to the next one and out my head down. I have a massive fever. The teacher immediately recognized how bad I looked and told me to go to the nurse. I tried arguing but he was steadfast saying there was no point being here if I'm sleeping and sick.

I go and see I have a 106° fever. The nurse advised me to go to the hospital but I had no interest in that. She reluctantly allows me to leave by myself and On the way I walk to the bathroom to put some water on my face.

As I look up into the mirror after splashing water onto my head I see my eyes going from my natural blue to a deep tawny.
