
the one within you

john_stanley · Horror
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2 Chs

the devil made me do it - part 2 & 3

part - 2

I was walking home returning from an errand. Suddenly a voiced from behind stopped me.

"Hey, brat. How are you?" the man asked me.

He was quite tall and wearing a funeral suit. He got a sarcastic look on his face. By the way, I was going to be an adult. I became irritated.

"I am not a brat. Excuse me, do I know you?"

"Yes"." You are a brat because your bully classmates called you."

Before he could finish, my mom suddenly came. She stopped beside me and asked,

" What are you doing here?"

She looked unhappy. I didn't have idea what happened. I am afraid - maybe dad's secret got exposed, this was the only reason I could come up there.


I didn't like his face then.

"Pardon me. Does my son know you?" she asked smilingly.

"No...no. I am new in here. I am Fedare Anderson. New assistant of Dr. Martin Cooper, the famous biologist , you know."

"Sorry. I don't know him." mom replied.

"Well. you will eventually know him." He gave a very weird smile.

He left. My mom said nothing.

I was pissed like when he talked to me, his voice was deep and cracked , sounding like a mad man. And suddenly he became like a salesman when he talked to my mom. Was this because she was a housewife!!

We came back to our house. The house was quite decorated when I was away.

"Little surprise, Arthur. " Both of them looked at me happily while holding their hands. I was happy for dad.

"You don't have to do that. I am gonna be 18. That's embarrassing."

"And no one is gonna show up." I cried.

"You would be our little son no matter how much you grow...that decoration is not for strangers, It's for us. We will celebrate your birthday tomorrow ." mom said with her forceful voice and dad agreed.

"Do you know who is gonna show up?" mom looked excited.

"Who," I said.

"Jessica," both of them answered.

"You like her,don't you?" dad asked.

"Dad!!!" I was looking at dad. "You promised me?"

"I am your mom. I knew everything about you. Okay?"

Part - 3

The house we were living was on the outskirt of the village. There was only one house beside us. So Jessica and I had to go to school together. I was so delighted. Jessica once told me how she was so scared of go to school. It was normal.

The forest was deep and we had to cross it by road. It was creepy like someone was watching us. But it was just villagers gathering woods. They saw us differently like we were strangers and a bad kind of them. I liked horror but to experience it in real was kinda out of my imagination. It gives me chill down my spine.

Whatever, a good thing had been happened if we were not in middle of the forest. We almost kissed each other but...

Alas! It never happened. It would happen if it was not for that bird,if it was not for that forest and those people watching villagers. I got pissed. We were so close that even we could hear each other's heartbeat. Hence I took a stick but at the next moment dropped it. I got scared of their eyes.

In the school, we had to go to separate classes. I knew she was more smart than me. I wanted to go to school with Jessica but I never wanted to reach school.

There came my bullies.Thomas Petersen - (note: the others were not relevant for the story. So, I skipped them).

Yes, despite me being tall, I was bullied and despite him the shortest one, he was the bully.

"Hey, madafaka pole!? Come down. How dare you looking down on me?"

He said while looking at my thighs.He got a very proud attitude. The others were laughing. You know, how the bully ones laugh while bullying - that kind of laugh.

So, I had to kneel down so that we could be equal.

"What are you doing, bitch! Lay down,f**ker. We know what are you doing with Jessica?"

I lied down.

"Now that's our standard, isn't it?" He and the others were just laughing and laughing.

"I heard today's your birthday. What friends we are if we don't give you a present!"

All agreed.

"Excuse me, ma'am. The poor boy is sleeping down the hallway. It's the violation of our school rules. Right,ma'am?"

"Great.What a timing!!! All of other teachers from the school I have to go with Ms. Strict Robinson," I mumbled.

Ms.Robinson looking at me angrily,

"Come with me now."

"Happy present to you. Bye". He replied with a crack voice . They left with their big smile and left me with Ms.Robinson.

I had written the school rules ten times after school and then I had the chance to return home.

In the evening, we had a great party? - If I could say that. But no, it didn't happen. The uninvited villagers, Jessica and I found at the woods, my family along with Jessica had a creepy party. Almost all of them had touched the knives more than once and didn't say a single word. My parents were pretty shocked. The Mrs.Brown, mom had talked a lot didn't even look at her. But in the end, they all returned giving us a lot of fruits.

I came out of the house at night with Jessica to walk her home. She invited me to her house. I immediately accepted and got excited.

In her room, with no reason I found a knife in my pocket and stabbed her. when I came in sense, I found her lying down beside her bed. I was so much in panic that I ran straight home. My mom came and knocked at my door but I didn't answer. I didn't sleep that night.