
The only favourite in the world of beast "

As a special soldier, Tan Xiaoshi has been a girl with a lolita appearance and a strong heart but a teasing girl from the moment she stepped into the barracks. But when she accidentally crossed into the world of orcs, her world seemed to be only: "Damn, that's okay!?" Turning into a big lion, Tan Xiaoshi was stunned: "Damn, this is okay!?" It turns out that all the beautiful men here are beasts, and there are never any beautiful women. Beastmen stand in line and are pushed down every day! what! Do you want to give birth to cubs after giving birth? Hey, hey, don't come here, I'm a special soldier! Let's see how our heroine is spoiled by all the beautiful men and subverts the world view, and then see how our heroine uses her attributes of a man to subvert the world view of the beasts!

Coco_8856 · Fantasía
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66 Chs

Guarding against ghosts and beasts

You go in and wait, the red fruit will be baked soon." Hill hung up the clothes, pulled Tan Xiaoshi into the room, and then put the fruit in front of her, "Eat some fruit first." Tan

Xiaoshi Shi picked up the fruit, and Hill went out of the house, started a fire, and roasted the red fruit.

While gnawing on the fruit, Tan Xiaoshi felt a little envious of the females in this world.

All women want to be cared for by their significant other and pampered in the palm of their hand. In modern times, there are very few women who can realize their dreams, but here, every female is like this. Not only that, but their love is many times that of modern women.

She has never thought about finding multiple partners, nor does she envy multiple partners. She only hopes to find someone who treats her wholeheartedly.

Hill's food intake was several times that of Tan Xiaoshi's. In addition to roasting the red fruit, he also roasted the wild boar left over from last night, and then ate a full meal.

"Well, Xiaoshi, I saw a lot of ghosts and beasts in the forest just now, and the estrous period is coming soon, so you must pay attention to safety, and don't leave the house if you can." Hill gnawed on the bones, Talk about a little poem.

Tan Xiaoshi thought of the ghost beasts that broke into the tribe that day. Those ghost beasts were very brave and very beastly, and they were indeed a great threat to the tribe.

"Okay, I'll be careful," she said.

Hill thought for a while, and quickly finished the meat, "I'm going to the leader's place, and you'll go back to the stone house after eating."

"Okay, you can go." Tan Xiaoshi smiled at him.

Hill glanced at her, quite affectionately, and then turned into a lion and ran away.

Every time Hill went out, he would look at her like that, and now he is used to talking about small poems.

Tan Xiaoshi knew from Hill that the tribe they belonged to was the smallest tribe here, so they had always been the targets of those ghosts and other tribes.

If ghosts and beasts invade on a large scale, it will cause devastating damage to the tribe.

If they were allowed to abduct the females, the lives of those females might be ruined.

Maybe she can do something, although she doesn't have sharp claws and fangs, and she doesn't have such a strong body, but she has a brain and a pair of hands that can touch almost all weapons.

Thinking, she slowly raised the corners of her lips, she thought of it.

Hill came back soon, and the tribal leader attached great importance to the news he brought back. He has ordered the tribe to strengthen the guards and do their best to protect the safety of the females.

After Hill came back, Tan Xiaoshi told Hill what she had thought up, and Hill went out to help her find things again.

It's not hard to find things Tan Xiaoshi said, bamboo, strong rattan, and animal tendons.

Because those things were not easy to get, Hill went back and forth three times to get enough things for Tan Xiaoshi.

Tan Xiaoshi first asked Hill to pull out the tendons of the animals he had captured, then washed them and dried them.

While Hill was picking up the animals, Tan Xiaoshi was researching and making traps with bamboo and rattan.

After Hill cleaned up the animals according to what Tan Xiaoshi said, Tan Xiaoshi also figured out how to set up traps, but setting up traps still requires the approval of the tribal leader.

Hill took Tan Xiaoshi to find the leader of the tribe, Hal. When Hal saw Tan Xiaoshi's appearance, he was stunned for a moment. After Tan Xiaoshi told Hal what he thought, , Hal actually felt a bit of admiration for the female in front of him, and then he agreed to set up traps according to Tan Xiaoshi's method.