
The Origin of the Greek World

Greek mythology has so many interesting stories and mysteries, from the story of Medusa to that of King Midas to the brutal defeat and Humiliation of Zeus and so many stories with good, bad and horrible endings, some famous and others unheard of but just as good, everything you could ask for and more...Read Now

Toju_TheWriter · Historia
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22 Chs

The Beginning (Part1) The Primordial gods and their offspring

At the beginning of everything there was only Chaos. It was the element of what would form the universe, but just like the name, it was all just chaos and was absent of meaning. This period of pure chaos lasted for many ages. Until Gaia-The Mother Earth emerged from this Primordial Chaos, a goddess whose main characteristic was her extreme fertility. The goddess Gaia gave birth to our planet and personifies everything that covers the earth. She gave birth to several primordial deities, Such as Pontus-The god of the Sea and Oreus-The deity of the mountains.

Gaia gave birth to the god Uranus, A supreme being who would personify Heaven, reigning over all things. Uranus made Gaia his wife. During the night, Nyx-The goddess of the night also emerged from Chaos, she crossed the heavens every day covering it with her dark aura. At dusk Uranus and Gaia united and the fruits of this union quickly began to blossom, the goddess Gaia gave birth to creatures with dreadful features including the Hecatoncheires-monsters with a hundred arms and several heads and the Cyclops-powerful one-eyed beings.

Uranus and Gaia also gave birth to a new generation of gods, powerful beings who would become known as titans. The celestial god Uranus when he saw the powerful offspring, he had begotten began to fear being dethroned by them, so he took action, Uranus threw all his children into Tartarus-a dark place in the depths of the earth, angered the titans beat the walls of Tartarus violently in an attempt to escape. They were trapped in Gaia's womb and due to the revolt of such powerful beings, they caused an intense pain in their mother, and she suffered terrible aches. Gaia being unable to stand the pain anymore, she decided to conspire against her husband.

The goddess asked one of her children to fight against Uranus and destroy him but all of them rejected except one-the most ambitious of them all, Kronos who believed he could perform the task. Kronos received a Scythe made out of diamond, wielding his new weapon he headed to the heavens. In the celestial residence of Uranus, Kronos found the supreme god sleeping on a cloud and with a sharp stroke of his mighty scythe the titan Kronos castrated his father. Uranus's cry of pain echoed throughout the universe. The skies were painted bright red-the blood of Uranus.

Uranus's testicles were thrown into the ocean and due to their fertilizing power, several deities emerged in the waters. Kronos triumphantly returned and freed his imprisoned brothers and as the great hero of the revolt he was hailed as the new supreme god of the universe. Kronos however didn't free the Hecatoncheires nor the cyclops because he considered them to be very dangerous and hence, they remained in Tartarus. After the banquet the new sovereign was visited by his father's specter which revealed a terrible prophecy to him, and the prophecy was that Like Uranus-his father who had been dethroned by an infamous descendant, Kronos would also lose the supreme throne, and he would be overthrown by his own son in a terrible fate.....

Hey guys Toju-Senpai here hope you enjoyed the very first chapter, decided to leave it at a cliff hanger to get you excited for more. Now i need you to decide, would you prefer daily uploads for the next 261 days? because there'll be atleast 261 chapters or i could just post twice ot thrice a week so we can be done within a year. Don't forget to motivate me. *wink* *wink*

Love you all

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